use async_trait::async_trait; use ezsockets::CloseFrame; use ezsockets::Error; use ezsockets::Request; use ezsockets::Server; use ezsockets::Socket; use std::collections::HashMap; use std::net::SocketAddr; use std::time::Duration; const DEFAULT_ROOM: &str = "main"; type SessionID = u8; type Session = ezsockets::Session; #[derive(Debug)] pub enum Message { Join { id: SessionID, room: String, respond_to: oneshot::Sender<()>, }, Send { from: SessionID, room: String, text: String, }, } pub struct ChatServer { sessions: HashMap, rooms: HashMap>, handle: Server, } impl ChatServer { pub fn new(handle: Server) -> Self { Self { sessions: Default::default(), rooms: HashMap::from_iter([(DEFAULT_ROOM.to_string(), vec![])]), handle, } } } #[async_trait] impl ezsockets::ServerExt for ChatServer { type Call = Message; type Session = SessionActor; async fn on_connect( &mut self, socket: Socket, request: Request, _address: SocketAddr, ) -> Result> { let value = request.headers().get("Some-Header").unwrap(); assert_eq!(value, "someValue"); let id = (0..).find(|i| !self.sessions.contains_key(i)).unwrap_or(0); let session = Session::create( |_handle| SessionActor { id, server: self.handle.clone(), room: DEFAULT_ROOM.to_string(), }, id, socket, ); self.sessions.insert(id, session.clone()); self.rooms.get_mut(DEFAULT_ROOM).unwrap().push(id); Ok(session) } async fn on_disconnect( &mut self, id: ::ID, _reason: Result, Error>, ) -> Result<(), Error> { assert!(self.sessions.remove(&id).is_some()); let (ids, n) = self .rooms .values_mut() .find_map(|ids| ids.iter().position(|v| id == *v).map(|n| (ids, n))) .expect("could not find session in any room"); ids.remove(n); Ok(()) } async fn on_call(&mut self, call: Self::Call) -> Result<(), Error> { match call { Message::Send { from, room, text } => { let (ids, sessions): (Vec, Vec<&Session>) = self .rooms .get(&room) .unwrap() .iter() .filter(|id| **id != from) .map(|id| (id, self.sessions.get(id).unwrap())) .unzip(); tracing::info!( "sending {text} to [{sessions}] at `{room}`", sessions = ids .iter() .map(|id| id.to_string()) .collect::>() .join(",") ); for session in sessions { session.text(text.clone()).unwrap(); } } Message::Join { id, room, respond_to, } => { tracing::info!("joining {id} to {room}"); let (ids, n) = self .rooms .values_mut() .find_map(|ids| ids.iter().position(|v| id == *v).map(|n| (ids, n))) .expect("could not find session in any room"); ids.remove(n); if let Some(ids) = self.rooms.get_mut(&room) { ids.push(id); } else { self.rooms.insert(room.clone(), vec![id]); } let sessions = self .rooms .get(&room) .unwrap() .iter() .filter(|v| **v != id) .map(|id| self.sessions.get(id).unwrap()); respond_to.send(()).unwrap(); for session in sessions { session .text(format!("User with ID: {id} just joined {room} room")) .unwrap(); } } }; Ok(()) } } pub struct SessionActor { id: SessionID, server: Server, room: String, } #[async_trait] impl ezsockets::SessionExt for SessionActor { type ID = SessionID; type Call = (); fn id(&self) -> &Self::ID { & } async fn on_text(&mut self, text: String) -> Result<(), Error> { tracing::info!("received: {text}"); if text.starts_with('/') { let mut args = text.split_whitespace(); let command =; if command == "/join" { let room ="missing argument").to_string(); tracing::info!("moving {} to {room}",; = room.clone(); self.server .call_with(|respond_to| Message::Join { id:, room, respond_to, }) .await .unwrap(); } else { tracing::error!("unrecognized command: {text}"); } } else { self.server .call(Message::Send { text, from:, room:, }) .unwrap(); } Ok(()) } async fn on_binary(&mut self, _bytes: Vec) -> Result<(), Error> { unimplemented!() } async fn on_call(&mut self, call: Self::Call) -> Result<(), Error> { let () = call; Ok(()) } } use ezsockets::Client; use tokio::sync::broadcast; use tokio::sync::oneshot; pub struct ChatClient { handle: Client, messages: broadcast::Sender, } #[derive(Debug)] pub enum ChatClientMessage { Send(String), Subscribe(async_channel::Sender>), } impl ChatClient { pub fn new(handle: Client) -> Self { let (sender, _) = broadcast::channel(8); Self { handle, messages: sender, } } } #[async_trait] impl ezsockets::ClientExt for ChatClient { type Call = ChatClientMessage; async fn on_text(&mut self, text: String) -> Result<(), ezsockets::Error> { tracing::info!("received message: {text}"); let _ = self.messages.send(text); Ok(()) } async fn on_binary(&mut self, bytes: Vec) -> Result<(), ezsockets::Error> { tracing::info!("received bytes: {bytes:?}"); Ok(()) } async fn on_call(&mut self, call: Self::Call) -> Result<(), ezsockets::Error> { match call { ChatClientMessage::Send(message) => { let _ = self.handle.text(message).unwrap(); } ChatClientMessage::Subscribe(respond_to) => { respond_to.send(self.messages.subscribe()).await.unwrap() } } Ok(()) } } pub async fn test(alice: Client, bob: Client) { let mut bob_messages = bob.call_with(ChatClientMessage::Subscribe).await.unwrap(); let mut alice_messages = alice.call_with(ChatClientMessage::Subscribe).await.unwrap(); alice .call(ChatClientMessage::Send("Hi Bob!".to_string())) .unwrap(); alice .call(ChatClientMessage::Send("Cya Bob!".to_string())) .unwrap(); assert_eq!(bob_messages.recv().await.unwrap(), "Hi Bob!".to_string()); assert_eq!(bob_messages.recv().await.unwrap(), "Cya Bob!".to_string()); alice .call(ChatClientMessage::Send(format!("/join abc"))) .unwrap(); alice .call(ChatClientMessage::Send("Is there anyone?".to_string())) .unwrap(); // no tokio::time::sleep(Duration::from_millis(100)).await; // sorry for this hack, but i can't find a better solution right now!("/join abc"))) .unwrap(); assert_eq!( alice_messages.recv().await.unwrap(), "User with ID: 1 just joined abc room".to_string() ); alice .call(ChatClientMessage::Send("Hi in the new room".to_string())) .unwrap(); assert_eq!( bob_messages.recv().await.unwrap(), "Hi in the new room".to_string() ); }