use f3l_segmentation::sac_algorithm::*; use f3l_segmentation::sac_model::*; #[cfg(test)] mod sac_segmentation { use super::*; mod plane { use super::*; use ply_rs as ply; use ply_rs::ply::Property; fn parse_out(p: Property) -> f32 { match p { Property::Float(f) => f, Property::Double(d) => d as f32, _ => 0., } } fn load_ply(path: &str) -> Vec<[f32; 3]> { let f = std::fs::File::open(path).unwrap(); let mut f = std::io::BufReader::new(f); // create a parser let p = ply::parser::Parser::::new(); // use the parser: read the entire file let ply = p.read_ply(&mut f); // make sure it did work assert!(ply.is_ok()); let ply_wrapper = ply.unwrap(); let vs = ply_wrapper.payload["vertex"] .iter() .map(|v| { [ parse_out(v["x"].clone()), parse_out(v["y"].clone()), parse_out(v["z"].clone()), ] }) .collect::>(); vs } #[test] fn pnt_to_plane() { let p = [0f32, 0f32, 1.3]; let distance = SacModelPlane::compute_point_to_model(p, &[0f32, 0., 1., 0.]); assert!(((p[2] - distance) * 1000.).round() < f32::EPSILON); } #[test] fn sac_plane() { use std::path::Path; if !Path::new("../../data/table_voxel_down.ply").exists() { return; } let vertices = load_ply("../../data/table_voxel_down.ply"); let parameter = SacAlgorithmParameter { probability: 0.99, threshold: 0.02, max_iterations: 200, threads: 1, }; let mut model = SacModelPlane::with_data(&vertices); let mut algorithm = SacRansac { parameter, inliers: vec![], }; let result = algorithm.compute(&mut model); let _factor = model.get_coefficient(); assert!(result); } } mod line { use super::*; #[test] fn sac_line_1() { let line = (0..10).map(|i| [i as f32; 3]).collect::>(); let line = [line, vec![[1.5, 1., 1.], [2., 2.5, 2.], [3., 3., 3.5]]].concat(); let parameter = SacAlgorithmParameter { probability: 0.99, threshold: 0.1, max_iterations: 200, threads: 1, }; let mut model = SacModelLine::with_data(&line); let mut algorithm = SacRansac { parameter, inliers: vec![], }; let result = algorithm.compute(&mut model); let _factor = model.get_coefficient(); let inliers = &algorithm.inliers; assert!(result); assert_eq!(inliers.len(), 10); } #[test] fn sac_line_2() { use rand::Rng; let mut rng = rand::thread_rng(); let nb_total = 1000usize; let nb_init_inliers = 600usize; let mut nb_inliers = nb_init_inliers; let line = (0..nb_total - nb_init_inliers) .map(|i| { let y = rng.gen_range(-1f32..=1.); if y.abs() <= 0.1 { nb_inliers += 1; } [i as f32, y, 0.] }) .collect::>(); let line = [ line, (0..nb_init_inliers) .map(|i| [i as f32, 0., 0.]) .collect::>(), ] .concat(); let parameter = SacAlgorithmParameter { probability: 0.99, threshold: 0.1, max_iterations: 2000, threads: 1, }; let mut model = SacModelLine::with_data(&line); let mut algorithm = SacRansac { parameter, inliers: vec![], }; let result = algorithm.compute(&mut model); let _factor = model.get_coefficient(); println!("Factor: {:?}", _factor); // let inliers = &algorithm.inliers; let inliers = algorithm.get_inliers(); assert!(result); let error_factor = 0.05f32; let nb_error = inliers.len() - nb_inliers; println!( "Real Error factor: {}, Target factor: {error_factor}", (nb_error as f32) / (nb_inliers as f32) ); assert!((nb_error as f32) < (nb_inliers as f32 * error_factor)); } #[test] fn sac_line_3() { use rand::Rng; let coefficient = ([0f32, 0., 0.], [1f32, 0., 0.]); let mut rng = rand::thread_rng(); for _ in 0..1000 { let y = rng.gen_range(0f32..=1.); let distance = SacModelLine::compute_point_to_model([0., y, 0.], &coefficient); let diff = ((distance - y) * 10000.).round(); assert!(diff <= 0.); } } } mod circle3d { use super::*; use f3l_core::glam::{Mat3, Mat4, Quat, Vec3, Vec3A, Vec4}; use f3l_core::{apply_both, round_n, round_slice_n, SimpleSliceMath}; #[test] fn test_circle_coefficients() { let c = [0f32, 0f32, 0f32]; let r = 4.5f32; let degrees = [20f32, 120., -100.]; let point = degrees .into_iter() .map(|d| { let rad = d.to_radians(); [c[0] + rad.sin() * r, c[1] + rad.cos() * r, c[2]].into() }) .collect::>(); let mat = Mat3::from_euler( f3l_core::glam::EulerRot::XYZ, 20f32.to_radians(), -40f32.to_radians(), 65f32.to_radians(), ); let mat4 = Mat4::from_rotation_translation( Quat::from_mat3(&mat), Vec3::new(10f32, -20f32, 30f32), ); let point = point .iter() .map(|&v| (mat4 * Vec4::from((v, 1f32))).into()) .collect::>(); let c = mat4.project_point3(c.into()); let n = mat * Vec3A::Z; let n = n.normalize(); let [p1, p2, p3] = [point[0].into(), point[1].into(), point[2].into()]; // Copy From SacModelCircle3d::compute_model_coefficients { let v12 = apply_both(&p1, &p2, std::ops::Sub::sub); let v21 = apply_both(&p2, &p1, std::ops::Sub::sub); let v13 = apply_both(&p1, &p3, std::ops::Sub::sub); let v31 = apply_both(&p3, &p1, std::ops::Sub::sub); let v23 = apply_both(&p2, &p3, std::ops::Sub::sub); let v32 = apply_both(&p3, &p2, std::ops::Sub::sub); let normal = v12.cross(&v23); let common_divided = 1f32 / (2. * normal.len().powi(2)); let alpha = (v23.len().powi(2) * * common_divided; let beta = (v13.len().powi(2) * * common_divided; let gamma = (v12.len().powi(2) * * common_divided; let mut pc = [0.; 3]; (0..3).for_each(|i| pc[i] = alpha * p1[i] + beta * p2[i] + gamma * p3[i]); let normal = normal.normalized(); let angle_normals = normal.compute_angle(&n.into()).to_degrees().round(); let radius = apply_both(&pc, &p1, std::ops::Sub::sub).len(); assert_eq!(round_slice_n(c.into(), 4), round_slice_n(pc, 4)); assert_eq!(round_n(r, 4), round_n(radius, 4)); assert!(angle_normals == 0f32 || angle_normals == 180f32); } } #[test] fn distance_between_point_circle() { let mat = Mat3::from_euler( f3l_core::glam::EulerRot::XYZ, 20f32.to_radians(), -40f32.to_radians(), 65f32.to_radians(), ); let mat4 = Mat4::from_rotation_translation( Quat::from_mat3(&mat), Vec3::new(10f32, -20f32, 30f32), ); let project_point = Vec3::new(3., 0., 5.); // target_distance: 1) to plane, 2) plane to round // let target_distance = 1.5f32; let target_distance = project_point.distance(Vec3::new(4.5, 0., 0.)); let project_point = mat4.project_point3(project_point); let c = [0f32, 0f32, 0f32]; let r = 4.5f32; let c = mat4.project_point3(c.into()); let n = mat * Vec3A::Z; let n = n.normalize(); let coefficients = (c.into(), n.into(), r); let distance = SacModelCircle3d::compute_point_to_model(project_point, &coefficients); println!("Projected: {:?}", project_point); assert_eq!(round_n(target_distance, 4), round_n(distance, 4)); } } mod sphere { use super::*; use f3l_core::glam::Vec3A; use f3l_core::{round_n, round_slice_n}; #[test] fn sphere_coefficients() { let center = Vec3A::new(10., -20., 30.); let center_slice: [f32; 3] = center.into(); let radius = 35f32; let data = (0..10) .flat_map(|i| { let theta = ((i as f32) * 36.).to_radians(); (0..10) .map(|ii| { let phi = ((ii as f32) * 36.).to_radians(); center + radius * Vec3A::new( theta.sin() * phi.cos(), theta.sin() * phi.sin(), theta.cos(), ) }) .collect::>() }) .collect::>(); let parameter = SacAlgorithmParameter { threshold: 1f32, ..Default::default() }; let mut model = SacModelSphere::with_data(&data); let mut algorithm = SacRansac { parameter, inliers: vec![], }; let ok = algorithm.compute(&mut model); assert!(ok); let (center, r) = model.get_coefficient(); assert_eq!(round_n(r, 3), radius); assert_eq!(center_slice, round_slice_n(center, 3)); } } }