[package] name = "ezlua" version = "0.5.3" edition = "2021" license = "MIT" authors = ["metaworm "] description = "Ergonomic, efficient and Zero-cost rust bindings to Lua5.4" homepage = "https://crates.io/crates/ezlua" documentation = "https://docs.rs/ezlua" repository = "https://github.com/metaworm/ezlua" keywords = ["lua", "scripting", "nostd", "async"] categories = ["api-bindings", "no-std"] [features] default = ['std', 'log', 'serde'] vendored = ['lua-src'] thread = ['std'] json = ['serde_json', 'serde'] std = ['bitflags'] unsafe_send_sync = [] async = ['unsafe_send_sync'] compat = [] tokio = ['async', 'dep:tokio'] chrono = ['std', 'dep:chrono'] build_dylib = ['vendored'] [dependencies] libc = '0.2' glob = '0.3' extend = "1.1" derive_more = '0.99' serde-transcode = '1' log = {version = '0.4', optional = true} bytes = {version = '1', optional = true} regex = {version = '1', optional = true} bitflags = {version = '2', optional = true} parking_lot = {version = '0.12', optional = true} serde_json = {version = "1", optional = true} serde_bytes = {version = '0.11', optional = true} tokio = {version = '1', features = ["net", "time", "rt", "sync"], optional = true} serde = {version = '1.0', default-features = false, features = ['rc', 'derive'], optional = true} chrono = {version = '0.4', features = ['std'], optional = true} [dev-dependencies] serde_json = '1' tokio = {version = '1', features = ["net", "time", "macros", "rt"]} ezlua = {path = ".", features = ['vendored', 'thread', 'async']} mlua = {version = '0.9', features = ['lua54', 'vendored']} serde = {version = '1.0', default-features = false, features = ['rc', 'derive']} [build-dependencies] cc = '1' lua-src = { version = "546", optional = true } [patch.crates-io] lua-src = { git = "https://github.com/metaworm/lua-src-rs" }