use std::cell::{RefCell, RefMut}; use std::rc::Rc; use ::serde::{Deserialize, Serialize}; use ezlua::prelude::*; struct Test { a: i32, } impl UserData for Test { type Trans = RefCell; const INDEX_USERVALUE: bool = true; const RAW_LEN: bool = true; fn uservalue_count(&self, _: &LuaState) -> i32 { 1 } fn methods(mt: UserdataRegistry) -> LuaResult<()> { mt.set_closure("inc", |mut this: RefMut| this.a += 1)?; mt.set_closure("reset", |this: &Self::Trans| this.borrow_mut().a = 0)?; mt.add_method_mut("inc_n", |_, this, n: i32| this.a += n)?; Ok(()) } fn getter(fields: UserdataRegistry) -> LuaResult<()> { fields.add_field_get("a", |_, this| this.a)?; fields.set_closure("size", |this: LuaUserData| this.raw_len())?; Ok(()) } fn setter(fields: UserdataRegistry) -> LuaResult<()> { fields.add_field_set("a", |_, this, val: i32| this.a = val)?; Ok(()) } } #[derive(derive_more::Deref, Clone)] struct RcTest(Rc); impl UserData for RcTest { fn key_to_cache(&self) -> *const () { self.as_ref() as *const _ as _ } fn getter(fields: UserdataRegistry) -> LuaResult<()> { fields.set_closure("a", |this: &Self| this.a)?; fields.add_field_get("ref_count", |_, this| Rc::strong_count(&this.0))?; Ok(()) } fn methods(_: UserdataRegistry) -> LuaResult<()> { Ok(()) } } #[test] fn userdata() { let s = Lua::with_open_libs(); let _occupation = (0..20).map(|_| s.new_val(()).unwrap()).collect::>(); let uv = s.new_val(Test { a: 0 }).unwrap(); assert_eq!(uv.type_of(), LuaType::Userdata); // test getter/setter/method"uv", uv).unwrap(); .set("uv_size", core::mem::size_of::<::Trans>()) .unwrap(); s.do_string("print(getmetatable(uv), type(uv))", None) .unwrap(); s.do_string("assert(uv.a == 0)", None).unwrap(); s.do_string("uv:inc(); assert(uv.a == 1)", None).unwrap(); s.do_string("uv.a = 3; assert(uv.a == 3)", None).unwrap(); s.do_string("assert(uv.size == uv_size)\nassert(#uv == uv_size)", None) .unwrap(); // test uservalue access s.do_string(" = 3; assert( == 3)", None) .unwrap(); s.do_string("assert(debug.getuservalue(uv).abc == 3)", None) .unwrap(); // test userdata cache let test = RcTest(Test { a: 123 }.into());"uv", test.clone()).unwrap();"uv1", RcTest(test.0.clone())).unwrap(); drop(test); s.do_string("print(uv, uv1)", None).unwrap(); s.do_string("assert(uv.ref_count == 1)", None).unwrap(); s.do_string("assert(uv == uv1)", None).unwrap(); s.do_string("assert(uv.a == 123)", None).unwrap(); s.do_string("print(uv.not_exsits)", None).unwrap_err(); let ud = s .new_userdata_with_values(Test { a: 0 }, (, 2333)) .unwrap(); ud.set_iuservalue(1, 1234321).unwrap(); assert_eq!(ud.get_iuservalue(1).unwrap().to_integer(), 1234321); assert!(ud.get_iuservalue(2).unwrap().raw_equal(&; assert_eq!(ud.get_iuservalue(3).unwrap().to_integer(), 2333); } #[test] fn iter() { let lua = Lua::with_open_libs(); let _occupation = (0..20) .map(|_| lua.new_val(()).unwrap()) .collect::>(); .set_closure("toiter", || StaticIter::new(0..3)) .unwrap(); lua.do_string( r#" local iter = toiter() assert(iter() == 0) assert(iter() == 1) assert(iter() == 2) "#, None, ) .unwrap(); } #[test] fn dump() { let lua = Lua::with_open_libs(); let _occupation = (0..20) .map(|_| lua.new_val(()).unwrap()) .collect::>(); let fun = lua.load("return 1134 + 2243", None).unwrap(); let fun2 = lua.load(fun.dump(false), None).unwrap(); assert_eq!( fun.pcall::<_, ValRef>(()).unwrap(), fun2.pcall::<_, ValRef>(()).unwrap() ); } #[test] fn arguments() -> LuaResult<()> { let s = Lua::with_open_libs(); let _occupation = (0..20).map(|_| s.new_val(()).unwrap()).collect::>(); struct Test; impl UserData for Test { fn methods(_: UserdataRegistry) -> LuaResult<()> { Ok(()) } } println!("top1 {}", s.stack_top()); s.load("assert(... == 123)", None)? .pcall_void(123) .expect("integer"); println!("top2 {}", s.stack_top()); s.load("assert(... == 123.0)", None)? .pcall_void(123.0) .expect("number"); let top = s.stack_top(); println!("top3 {}", s.stack_top()); s.load("assert(type(...) == 'userdata')", None)? .pcall_void(Test) .expect("userdata"); println!("top4 {}", s.stack_top()); s.load("assert(type(...) == 'userdata')", None)? .pcall_void(Ok::<_, ()>(Test)) .expect("Ok(userdata)"); s.load("assert(select('#', ...) == 0)", None)? .pcall_void(Err::(())) .expect("Err(())"); assert_eq!(top, s.stack_top()); Ok(()) } #[test] fn call_lua() { let s = Lua::with_open_libs(); let _occupation = (0..20).map(|_| s.new_val(()).unwrap()).collect::>(); let g =; assert_eq!(g.type_of(), LuaType::Table); assert!(!g.to_pointer().is_null()); println!("top: {}", s.stack_top()); for i in 1..10 { let t = s.new_table_with_size(0, 0).unwrap(); t.set("key", i).unwrap(); g.seti(i, t).unwrap(); } println!("top: {}", s.stack_top()); for i in 1..10 { let t = g.geti(i).unwrap(); assert_eq!(t.get("key").unwrap().cast::().unwrap(), i); } println!("top: {}", s.stack_top()); let fun = s.load("print(...)", None).unwrap(); assert!(!fun.to_pointer().is_null()); fun.pcall::<_, ()>((1, 2, 3)).unwrap(); g.set("g_number", 12345).unwrap(); let result = s .load( r" assert(g_number == 12345) return {abc = 1234} ", None, ) .unwrap() .pcall::<_, ValRef>(()) .unwrap(); assert!(result.get("abc").unwrap().cast::().unwrap() == 1234); println!("top: {}", s.stack_top()); } #[test] fn push_check() { let s = Lua::new(); let _occupation = (0..20).map(|_| s.new_val(()).unwrap()).collect::>(); struct Test; impl ToLua for Test { fn to_lua<'a>(self, s: &'a LuaState) -> LuaResult> { let result = s.new_table_with_size(0, 0)?; let t2 = s.new_table_with_size(0, 0)?; t2.set("field", 1234)?; result.set("t2", t2)?; result.to_lua(s) } } let result = s .load( r" return ... ", None, ) .unwrap() .pcall::<_, ValRef>(Test) .unwrap(); let t2 = result.get("t2").unwrap(); assert!(t2.type_of() == LuaType::Table); assert_eq!(t2.get("field").unwrap().cast::().unwrap(), 1234); } #[test] fn stack_balance() { let lua = Lua::new(); let mut stack_top = None; // pcall recycle multi value let foo = lua.load("return ...", None).unwrap(); for i in 0..20 { println!("top{i} {}", lua.stack_top()); let (_, _, s3) = foo .pcall::<_, (LuaValue, LuaValue, ValRef)>((1, 2, "3")) .unwrap(); assert!(s3.index() <= lua.stack_top()); assert_eq!(s3.to_str().unwrap(), "3"); if stack_top.is_none() { println!("after first call: {}", lua.stack_top()); stack_top.replace(lua.stack_top()); } else { assert_eq!(lua.stack_top(), stack_top.unwrap()); } } } #[test] fn gc() { let lua = Lua::with_open_libs(); let init_size = lua.used_memory(); lua.gc_stop(); for _ in 0..100 { lua.new_table().unwrap(); lua.new_string("").unwrap(); lua.new_value(()).unwrap(); } let size = lua.used_memory(); lua.gc_restart(); lua.gc_collect().unwrap(); let final_size = lua.used_memory(); assert!(size > init_size); assert!(final_size < size); assert!(final_size <= init_size); } #[test] fn table_iter() { let s = Lua::with_open_libs(); let _occupation = (0..20).map(|_| s.new_val(()).unwrap()).collect::>(); let g =; let table: LuaTable = g.get("table").unwrap().try_into().unwrap(); table.set("bb", false).unwrap(); #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, PartialEq, Clone, Debug)] struct Test { bb: bool, array: Vec, } let t = s.new_table().unwrap(); for i in 1..=100 { t.set(i, i).unwrap(); } let print = g.get("print").unwrap(); for _ in 0..100 { let assert = s .load( r#" local i = 1 return function(k, v) assert(k == i and v == i) i = i + 1 end "#, None, ) .unwrap() .pcall::<_, LuaFunction>(()) .unwrap(); table.set("array", t.clone()).unwrap(); for (k, v) in table.iter().unwrap() { if let Some(v) = v.as_table() { for (k, v) in v.iter().unwrap() { k.check_type(LuaType::Number).unwrap(); v.check_type(LuaType::Number).unwrap(); print.pcall_void((&k, &v, s.stack_top())).unwrap(); assert.pcall_void((k, v, s.stack_top())).unwrap(); } } else { // k.check_type(LuaType::String).unwrap(); // v.check_type(LuaType::Function).unwrap(); print.pcall_void((k, v, s.stack_top())).unwrap(); } } std::println!("[top] {}", s.stack_top()); } } #[test] fn table_get() { let lua = Lua::with_open_libs(); let _occupation = (0..20) .map(|_| lua.new_val(()).unwrap()) .collect::>(); lua.do_string("t = {}", None).unwrap(); let t ="t").unwrap(); t.set("key", "value").unwrap(); assert_eq!(t.get("key").unwrap().cast::().unwrap(), "value"); t.seti(1, 1).unwrap(); t.seti(2, 2).unwrap(); t.seti(3, 3).unwrap(); assert_eq!(t.len().unwrap().cast::().unwrap(), 3); t.get(()).unwrap_err(); t.set((), ()).unwrap_err(); lua.do_string( "t = setmetatable({}, {__index = function() error() end, __newindex = function() error() end, __len = function() error() end})", None, ) .unwrap(); let t ="t").unwrap(); t.get("key").unwrap_err(); t.geti(1).unwrap_err(); t.len().unwrap_err(); } #[ignore] #[test] fn safe_reference() { let s = Lua::with_open_libs(); let chunk = s .load( r#" local buf = ... print(#buf) assert(#buf == 256) return buf "#, None, ) .unwrap(); let buf = (0..=u8::MAX).collect::>(); std::println!("top: {}", s.stack_top()); let bufret: &[u8] = chunk.pcall(buf.as_slice()).unwrap(); std::println!("top: {}", s.stack_top()); s.do_string( r" collectgarbage 'incremental' collectgarbage 'collect' ", None, ) .unwrap(); for _ in 0..10 { for i in 0..1000 {, &b"0000000000000000000000"[..]).unwrap(); } assert_eq!(bufret, buf); } } #[test] fn error_balance() { let lua = Lua::with_open_libs(); let _occupation = (0..20) .map(|_| lua.new_val(()).unwrap()) .collect::>(); let top = lua.stack_top(); for _ in 0..10 { lua.load("...", None).unwrap_err(); assert_eq!(lua.stack_top(), top); } let foo = lua.load("error('error')", None).unwrap(); let top = lua.stack_top(); for _ in 0..10 { foo.pcall_void((1, 2, 3)).unwrap_err(); // println!("stack top: {}", s.stack_top()); assert_eq!(lua.stack_top(), top); } } #[test] fn convert() { let s = Lua::with_open_libs(); let _occupation = (0..20).map(|_| s.new_val(()).unwrap()).collect::>(); .set_closure("test", |args: MultiRet| args.0.get(0).copied()) .unwrap() .set_closure("readfile", |file: &str| NilError(std::fs::read(file))) .unwrap() .set_closure("itervec", |n: i32| IterVec(0..n)) .unwrap() .set_closure("iterstr", |n: i32| { IterVec( (0..n) .map(|i| format!("{i}")) .collect::>() .into_iter(), ) }) .unwrap(); s.do_string( r" assert(test() == nil) assert(test(1234) == 1234) local t = itervec(3) assert(t[1] == 0 and t[2] == 1) local t = iterstr(3) assert(t[1] == '0' and t[2] == '1') ", None, ) .unwrap(); s.do_string( r" local ok, err = readfile('/not/exists') assert(string.find(err, 'NotFound')) ", None, ) .unwrap(); } #[test] fn convert_closure() { let lua = Lua::with_open_libs(); let _occupation = (0..20) .map(|_| lua.new_val(()).unwrap()) .collect::>(); let g =; let magic = 0x3310234; g.set("magic", magic).unwrap(); g.set("closure", lua.new_closure(move || magic).unwrap()) .unwrap(); g.set( "tostr", lua.new_closure1(|_, b: &[u8]| String::from_utf8_lossy(b)) .unwrap(), ) .unwrap(); lua.do_string( r" assert(closure() == magic) assert(tostr('1234abcd') == '1234abcd') ", None, ) .unwrap(); let test_value = 0x11223344; g.set_closure("test", move || test_value).unwrap(); lua.do_string("assert(test() == 0x11223344)", None).unwrap(); } #[test] fn stack() { let lua = Lua::with_open_libs(); let args = (0..100) .map(|i| lua.new_val(i)) .flatten() .collect::>(); lua.load("print(...)", None) .unwrap() .pcall_void(MultiRet(args)) .unwrap(); } #[test] fn non_table_access() { let lua = Lua::new(); let t = lua.new_table().unwrap(); let nil = lua.new_val(()).unwrap(); let num = lua.new_val(123).unwrap(); t.get("key").unwrap(); nil.get("key").unwrap_err(); num.get("key").unwrap_err(); nil.set("key", "val").unwrap_err(); num.set("key", "val").unwrap_err(); nil.geti(1).unwrap_err(); num.geti(1).unwrap_err(); nil.seti(1, 2).unwrap_err(); num.seti(1, 2).unwrap_err(); nil.set_metatable(t).unwrap(); nil.pcall_void(()).unwrap_err(); nil.close_and_remove_metatable().unwrap_err(); } #[test] fn arith() { let lua = Lua::with_open_libs(); let _occupation = (0..20) .map(|_| lua.new_val(()).unwrap()) .collect::>(); let a = lua.new_val(3).unwrap(); let b = lua.new_val(2).unwrap(); assert_eq!((&a + &b).unwrap(), lua.new_val(5).unwrap()); assert_eq!((&a + 2).unwrap(), lua.new_val(5).unwrap()); assert_eq!((&a - &b).unwrap(), lua.new_val(1).unwrap()); assert_eq!((&a * &b).unwrap(), lua.new_val(6).unwrap()); assert_eq!((&a / &b).unwrap(), lua.new_val(1.5).unwrap()); assert_eq!((&a % &b).unwrap(), lua.new_val(1).unwrap()); assert_eq!((&a & &b).unwrap(), lua.new_val(3 & 2).unwrap()); assert_eq!((&a | &b).unwrap(), lua.new_val(3 | 2).unwrap()); assert_eq!((&a ^ &b).unwrap(), lua.new_val(3 ^ 2).unwrap()); assert_eq!((&a >> &b).unwrap(), lua.new_val(3 >> 2).unwrap()); assert_eq!((&a << &b).unwrap(), lua.new_val(3 << 2).unwrap()); assert_eq!(a.clone(), lua.new_val(3).unwrap()); assert_eq!((!a.clone()).unwrap(), lua.new_val(!3i64).unwrap()); assert_eq!((-a.clone()).unwrap(), lua.new_val(-3).unwrap()); } #[test] fn stack_overflow() { let lua = Lua::with_open_libs(); let mut threads = vec![]; for _ in 0..10 { let co = Coroutine::empty(&lua); let t = std::thread::spawn(move || { for _ in 0..10 { let err = co .do_string( r#" function rec(n) local a, b, c, d, e, f, g -- print(n) local result = rec(n + 1) return result end rec(0) "#, None, ) .unwrap_err(); assert!(err.to_string().find("stack overflow").is_some()); } }); threads.push(t); } for t in threads { t.join().unwrap() } }