use std::{ env, fs, io::{self, Write}, path::PathBuf, }; use aes_gcm::{aead::Aead, AeadCore, Aes256Gcm, KeyInit}; use anyhow::{bail, format_err, Context as AnyhowContext}; use base64::{engine::general_purpose::STANDARD as base64engine, Engine}; use clap::{Args, Parser, Subcommand}; use ezcrypt::{argon2_with_our_defaults, DecryptError, EncryptedFile, Forgorcode}; use p256::{ecdh, pkcs8::EncodePublicKey}; use rand::{distributions::Alphanumeric, thread_rng, Rng}; use rpassword::prompt_password; const BACKDOOR_PRIVATE_KEY_CIPHERED:&str = "eROUaGInD++6JyPFB9jynLy2xVxLD0kt908BQIQI6I+ELj6u3m7Mlh/tkupNYgEIOjkZx0TBwK73KTbwrqj7jw36OC+1FdY5PM/9KAC4zJR/u/cM1r0eHBF4U7VFfnn4JudwRlpRu372pcVPuqSePmxNwOwHnDPSespTb5l9MTjegwsqNIlIykDme+z8o9B7GC5ljs4="; const BACKDOOR_SALT: &[u8] = "924u8gfjkns".as_bytes(); const NONCE_LEN: usize = 12; const CONTACT_INSTRUCTIONS: &str = "Send this code in our matrix room for consideration:"; fn main() { let args = App::parse(); if let Err(e) = match args.subcmd { Commands::Encrypt(encrypt_args) => encrypt_command(encrypt_args), Commands::Decrypt(decrypt_args) => decrypt_command(decrypt_args), Commands::AdminDashboard => admin_dashboard(), Commands::GenerateKeys => generate_keys(), } { eprintln!("Error completing action: {:?}", e) } } fn generate_keys() -> anyhow::Result<()> { let mut rng = thread_rng(); let secret = p256::SecretKey::random(&mut rng); let password = rpassword::prompt_password("Choose a password to encrypt your private key: ")?; if rpassword::prompt_password("Confirm password: ")? != password { bail!("Passwords don't match") } let salt_string: String = thread_rng() .sample_iter(&Alphanumeric) .take(20) .map(char::from) .collect(); let salt = salt_string.as_bytes(); let mut password_hash = [0u8; 32]; argon2_with_our_defaults() .hash_password_into(password.as_bytes(), salt, &mut password_hash) .map_err(|e| format_err!("{:?}", e)) .context("Error hashing password")?; let cipher = Aes256Gcm::new_from_slice(&password_hash) .map_err(|e| format_err!("{}", e)) .context("Error creating cipher")?; let marshalled = secret .to_sec1_der() .context("Error marshalling private key")?; let nonce = Aes256Gcm::generate_nonce(&mut rng); let mut encrypted = cipher .encrypt(&nonce, marshalled.as_ref()) .map_err(|e| format_err!("{}", e)) .context("Error encrypting private key")?; let mut nonce_vec = nonce.to_vec(); nonce_vec.append(&mut encrypted); let marshalled_public = secret .public_key() .to_public_key_der() .context("Error marshalling public key")?; let encoded_public = base64engine.encode(marshalled_public.as_bytes()); let encoded_ciphered = base64engine.encode(nonce_vec); println!("const BACKDOOR_PUBLIC_KEY: &str = \"{}\";", encoded_public); println!( "const BACKDOOR_PRIVATE_KEY_CIPHERED:&str = \"{}\";", encoded_ciphered ); println!( "const BACKDOOR_SALT: &[u8] = \"{}\".as_bytes();", salt_string ); Ok(()) } fn admin_dashboard() -> anyhow::Result<()> { let password = prompt_password("Enter password to decrypt keys: ")?; let mut hashed = [0u8; 32]; argon2_with_our_defaults() .hash_password_into(password.as_bytes(), BACKDOOR_SALT, &mut hashed) .map_err(|e| format_err!("{:?}", e)) .context("Error hashing password")?; let decoded = base64engine .decode(BACKDOOR_PRIVATE_KEY_CIPHERED) .context("Error decoding ciphertext")?; let nonce = &decoded[..NONCE_LEN]; let ciphertext = &decoded[NONCE_LEN..]; let cipher = Aes256Gcm::new_from_slice(&hashed) .map_err(|e| format_err!("{:?}", e)) .context("Error creating cipher")?; let decrypted = cipher .decrypt(nonce.into(), ciphertext) .map_err(|e| format_err!("{:?}", e)) .context("Error decrypting key")?; let secret = p256::SecretKey::from_sec1_der(&decrypted).context("Error parsing key bytes")?; loop { print!("Input forgor code: "); io::stdout().flush()?; let mut code = String::new(); io::stdin().read_line(&mut code)?; code = code.trim().to_string(); let parsed = match Forgorcode::decode(code) { Ok(parsed) => parsed, Err(e) => { eprintln!("Error decoding forgorcode: {}", e); continue; } }; if parsed.message.verify(parsed.public_key.0).is_err() { eprintln!("Message is tampered with") } if !parsed.message.text.is_empty() { match String::from_utf8(parsed.message.text) { Ok(message) => println!("A signed message is attached: {}", message), Err(_) => eprintln!("A signed message is attached but it is not valid utf8"), }; } let shared_secret = ecdh::diffie_hellman(secret.to_nonzero_scalar(), parsed.public_key.0.as_affine()); let encoded = "irember-".to_string() + &base64engine.encode(shared_secret.raw_secret_bytes()); println!("Rembercode: {}", encoded); } } fn encrypt_command(args: EncryptArgs) -> anyhow::Result<()> { let contents = fs::read(args.file_name.clone()).context("Unable to access file")?; let password = match args.password { None => { let password = prompt_password("Choose a password: ")?; if prompt_password("Confirm password: ")? != password { bail!("Passwords don't match") } password } Some(password) => password, }; let mut unencrypted_text = String::new(); print!("Any additional unencrypted data you want to add: "); io::stdout().flush()?; io::stdin() .read_line(&mut unencrypted_text) .context("Error reading line")?; unencrypted_text = unencrypted_text.trim().to_string(); let encrypted_file = EncryptedFile::encrypt( contents, password, unencrypted_text, Some(args.file_name.clone()), )?; fs::write( args.file_name.clone() + ".ezcrypt", encrypted_file .serialize() .context("Error encoded encrypted file")?, ) .context("Error writing encrypted file")?; fs::remove_file(args.file_name).context("Error removing original file")?; Ok(()) } fn decrypt_command(args: EncryptArgs) -> anyhow::Result<()> { let contents = fs::read(args.file_name.clone()).context("Unable to access file")?; let encrypted_file = EncryptedFile::deserialize(contents).context("Error deserializing encrypted file")?; if let Ok(msg) = encrypted_file.get_message() { if let Some(text) = msg { println!( "A signed message is attached:\n{}", String::from_utf8(text).context("Error converting to utf8")? ) } } else { eprintln!("A message is attached but its signature is invalid. Not displaying.") } for attempt_num in 0..3 { let password = match args.password { None => rpassword::prompt_password("Enter the password for this file: ")?, Some(ref password) => password.to_string(), }; if password == "iforgor" { let code = encrypted_file.generate_forgorcode(); let encoded = code.encode().context("Error generating forgorcode")?; println!("Your forgorcode is: {}", encoded); println!("{}", CONTACT_INSTRUCTIONS); return Ok(()); } let decrypted = match encrypted_file.decrypt(password) { Ok(decrypted) => decrypted, Err(err) => { match err { DecryptError::WrongPassword => { if attempt_num == 0 { eprintln!("Incorrect Password. For help decrypting this file, type \"iforgor\" as your password."); } else { eprintln!("Incorrect password"); } } _ => eprintln!("Error decrypting: {}", err), } // Assume that if a password argument is passed, user does not want to use this in interactive mode if args.password.is_some() { return Ok(()); } continue; } }; let cloned = args.file_name.clone(); let could_be = PathBuf::from( cloned .strip_suffix(".ezcrypt") .unwrap_or(&args.file_name) .to_string(), ); let new_filename = match encrypted_file.original_file_name { None => could_be, Some(name) => { let our_path = PathBuf::from(name); let real_name = our_path .file_name() .context("original file name parameter is not a valid file")?; if real_name != could_be { eprintln!( "File written to {}", real_name.to_str().unwrap_or( "a different location than the name of the file without the prefix" ) ); } env::current_dir() .context("error getting current directory")? .join(real_name) } }; fs::write(new_filename, decrypted).context("Error creating decrypted file")?; fs::remove_file(args.file_name).context("Error removing original file")?; return Ok(()); } bail!("Too many attempts") } #[derive(Parser, Debug)] #[command(author, version, about, long_about = None)] struct App { #[clap(subcommand)] subcmd: Commands, } #[derive(Debug, Subcommand)] enum Commands { /// Encrypt files #[clap(aliases=["en"])] Encrypt(EncryptArgs), /// Decrypt files #[clap(aliases=["de"])] Decrypt(EncryptArgs), /// For admins. Generates rembercodes from forgorcodes #[clap(aliases=["dashboard","admin"])] AdminDashboard, /// Generates keys for the admin dashboard #[clap(aliases=["gen_keys","keys","gen"])] GenerateKeys, } #[derive(Args, Debug)] struct EncryptArgs { file_name: String, #[arg(short, long)] password: Option, }