# Factom Rust API Client [![Crates.io](https://img.shields.io/crates/v/factom.svg)](https://crates.io/crates/factom) [![Released API docs](https://docs.rs/factom/badge.svg)](https://docs.rs/factom) [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.com/kompendium-llc/factom-rust-client.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.com/kompendium-llc/factom-rust-client) [![dependency status](https://deps.rs/crate/factom/2.1.0/status.svg)](https://deps.rs/crate/factom/2.1.0) [![Discord](https://img.shields.io/discord/419201548372017163.svg?label=&logo=discord&logoColor=ffffff&color=7389D8&labelColor=6A7EC2)](https://discord.gg/mYmcQM2) [![License](https://img.shields.io/badge/License-Apache%202.0-blue.svg)](https://opensource.org/licenses/Apache-2.0) ## Installation Add to cargo.toml: ```toml [dependencies] factom = "^2" ``` ## Quickstart ```rust use factom::*; // Get current block height from open node #[tokio::main] async fn main() { //Create a re-usable client let client = Factom::open_node(); // Call the heights function, handle the request result let response = factomd::heights(&client).await.expect("Network Request"); assert!(response.result.leaderheight > 0); } ``` ## Usage See the examples folder for common workflows, or use `cargo run --example` to view all those you can run. ##### Configuration ```rust // Default settings // factomd: http://localhost:8088 // factom-walletd: http://localhost:8089 let client = Factom::new(); // Using open node // factomd: https://api.factomd.net/v2 let client = Factom::open_node(); // Using the tesnet open node // factomd: https://dev.factomd.net/v2 let client = Factom::testnet_node(); // Using custom node locations let factomd = "https://api.factomd.net/"; let factom_walletd = ""; let client = Factom::custom_node(factomd, factom_walletd) ``` ##### Retrieve a Balance ```rust let client = factom::testnet_node(); let testnet_address = "FA2jK2HcLnRdS94dEcU27rF3meoJfpUcZPSinpb7AwQvPRY6RL1Q"; let response = balance::factoid_balance(&client, testnet_address).await.unwrap(); // factoid balance returns factoshis, convert let factoids = utils::factoshis_to_fct(response.result.balance); println!("The testnet balance of {} is {} factoids", FCT_PUB, factoids); ``` ##### Get Entry Data ```rust let client = factom::testnet_node(); let hash = "97c4e7adce9ed277b62adfb9fb7a31ca4778181e49dcdfebca967102dd424fbc"; let response = entry::entry(hash).await.unwrap(); dbg!(response); ``` ##### Traverse a Chain ```rust let client = Factom::open_node(); let chain = "843dbee7a49a9b9510d399759fbce24b1f700268c94508085abce352d70ed1f6"; // traverse_chain is a utility that returns Vec, the number of blocks to // parse can be specified, to traverse the entire chain use a depth of 0, here // only 1 block,the chainhead itself, will be retrieved. let response = utils::traverse_chain(&client, chain, 1).await; dbg!(response); ``` ## Runtime This library re-exports the tokio runtime and executor by default, to disable this and use a different runtime modify your `cargo.toml` with a feature flag: ```toml [dependencies] factom = {version="^2", default-features=false} ``` ## Testing Most of the functions are covered by the test modules along with all the documentation examples. Beware that running `cargo test` with nocapture will produce a huge amount of output. For many of the tests to pass you will need to be running factom-walletd, any test transactions or addresses are cleaned up afterward. See the [tests readme](https://github.com/kompendium-llc/factom-rust-client/tree/master/tests) for instructions. ## Benchmarking A criterion benching harness is provided, if gnuplot is installed it will also automatically generate plots for any benchmarks run, they can be found at `/target/criterion/report/index.html`. This can be used to test the performance of factomd, factom-walletd, network connections and the library functions themselves. ## Fuzzing A fuzzing suite is provided using the rust implementation of [American Fuzzy Lop](http://lcamtuf.coredump.cx/afl/), with appropriate setup this can be used to fuzz both the Factom rust library along with a simulated Factom network and factom-walletd. See the [fuzz folder readme](https://github.com/kompendium-llc/factom-rust-client/tree/master/fuzz) for more information. ## Contributing PR's welcome. Fork the library and submit to dev branch. By contributing to this library you agree to it being Apache 2.0 licensed