use bevy::prelude::{App, Bundle, Commands, Component, DefaultPlugins, Query, With}; use ezinput::prelude::*; input! { EnumeratedBinding { Movement { Jump = [KeyCode::Space, GamepadButtonType::South], Vertical = [KeyCode::W, KeyCode::S => -1., GamepadAxisType::LeftStickY], Horizontal = [KeyCode::A => -1. /* default axis value */, KeyCode::D, GamepadAxisType::LeftStickX], Hello = [MouseAxisType::Wheel], Hi = [(MouseAxisType::X, MouseAxisDelta(MouseAxisType::X))], Combination = [(KeyCode::E, MouseButton::Left)] } } } type EnumeratedInputView = InputView; #[derive(Component, Default)] pub struct Player; #[derive(Bundle)] pub struct PlayerBundle { marker: Player, #[bundle] pub input: InputHandlingBundle, } impl Default for PlayerBundle { fn default() -> Self { Self { marker: Player, input: InputHandlingBundle::with_deadzone(EnumeratedBinding::view(), (0.25, 0.25)), } } } fn main() { App::new() .add_plugins(DefaultPlugins) .add_plugin(EZInputPlugin::::default()) .add_startup_system(spawn_player) .add_system(check_input) .run(); } fn spawn_player(mut commands: Commands) { commands.spawn_bundle(PlayerBundle::default()); } fn check_input(query: Query<&EnumeratedInputView, With>) { use EnumeratedBinding::*; use EnumeratedMovementBinding::*; let view = query.single(); let jump = view.key(&Movement(Jump)); if jump.pressed() { println!("{:?} => Jumping - {}", view.last_input_source, jump); } if let Some(axis) = view.axis(&Movement(Horizontal)).first() { if axis.pressed() { let action = if axis.value < 0. { "Left" } else { "Right" }; println!("{:?} => {action}: {:?}", view.last_input_source, axis.value); } } if let Some(axis) = view.axis(&Movement(Vertical)).first() { if axis.pressed() { let action = if axis.value < 0. { "Down" } else { "Up" }; println!("{:?} => {action}: {:?}", view.last_input_source, axis.value); } } if let Some(axis) = view.axis(&Movement(Hello)).first() { if axis.pressed() { println!("Mouse => Wheel: {:?}", axis.value); } } // In this next examples we gonna use [`itertools::Itertools`] because it is a great crate // and it matches perfectly our use-case. use itertools::Itertools; if let Some(keys) = view.axis(&Movement(Combination)).iter().collect_tuple() { let (e, left) = keys; if keys.pressed() { println!("Keyboard/Mouse => Mouse Left Button: {}, E: {}",,; } } if let Some((x, delta)) = view.axis(&Movement(Hi)).iter().collect_tuple() { if x.pressed() { println!("Mouse => X: {:?} (Δ of {:?})", x.value, delta.value); } } }