from datetime import date from typing import List, Optional, Tuple, cast import regex as re from courts_db import courts from eyecite.models import ( CaseCitation, CitationBase, FullCaseCitation, FullJournalCitation, FullLawCitation, ParagraphToken, ResourceCitation, StopWordToken, Token, Tokens, ) from eyecite.regexes import ( POST_FULL_CITATION_REGEX, POST_JOURNAL_CITATION_REGEX, POST_LAW_CITATION_REGEX, POST_SHORT_CITATION_REGEX, YEAR_REGEX, ) from eyecite.utils import strip_punct BACKWARD_SEEK = 28 # Median case name length in the CL db is 28 (2016-02-26) # Maximum characters to scan using match_on_tokens. # If this is higher we have to do a little more work for each match_on_tokens # call to prepare the text to be matched. MAX_MATCH_CHARS = 300 def get_court_by_paren(paren_string: str) -> Optional[str]: """Takes the citation string, usually something like "2d Cir", and maps that back to the court code. Does not work on SCOTUS, since that court lacks parentheticals, and needs to be handled after disambiguation has been completed. """ court_str = strip_punct(paren_string) court_code = None if court_str: # Map the string to a court, if possible. for court in courts: # Use startswith because citations are often missing final period, # e.g. "2d Cir" if court["citation_string"].startswith(court_str): court_code = court["id"] break return court_code # Highest valid year is this year + 1 because courts in December sometimes # cite a case to be published in January. _highest_valid_year = + 1 def get_year(word: str) -> Optional[int]: """Given a matched year string, look for a year within a reasonable range.""" try: year = int(word) except ValueError: return None if year < 1600 or year > _highest_valid_year: return None return year def add_post_citation(citation: CaseCitation, words: Tokens) -> None: """Add to a citation object any additional information found after the base citation, including court, year, and possibly page range. See POST_CITATION_REGEX for examples. """ m = match_on_tokens( words, citation.index + 1, POST_FULL_CITATION_REGEX, ) if not m: return citation.metadata.pin_cite = clean_pin_cite(m["pin_cite"]) or None citation.metadata.extra = (m["extra"] or "").strip() or None citation.metadata.parenthetical = process_parenthetical(m["parenthetical"]) citation.metadata.year = m["year"] if m["year"]: citation.year = get_year(m["year"]) if m["court"]: citation.metadata.court = get_court_by_paren(m["court"]) def add_defendant(citation: CaseCitation, words: Tokens) -> None: """Scan backwards from reporter until you find v., in re, etc. If no known stop-token is found, no defendant name is stored. In the future, this could be improved. """ start_index = None back_seek = citation.index - BACKWARD_SEEK for index in range(citation.index - 1, max(back_seek, -1), -1): word = words[index] if word == ",": # Skip it continue if isinstance(word, StopWordToken): if word.groups["stop_word"] == "v" and index > 0: citation.metadata.plaintiff = "".join( str(w) for w in words[max(index - 2, 0) : index] ).strip() start_index = index + 1 break if word.endswith(";"): # String citation break if start_index: citation.metadata.defendant = "".join( str(w) for w in words[start_index : citation.index] ).strip(", ") def add_law_metadata(citation: FullLawCitation, words: Tokens) -> None: """Annotate FullLawCitation with pin_cite, publisher, etc.""" m = match_on_tokens( words, citation.index + 1, POST_LAW_CITATION_REGEX, strings_only=True ) if not m: return citation.metadata.pin_cite = clean_pin_cite(m["pin_cite"]) or None citation.metadata.publisher = m["publisher"] = m["day"] citation.metadata.month = m["month"] citation.metadata.parenthetical = process_parenthetical(m["parenthetical"]) citation.metadata.year = m["year"] if m["year"]: citation.year = get_year(m["year"]) def add_journal_metadata(citation: FullJournalCitation, words: Tokens) -> None: """Annotate FullJournalCitation with pin_cite, year, etc.""" m = match_on_tokens( words, citation.index + 1, POST_JOURNAL_CITATION_REGEX, strings_only=True, ) if not m: return citation.metadata.pin_cite = clean_pin_cite(m["pin_cite"]) or None citation.metadata.parenthetical = process_parenthetical(m["parenthetical"]) citation.metadata.year = m["year"] if m["year"]: citation.year = get_year(m["year"]) def clean_pin_cite(pin_cite: Optional[str]) -> Optional[str]: """Strip spaces and commas from pin_cite, if it is not None.""" if pin_cite is None: return pin_cite return pin_cite.strip(", ") def process_parenthetical( matched_parenthetical: Optional[str], ) -> Optional[str]: """Exclude any additional parentheticals matched as well as year parentheticals For example: 'something) (something else)' will be trimmed down to 'something' but 'something (clarifying something) or other' will be kept in full. """ if matched_parenthetical is None: return matched_parenthetical paren_balance = 0 for i, char in enumerate(matched_parenthetical): if char == "(": # Nested parenthetical paren_balance += 1 elif char == ")": paren_balance -= 1 if paren_balance < 0: # End parenthetical reached return matched_parenthetical[:i] or None if re.match(YEAR_REGEX, matched_parenthetical, flags=re.X): return None return matched_parenthetical or None def extract_pin_cite( words: Tokens, index: int, prefix: str = "" ) -> Tuple[Optional[str], Optional[int], Optional[str]]: """Test whether text following token at index is a valid pin cite. Return pin cite text and number of extra characters matched. If prefix is provided, use that as the start of text to match. """ from_token = cast(Token, words[index]) m = match_on_tokens( words, index + 1, POST_SHORT_CITATION_REGEX, prefix=prefix, strings_only=True, ) if m: if m["pin_cite"]: pin_cite = clean_pin_cite(m["pin_cite"]) extra_chars = len(m["pin_cite"].rstrip(", ")) else: pin_cite = None extra_chars = 0 parenthetical = process_parenthetical(m["parenthetical"]) return ( pin_cite, from_token.end + extra_chars - len(prefix), parenthetical, ) return None, None, None def match_on_tokens( words, start_index, regex, prefix="", strings_only=False, forward=True, flags=re.X, ): """Scan forward or backward starting from the given index, up to max_chars. Return result of matching regex against token text. If prefix is provided, start from that text and then add token text. If strings_only is True, stop matching at any non-string token; otherwise stop matching only at paragraph tokens. """ # Build text to match against, starting from prefix text = prefix # Get range of token indexes to append to text. Use indexes instead of # slice for performance to avoid copying list. if forward: indexes = range(min(start_index, len(words)), len(words)) # If scanning forward, regex must match at start regex = rf"^(?:{regex})" else: indexes = range(max(start_index, -1), -1, -1) # If scanning backward, regex must match at end regex = rf"(?:{regex})$" # Append text of each token until we reach max_chars or a stop token: for index in indexes: token = words[index] # check for stop token if strings_only and not isinstance(token, str): break if isinstance(token, ParagraphToken): break # append or prepend text if forward: text += str(token) else: text = str(token) + text # check for max length if len(text) >= MAX_MATCH_CHARS: text = text[:MAX_MATCH_CHARS] break m =, text, flags=flags) # Useful for debugging regex failures: # print(f"Regex: {regex}") # print(f"Text: {repr(text)}") # print(f"Match: {m.groupdict() if m else None}") return m def disambiguate_reporters( citations: List[CitationBase], ) -> List[CitationBase]: """Filter out citations where there is more than one possible reporter.""" return [ c for c in citations if not isinstance(c, ResourceCitation) or c.edition_guess ] joke_cite: List[CitationBase] = [ FullCaseCitation( Token("1 FLP 1", 0, 7), 0, groups={ "volume": "1", "reporter": "FLP", "page": "1", }, year=2021, metadata={ "extra": "Eyecite is a collaborative community effort.", }, ) ]