# Building fac $docnav Before building fac, you need to [install rust](https://rustup.rs). You will also need to install python3, which is used for various build scripts. On a Debian-based system, you can install all of this with apt-get install rust python3 You can obtain the fac source code using git clone: git clone git://github.com/droundy/fac.git To build fac (assuming you have just cloned fac, and do not have an older version of fac) just run cargo build --release && cp target/release/fac . This should build fac on an x86-64 or 32-bit x86 linux system. You can then rebuild fac by running if you care to. ./fac fac This will also (if possible) build the documentation and a few other peripherals. To use fac, you can copy the fac binary into some location in your path. Building the documentation (by running `./fac`) will require a few more packages: sass, python-markdown, and help2man.