use std::collections::HashSet; use std::env; use std::fs::{self, File}; use std::io::{LineWriter, Write}; use std::path::{Path, PathBuf}; use bindgen::{self, EnumVariation}; mod api; fn find_rs_files(dir: &Path, files: &mut Vec) { let dir_iter = fs::read_dir(dir).expect("Failed to read dir"); for entry in dir_iter { let entry = entry.expect("Failed to get dir entry"); let p = entry.path(); if p.is_dir() { find_rs_files(&p, files); } else if p.extension().and_then(|s| s.to_str()) == Some("rs") { files.push(p.canonicalize().expect("Failed to canonicalize file path")); } } } fn discover_src_files() -> Vec { let mut src = env::current_dir().expect("Failed to get cwd"); src.push("src"); let mut ret = Vec::new(); find_rs_files(&src, &mut ret); ret } fn bindings_files() -> Vec { let ignore: HashSet = vec!["src/"] .iter() .map(|f| fs::canonicalize(f).expect("Failed to canonicalize file path")) .collect(); discover_src_files() .into_iter() .filter(|p| !ignore.contains(p)) .collect() } fn generate_bindings_header() -> String { let buf = Vec::new(); let mut writer = LineWriter::new(buf); writer.write_all(b"#ifndef BINDGEN_H_\n").unwrap(); if cfg!(target_pointer_width = "64") { writer.write_all(b"#define MCO_PLATFORM_X64 1\n").unwrap(); } writer.write_all(b"#include \"mco.h\"\n").unwrap(); writer.write_all(b"#include \"mcocomp.h\"\n").unwrap(); writer.write_all(b"#include \"sql/sqlrs.h\"\n").unwrap(); writer.write_all(b"#include \"sql/mcoapic.h\"\n").unwrap(); writer.write_all(b"#include \"sql/sqlcln_c.h\"\n").unwrap(); writer.write_all(b"#include \"sql/sqlsrv_c.h\"\n").unwrap(); writer.write_all(b"#endif /* BINDGEN_H_ */\n").unwrap(); writer.flush().unwrap(); String::from_utf8(writer.into_inner().unwrap()).unwrap() } fn generate_bindings(mco_inc_dir: &Path) -> String { let bindings_header = generate_bindings_header(); let builder = bindgen::Builder::default() .clang_arg(String::from("-I") + mco_inc_dir.to_str().unwrap()) .header_contents("bindgen.h", &bindings_header) .default_enum_style(EnumVariation::ModuleConsts) .generate_comments(false) .layout_tests(false) .whitelist_function("mco_.*") .whitelist_type("mco_.*") .whitelist_type("MCO_.*") .whitelist_function("mcoapi_.*") .whitelist_function("mcosql_.*") .whitelist_function("sqlsrv_.*") .whitelist_function("sqlcln_.*"); builder .generate() .expect("Unable to generate bindings") .to_string() } #[test] fn api_check() { // This test parses the extremedb_sys FFI declarations and matches them // against bindings generated dynamically by bindgen. // // The objective of this test is to make sure that no breaking changes // are introduced in the C APIs which are not reflected in the Rust // declarations. let mco_root = PathBuf::from(env::var("MCO_ROOT").unwrap()); let mco_inc = mco_root.join("include"); let files = bindings_files(); assert_eq!(files.len(), 3); let bindings = generate_bindings(&mco_inc); let mut bld_inner = api::Builder::new(); for fname in files { let f = File::open(&fname).expect("Failed to open input file");"Failed to parse file"); } let mut bld_outer = api::Builder::new(); bld_outer.no_strict(); bld_outer .read_file_str(&bindings) .expect("Failed to parse bindings"); let inner = bld_inner.finish().expect("Failed to parse static bindings"); let outer = bld_outer .finish() .expect("Failed to parse generated bindings"); let matcher = api::Matcher::new(); matcher.match_apis(&inner, &outer).expect("API mismatch"); }