use::factom::*; use std::{iter,thread, time}; use rand::{Rng, thread_rng, distributions::Alphanumeric}; // Hopefully it doesn't need to be said but please don't use these addresses as // they are publicly known! They should be funded on testnet for further usage, // as needed. Please raise an issue if they aren't or top them up yourself at: // const FCT_PUB: &str = "FA2jK2HcLnRdS94dEcU27rF3meoJfpUcZPSinpb7AwQvPRY6RL1Q"; const FCT_PRIV: &str = "Fs3E9gV6DXsYzf7Fqx1fVBQPQXV695eP3k5XbmHEZVRLkMdD9qCK"; const EC_PUB: &str = "EC2MJzCcHqYJyujnPzjitEaHhtEPVBhmEWUKkv4SVaaKeYcq3fqK"; // const EC_PRIV: &str = "Es3LS7zYa9DSzZuUC14HDpMinehmzz61JG1XFY62rX5pVDenH8Pk"; const ABLOCK_KEYMR: &str = "072334d94450296810cb647172812a5dc7ce518d29ecab411d47494d38ca4c88"; const ABLOCK_HEIGHT: u32 = 220000; const DBLOCK_KEYMR: &str = "90b344dabe065bcb38c90948cde8ab388e22364257f811da7e7a7e8102efc33f"; const ECBLOCK_KEYMR: &str = "06a56a6917ff26d118b67117908a58832ad741433a3047ce4ec45f03754aeed6"; const ECBLOCK_BODYHASH: &str = "c8b7120687c6bc465a5f0fb0517c9bbaf27ee733238aef3f4b79b772a9590030"; const FBLOCK_KEYMR: &str = "32bf997a124dd31c897cca5d92648f8a1fa18626ff396a89cb34a59aaa47c5b3"; const FBLOCK_HEIGHT: u32 = 218668; const FBLOCK_BODYMR: &str = "9886c838cd8eddfaaf809a1425d71c49539e86223d1e624dfd0d65fdc1aa8674"; //pnet chain const CHAIN_ID: &str = "a642a8674f46696cc47fdb6b65f9c87b2a19c5ea8123b3d2f0c13b6f33a9d5ef"; const ENTRY_HASH: &str = "716526c3279184bca11fc453fa9c2ab2f4488a03c821ee107664c9052f01d733"; const RAW_DATA_HASH: &str = "0ae2ab2cf543eed52a13a5a405bded712444cc8f8b6724a00602e1c8550a4ec2"; const RAW_DATA: &str = "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"; const ID_PRIV: &str = "idsec2rWrfNTD1x9HPPesA3fz8dmMNZdjmSBULHx8VTXE1J4D9icmAK"; const ID_PUB: &str = "idpub2g25nPNZ2kf6KGTjthYdHT3nykDbwEUEPyGJ52fo55SHwtAvLA"; const KOINIFY: &str = "yellow yellow yellow yellow yellow yellow yellow yellow yellow yellow yellow yellow"; const KOINIFY_PUB: &str = "FA3cih2o2tjEUsnnFR4jX1tQXPpSXFwsp3rhVp6odL5PNCHWvZV1"; const ACK_HASH: &str = "e96cca381bf25f6dd4dfdf9f7009ff84ee6edaa3f47f9ccf06d2787482438f4b"; const ACK_CHAIN: &str = "f9164cd66af9d5773b4523a510b5eefb9a5e626480feeb6671ef2d17510ca300"; const ACK_COMMITTXID: &str = "4876ffeb8f95b72911b4a5115dc8a9fbb89d874db2263a75a9062f37bbbf1fa7"; const FCT_TX_ID: &str = "774ec19ff567b202ca2702b1f3411901ccae8995df46517c134ab3560100c848"; const FCT_TX_TIMESTAMP: usize = 1575574473164; fn random_string(len: usize)-> String { let mut rng = thread_rng(); iter::repeat(()) .map(|()| rng.sample(Alphanumeric)) .take(len) .collect() } // Address module #[test] fn address(){ let client = Factom::new(); let import = import::import_addresses(&client, vec!(FCT_PRIV)); fetch(import).unwrap(); let query = factom::address::address(&client, FCT_PUB); let response = fetch(query).expect("Fetching Query"); dbg!(&response); assert_eq!(response.result.secret, FCT_PRIV); } #[test] fn all_addresses(){ let client = Factom::new(); let import = import::import_addresses(&client, vec!(FCT_PRIV)); fetch(import).unwrap(); let query = address::all_addresses(&client); let response = fetch(query).expect("Fetching Query"); dbg!(&response); let address_present = response .result .addresses .iter() .find(|&x| x.public == FCT_PUB); assert!(address_present.is_some()); } #[test] fn rm_address(){ let client = Factom::new(); let query = generate::factoid_address(&client); let response = fetch(query).expect("Fetching Query"); dbg!(&response); let address = response.result.public; let rm_query = address::remove_address(&client, &address); let rm_response = fetch(rm_query).expect("Fetching Query"); dbg!(&rm_response); assert!(rm_response.result.success); } // Balance module #[test] fn balance(){ let client = Factom::testnet_node(); let query = balance::factoid_balance(&client, FCT_PUB); let response = fetch(query).expect("Fetching Query"); dbg!(&response); assert_eq!(response.error.code, 0); } #[test] fn ec_balance(){ let client = Factom::testnet_node(); let query = balance::entry_credit_balance(&client, EC_PUB); let response = fetch(query).expect("Fetching Query"); dbg!(&response); assert_eq!(response.error.code, 0); } #[test] fn multiple_balances(){ let client = Factom::testnet_node(); let query = balance::multiple_fct_balances(&client, vec!(FCT_PUB)); let response = fetch(query).expect("Fetching Query"); dbg!(&response); assert_eq!(response.error.code, 0); } #[test] fn multiple_ec_balances(){ let client = Factom::testnet_node(); let query = balance::multiple_ec_balances(&client, vec!(EC_PUB)); let response = fetch(query).expect("Fetching Query"); dbg!(&response); assert_eq!(response.error.code, 0); } // Block module #[test] fn ablock_height(){ let client = Factom::open_node(); let query = block::ablock_by_height(&client, ABLOCK_HEIGHT); let response = fetch(query).expect("Fetching Query"); dbg!(&response); assert_eq!(response.result.ablock.header.dbheight, ABLOCK_HEIGHT as usize); } #[test] fn admin_block(){ let client = Factom::open_node(); let query = block::admin_block(&client, ABLOCK_KEYMR); let response = fetch(query).expect("Fetching Query"); dbg!(&response); assert_eq!(response.result.ablock.header.dbheight, ABLOCK_HEIGHT as usize); } #[test] fn anchors(){ let client = Factom::open_node(); let query = block::anchors( &client, block::AnchorType::Height(ABLOCK_HEIGHT as usize) ); let response = fetch(query).expect("Fetching Query"); dbg!(&response); } #[test] fn dblock_height(){ let client = Factom::open_node(); let query = block::dblock_by_height(&client, ABLOCK_HEIGHT); let response = fetch(query).expect("Fetching Query"); dbg!(&response.result.dblock.header); assert_eq!(response.result.dblock.header.dbheight, ABLOCK_HEIGHT as usize); } #[test] fn directory_block(){ let client = Factom::open_node(); let query = block::directory_block(&client, DBLOCK_KEYMR); let response = fetch(query).expect("Fetching Query"); dbg!(&response.result.header); assert_eq!(response.result.header.timestamp, 1573694640); } #[test] fn directory_block_head(){ let client = Factom::open_node(); let query = block::directory_block_head(&client); let response = fetch(query).expect("Fetching Query"); dbg!(&response); assert_eq!(response.error.code, 0); } #[test] fn ecblock_height(){ let client = Factom::open_node(); let query = block::ecblock_by_height(&client, 218668); let response = fetch(query).expect("Fetching Query"); dbg!(&response.result.ecblock.header); assert_eq!(response.result.ecblock.header.bodyhash, ECBLOCK_BODYHASH); } #[test] fn ec_block(){ let client = Factom::open_node(); let query = block::entry_credit_block(&client, ECBLOCK_KEYMR); let response = fetch(query).expect("Fetching Query"); dbg!(&response.result.ecblock.header); assert_eq!(response.result.ecblock.header.bodyhash, ECBLOCK_BODYHASH); } #[test] fn fct_block(){ let client = Factom::open_node(); let query = block::factoid_block(&client, FBLOCK_KEYMR); let response = fetch(query).expect("Fetching Query"); dbg!(&response.result.fblock); assert_eq!(response.result.fblock.bodymr, FBLOCK_BODYMR); } #[test] fn fctblock_height(){ let client = Factom::open_node(); let query = block::fblock_by_height(&client, FBLOCK_HEIGHT); let response = fetch(query).expect("Fetching Query"); dbg!(&response.result.fblock); assert_eq!(response.result.fblock.bodymr, FBLOCK_BODYMR); } #[test] fn chain_head(){ let client = Factom::open_node(); let query = chain::chain_head(&client, CHAIN_ID); let response = fetch(query).expect("Fetching Query"); dbg!(&response); assert!(response.success()); } // This test only passes with a local or testnet factomd #[test] fn create_chain_and_make_entry(){ // Create Chain let client = Factom::new(); let rand_ext_id = &random_string(12); let ext_ids = vec!("Api Client", "Test Chain", rand_ext_id); let content = random_string(32); let compose_query = compose::compose_chain(&client, ext_ids, &content, EC_PUB); let compose_response = fetch(compose_query).expect("Fetching Query"); dbg!(&compose_response); let commit = compose_response.result.commit.params.message; let commit_query = chain::commit_chain(&client, &commit); let commit_response = fetch(commit_query).expect("Fetching Query"); dbg!(&commit_response); let reveal = compose_response.result.reveal.params.entry; let reveal_query = chain::reveal_chain(&client, &reveal); let reveal_response = fetch(reveal_query).expect("Fetching Query"); dbg!(&reveal_response); assert!(reveal_response.success()); // Make Entry let rand_ext_id = &random_string(12); let ext_ids = vec!("Api Client", "Test Entry", rand_ext_id); let content = random_string(32); let chainid = &reveal_response.result.chainid; dbg!(chainid); // Wait for next block thread::sleep(time::Duration::from_secs(10)); let compose_query = compose::compose_entry(&client, chainid, ext_ids, &content, EC_PUB); let compose_response = fetch(compose_query).expect("Fetching Query"); dbg!(&compose_response); let commit = compose_response.result.commit.params.message; let commit_query = entry::commit_entry(&client, &commit); let commit_response = fetch(commit_query).expect("Fetching Query"); dbg!(&commit_response); let reveal = compose_response.result.reveal.params.entry; let reveal_query = entry::reveal_entry(&client, &reveal); let reveal_response = fetch(reveal_query).expect("Fetching Query"); dbg!(&reveal_response); assert!(reveal_response.success()); } // Debug Module // Open_node doesn't expose debug functionality, these can all be tested with a //local factomd node running a debug network with a command such as factomd -network=LOCAL // #[test] // fn holding_queue(){ // let client = Factom::new(); // let query = debug::holding_queue(&client); // let response = fetch(query).expect("Fetching Query"); // dbg!(&response); // assert!(response.success()); // } // Debug tests only work with a local factomd node // #[test] // fn network_info(){ // let client = Factom::new(); // let query = debug::network_info(&client); // let response = fetch(query).expect("Fetching Query"); // dbg!(&response); // assert!(response.success()); // } // Debug tests only work with a local factomd node // #[test] // fn predictive_fer(){ // let client = Factom::new(); // let query = debug::predictive_fer(&client); // let response = fetch(query).expect("Fetching Query"); // dbg!(&response); // assert!(response.success()); // } // Debug tests only work with a local factomd node // #[test] // fn audit_servers(){ // let client = Factom::new(); // let query = debug::audit_servers(&client); // let response = fetch(query).expect("Fetching Query"); // dbg!(&response); // assert!(response.success()); // } // Debug tests only work with a local factomd node // #[test] // fn federated_servers(){ // let client = Factom::new(); // let query = debug::federated_servers(&client); // let response = fetch(query).expect("Fetching Query"); // dbg!(&response); // assert!(response.success()); // } // Debug tests only work with a local factomd node // #[test] // fn configuration(){ // let client = Factom::new(); // let query = debug::configuration(&client); // let response = fetch(query).expect("Fetching Query"); // dbg!(&response); // assert!(response.success()); // } // Debug tests only work with a local factomd node // #[test] // fn process_list(){ // let client = Factom::new(); // let query = debug::process_list(&client); // let response = fetch(query).expect("Fetching Query"); // dbg!(&response); // assert!(response.success()); // } // Debug tests only work with a local factomd node // #[test] // fn authorities(){ // let client = Factom::new(); // let query = debug::authorities(&client); // let response = fetch(query).expect("Fetching Query"); // dbg!(&response); // assert!(response.success()); // } // Debug tests only work with a local factomd node // #[test] // fn reload_configuration(){ // let client = Factom::new(); // let query = debug::reload_configuration(&client); // let response = fetch(query).expect("Fetching Query"); // dbg!(&response); // assert!(response.success()); // } // Debug tests only work with a local factomd node // #[test] // fn drop_rate(){ // let client = Factom::new(); // let query = debug::network_info(&client); // let response = fetch(query).expect("Fetching Query"); // dbg!(&response); // assert!(response.success()); // } // Debug tests only work with a local factomd node // #[test] // fn set_drop_rate(){ // let client = Factom::new(); // let query = debug::set_drop_rate(&client, 10); // let response = fetch(query).expect("Fetching Query"); // dbg!(&response); // assert!(response.success()); // } // Debug tests only work with a local factomd node // #[test] // fn delay(){ // let client = Factom::new(); // let query = debug::delay(&client); // let response = fetch(query).expect("Fetching Query"); // dbg!(&response); // assert!(response.success()); // } // Debug tests only work with a local factomd node // #[test] // fn set_delay(){ // let client = Factom::new(); // let query = debug::set_delay(&client, 10); // let response = fetch(query).expect("Fetching Query"); // dbg!(&response); // assert!(response.success()); // } // Debug tests only work with a local factomd node // #[test] // fn summary(){ // let client = Factom::new(); // let query = debug::summary(&client); // let response = fetch(query).expect("Fetching Query"); // dbg!(&response); // assert!(response.success()); // } // Debug tests only work with a local factomd node // #[test] // fn messages(){ // let client = Factom::new(); // let query = debug::messages(&client); // let response = fetch(query).expect("Fetching Query"); // dbg!(&response); // assert!(response.success()); // } // Entry Module #[test] fn entry(){ let client = Factom::open_node(); let query = entry::entry(&client, ENTRY_HASH); let response = fetch(query).expect("Fetching Query"); dbg!(&response); assert_eq!(response.result.chainid, CHAIN_ID); } #[test] fn raw_data(){ let client = Factom::open_node(); let query = entry::raw_data(&client, RAW_DATA_HASH); let response = fetch(query).expect("Fectching Query"); dbg!(&response); assert_eq!(, RAW_DATA); } #[test] fn pending_entries(){ let client = Factom::open_node(); let query = entry::pending_entries(&client); let response = fetch(query).expect("Fectching Query"); dbg!(&response); assert!(response.success()); } // factomd module #[test] fn current_minute(){ let client = Factom::open_node(); let query = factomd::current_minute(&client); let response = fetch(query).expect("Fectching Query"); dbg!(&response); assert!(response.success()); } #[test] fn diagnostics(){ let client = Factom::open_node(); let query = factomd::diagnostics(&client); let response = fetch(query).expect("Fectching Query"); dbg!(&response); assert!(response.success()); } #[test] fn entry_credit_rate(){ let client = Factom::open_node(); let query = factomd::entry_credit_rate(&client); let response = fetch(query).expect("Fectching Query"); dbg!(&response); assert!(response.success()); } #[test] fn heights(){ let client = Factom::open_node(); let query = factomd::heights(&client); let response = fetch(query).expect("Fectching Query"); dbg!(&response); assert!(response.success()); } #[test] fn properties(){ let client = Factom::open_node(); let query = factomd::properties(&client); let response = fetch(query).expect("Fectching Query"); dbg!(&response); assert!(response.success()); } #[test] fn receipt(){ let client = Factom::open_node(); let query = factomd::receipt(&client, ENTRY_HASH, false); let response = fetch(query).expect("Fectching Query"); dbg!(&response); assert!(response.success()); } // generate module #[test] fn generate_factoid_address(){ let client = Factom::new(); let query = generate::factoid_address(&client); let response = fetch(query).expect("Fectching Query"); dbg!(&response); assert!(response.success()); } #[test] fn generate_ec_address(){ let client = Factom::new(); let query = generate::ec_address(&client); let response = fetch(query).expect("Fectching Query"); dbg!(&response); assert!(response.success()); } #[test] fn generate_identity_key(){ let client = Factom::new(); let query = generate::identity_key(&client); let response = fetch(query).expect("Fectching Query"); dbg!(&response); assert!(response.success()); } // identity module #[test] fn all_id_keys(){ let client = Factom::new(); let query = identity::all_id_keys(&client); let response = fetch(query).expect("Fectching Query"); dbg!(&response); assert!(response.success()); } // #[test] // fn active_id_keys(){ // let client = Factom::open_node(); // let query = identity::active_id_keys(&client, ID_CHAIN, Some(ID_HEIGHT)); // let response = fetch(query).expect("Fectching Query"); // dbg!(&response); // assert!(response.success()); // } #[test] fn remove_id_key(){ let client = Factom::new(); let gen_query = generate::identity_key(&client); let response = fetch(gen_query).expect("Fectching Query"); let key = response.result.public; let rm_query = identity::remove_id_key(&client, &key); let response = fetch(rm_query).expect("Fectching Query"); dbg!(&response); assert!(response.result.success) } #[test] fn id_key(){ let client = Factom::new(); let gen_query = generate::identity_key(&client); let response = fetch(gen_query).expect("Fectching Query"); let key = response.result.public; let key_query = identity::id_key(&client, &key); let response = fetch(key_query).expect("Fectching Query"); dbg!(&response); let rm_query = identity::remove_id_key(&client, &key); fetch(rm_query).expect("Fectching Query"); assert_eq!(response.result.public, key.clone()); } // import module #[test] fn import_addresses(){ let client = Factom::new(); let query = import::import_addresses(&client, vec!(FCT_PRIV)); let response = fetch(query).expect("Fectching Query"); dbg!(&response); assert!(response.success()); let query = address::remove_address(&client, FCT_PUB); fetch(query).expect("Fectching Query"); } #[test] fn import_id_keys(){ let client = Factom::new(); let query = import::import_identity_keys(&client, vec!(ID_PRIV)); let response = fetch(query).expect("Fectching Query"); dbg!(&response); assert!(response.success()); let query = identity::remove_id_key(&client, ID_PUB); fetch(query).expect("Fectching Query"); } #[test] fn import_koinify(){ let client = Factom::new(); let query = import::import_koinify(&client, KOINIFY); let response = fetch(query).expect("Fectching Query"); dbg!(&response); assert!(response.success()); let query = address::remove_address(&client, KOINIFY_PUB); fetch(query).expect("Fectching Query"); } // txmodule #[test] fn ack(){ let client = Factom::open_node(); let query = tx::ec_ack(&client, ACK_HASH, ACK_CHAIN, None); let response = fetch(query).expect("Fectching Query"); dbg!(&response); assert_eq!(response.result.committxid, ACK_COMMITTXID); } #[test] fn transaction(){ let client = Factom::open_node(); let query = tx::transaction(&client, FCT_TX_ID); let response = fetch(query).expect("Fectching Query"); dbg!(&response); assert_eq!(response.result.factoidtransaction.millitimestamp, FCT_TX_TIMESTAMP); } #[test] fn pending_transactions(){ let client = Factom::open_node(); let query = tx::pending_transactions(&client, None); let response = fetch(query).expect("Fectching Query"); dbg!(&response); assert!(response.success()); } #[test] fn new_and_delete_transaction(){ let client = Factom::new(); let tx_name = "api-client-test-tx"; let query = tx::new_transaction(&client, tx_name); let response = fetch(query).expect("Fectching Query"); dbg!(&response); assert!(response.success()); let query = tx::delete_transaction(&client, tx_name); let response = fetch(query).expect("Fectching Query"); dbg!(&response); assert!(response.success()); } // Walletd module #[test] fn wallet_backup() { let client = Factom::new(); let query = walletd::wallet_backup(&client); let response = fetch(query).expect("Fetching Query"); dbg!(&response); assert!(response.success()); } #[test] fn wallet_height() { let client = Factom::new(); let query = walletd::wallet_height(&client); let response = fetch(query).expect("Fetching Query"); dbg!(&response); assert!(response.success()); } #[test] fn wallet_properties() { let client = Factom::new(); let query = walletd::wallet_properties(&client); let response = fetch(query).expect("Fetching Query"); dbg!(&response); assert!(response.success()); }