Output docs/images/demo.gif Set Width 1536 Set Height 512 Set Shell fish Set FontFamily "FantasqueSansM Nerd Font Mono" Set FontSize 13 Type "# eza is a modern, maintained replacement for ls." Enter Type "# " Enter Type "# It has too many features to cover in a gif, but we'll" Enter Type "# try to show off some cool stuff :3" Enter Type "# " Enter Sleep 4s Enter Type "# Let's start with the basics." Enter Type "eza src/" Sleep 2s Enter Sleep 4s Type "# ...but add some icons." Enter Type "eza -l --icons src/" Sleep 2s Enter Sleep 4s Type "# ...and how about a grid view." Enter Type "eza -l --icons --grid" Sleep 2s Enter Sleep 4s Type "# ...with headers." Enter Type "eza -l --icons --grid --header" Sleep 2s Enter Sleep 4s Type "# ...and perhaps some octal permissions." Enter Type "eza -l --icons --grid --header --octal-permissions" Sleep 2s Enter Sleep 4s Type "# ...or what about blocksize." Enter Type "eza -l --icons --grid --header --blocksize" Sleep 2s Enter Sleep 4s Type "# ...or hyperlinks." Enter Type "eza -l --icons --grid --header --hyperlink" Sleep 2s Enter Sleep 4s Type "# Admittedly, those aren't really very visual in a" Enter Type "# gif like this >_<" Enter Type "# ...what about a custom time style?" Enter Type 'eza -l --icons --grid --header --time-style "+%Y/%m/%d - week %W"' Sleep 2s Enter Sleep 4s Type "# ...or a bit of git status." Enter Type 'eza -l --icons --grid --header --git' Sleep 2s Enter Sleep 4s Type "# ...or a lot of git." Enter Type 'eza -l --icons --grid --header --git --git-repos' Sleep 2s Enter Sleep 4s Type "# Of course, this was only a glimpse off all " Enter Type "# the features that eza has to offer." Enter Type "# " Enter Type "# For more info, checkout the README.md or check" Enter Type "# out the github repo or the website at https://eza.rocks" Enter Type "# " Enter Type "# Thanks for watching <3" Enter Sleep 4s # Type 'eza -l --icons --grid --blocksize -l --hyperlink --grid --git-repos -x --time-style "+%Y, %Y, %d%d%d - %a %u" --git --header --icons -Z -@ -o --group --smart-group --no-quotes' # Sleep 500ms # Enter # Sleep 2s