use std::cell::Cell; use std::rc::Rc; use std::sync::Arc; use mlua::{ AnyUserData, Error, Function, Lua, MetaMethod, Result, String, UserData, UserDataFields, UserDataMethods, }; #[test] fn test_scope_func() -> Result<()> { let lua = Lua::new(); let rc = Rc::new(Cell::new(0)); lua.scope(|scope| { let r = rc.clone(); let f = scope.create_function(move |_, ()| { r.set(42); Ok(()) })?; lua.globals().set("bad", f.clone())?;<_, ()>(())?; assert_eq!(Rc::strong_count(&rc), 2); Ok(()) })?; assert_eq!(rc.get(), 42); assert_eq!(Rc::strong_count(&rc), 1); match lua.globals().get::<_, Function>("bad")?.call::<_, ()>(()) { Err(Error::CallbackError { ref cause, .. }) => match *cause.as_ref() { Error::CallbackDestructed => {} ref err => panic!("wrong error type {:?}", err), }, r => panic!("improper return for destructed function: {:?}", r), }; Ok(()) } #[test] fn test_scope_capture() -> Result<()> { let lua = Lua::new(); let mut i = 0; lua.scope(|scope| { scope .create_function_mut(|_, ()| { i = 42; Ok(()) })? .call::<_, ()>(()) })?; assert_eq!(i, 42); Ok(()) } #[test] fn test_scope_outer_lua_access() -> Result<()> { let lua = Lua::new(); let table = lua.create_table()?; lua.scope(|scope| { scope .create_function_mut(|_, ()| table.set("a", "b"))? .call::<_, ()>(()) })?; assert_eq!(table.get::<_, String>("a")?, "b"); Ok(()) } #[test] fn test_scope_userdata_fields() -> Result<()> { struct MyUserData<'a>(&'a Cell); impl<'a> UserData for MyUserData<'a> { fn add_fields<'lua, F: UserDataFields<'lua, Self>>(fields: &mut F) { fields.add_field_method_get("val", |_, data| Ok(data.0.get())); fields.add_field_method_set("val", |_, data, val| { data.0.set(val); Ok(()) }); } } let lua = Lua::new(); let i = Cell::new(42); let f: Function = lua .load( r#" function(u) assert(u.val == 42) u.val = 44 end "#, ) .eval()?; lua.scope(|scope|<_, ()>(scope.create_nonstatic_userdata(MyUserData(&i))?))?; assert_eq!(i.get(), 44); Ok(()) } #[test] fn test_scope_userdata_methods() -> Result<()> { struct MyUserData<'a>(&'a Cell); impl<'a> UserData for MyUserData<'a> { fn add_methods<'lua, M: UserDataMethods<'lua, Self>>(methods: &mut M) { methods.add_method("inc", |_, data, ()| { data.0.set(data.0.get() + 1); Ok(()) }); methods.add_method("dec", |_, data, ()| { data.0.set(data.0.get() - 1); Ok(()) }); } } let lua = Lua::new(); let i = Cell::new(42); let f: Function = lua .load( r#" function(u) u:inc() u:inc() u:inc() u:dec() end "#, ) .eval()?; lua.scope(|scope|<_, ()>(scope.create_nonstatic_userdata(MyUserData(&i))?))?; assert_eq!(i.get(), 44); Ok(()) } #[test] fn test_scope_userdata_functions() -> Result<()> { struct MyUserData<'a>(&'a i64); impl<'a> UserData for MyUserData<'a> { fn add_methods<'lua, M: UserDataMethods<'lua, Self>>(methods: &mut M) { methods.add_meta_function(MetaMethod::Add, |lua, ()| { let globals = lua.globals(); globals.set("i", globals.get::<_, i64>("i")? + 1)?; Ok(()) }); methods.add_meta_function(MetaMethod::Sub, |lua, ()| { let globals = lua.globals(); globals.set("i", globals.get::<_, i64>("i")? + 1)?; Ok(()) }); } } let lua = Lua::new(); let dummy = 0; let f = lua .load( r#" i = 0 return function(u) _ = u + u _ = u - 1 _ = 1 + u end "#, ) .eval::()?; lua.scope(|scope|<_, ()>(scope.create_nonstatic_userdata(MyUserData(&dummy))?))?; assert_eq!(lua.globals().get::<_, i64>("i")?, 3); Ok(()) } #[test] fn test_scope_userdata_mismatch() -> Result<()> { struct MyUserData<'a>(&'a Cell); impl<'a> UserData for MyUserData<'a> { fn add_methods<'lua, M: UserDataMethods<'lua, Self>>(methods: &mut M) { methods.add_method("inc", |_, data, ()| { data.0.set(data.0.get() + 1); Ok(()) }); } } let lua = Lua::new(); lua.load( r#" function okay(a, b) end function bad(a, b) end "#, ) .exec()?; let a = Cell::new(1); let b = Cell::new(1); let okay: Function = lua.globals().get("okay")?; let bad: Function = lua.globals().get("bad")?; lua.scope(|scope| { let au = scope.create_nonstatic_userdata(MyUserData(&a))?; let bu = scope.create_nonstatic_userdata(MyUserData(&b))?; assert!(<_, ()>((au.clone(), bu.clone())).is_ok()); match<_, ()>((au, bu)) { Err(Error::CallbackError { ref cause, .. }) => match *cause.as_ref() { Error::UserDataTypeMismatch => {} ref other => panic!("wrong error type {:?}", other), }, Err(other) => panic!("wrong error type {:?}", other), Ok(_) => panic!("incorrectly returned Ok"), } Ok(()) })?; Ok(()) } #[test] fn test_scope_userdata_drop() -> Result<()> { let lua = Lua::new(); struct MyUserData(Rc<()>); impl UserData for MyUserData { fn add_methods<'lua, M: UserDataMethods<'lua, Self>>(methods: &mut M) { methods.add_method("method", |_, _, ()| Ok(())); } } struct MyUserDataArc(Arc<()>); impl UserData for MyUserDataArc {} let rc = Rc::new(()); let arc = Arc::new(()); lua.scope(|scope| { let ud = scope.create_userdata(MyUserData(rc.clone()))?; ud.set_user_value(MyUserDataArc(arc.clone()))?; lua.globals().set("ud", ud)?; assert_eq!(Rc::strong_count(&rc), 2); assert_eq!(Arc::strong_count(&arc), 2); Ok(()) })?; lua.gc_collect()?; assert_eq!(Rc::strong_count(&rc), 1); assert_eq!(Arc::strong_count(&arc), 1); match lua.load("ud:method()").exec() { Err(Error::CallbackError { ref cause, .. }) => match cause.as_ref() { Error::CallbackDestructed => {} err => panic!("expected CallbackDestructed, got {:?}", err), }, r => panic!("improper return for destructed userdata: {:?}", r), }; let ud = lua.globals().get::<_, AnyUserData>("ud")?; match ud.borrow::() { Ok(_) => panic!("succesfull borrow for destructed userdata"), Err(Error::UserDataDestructed) => {} Err(err) => panic!("improper borrow error for destructed userdata: {:?}", err), } match ud.get_metatable() { Ok(_) => panic!("successful metatable retrieval of destructed userdata"), Err(Error::UserDataDestructed) => {} Err(err) => panic!( "improper metatable error for destructed userdata: {:?}", err ), } Ok(()) } #[test] fn test_scope_nonstatic_userdata_drop() -> Result<()> { let lua = Lua::new(); struct MyUserData<'a>(&'a Cell, Arc<()>); impl<'a> UserData for MyUserData<'a> { fn add_methods<'lua, M: UserDataMethods<'lua, Self>>(methods: &mut M) { methods.add_method("inc", |_, data, ()| { data.0.set(data.0.get() + 1); Ok(()) }); } } struct MyUserDataArc(Arc<()>); impl UserData for MyUserDataArc {} let i = Cell::new(1); let arc = Arc::new(()); lua.scope(|scope| { let ud = scope.create_nonstatic_userdata(MyUserData(&i, arc.clone()))?; ud.set_user_value(MyUserDataArc(arc.clone()))?; lua.globals().set("ud", ud)?; lua.load("ud:inc()").exec()?; assert_eq!(Arc::strong_count(&arc), 3); Ok(()) })?; lua.gc_collect()?; assert_eq!(Arc::strong_count(&arc), 1); match lua.load("ud:inc()").exec() { Err(Error::CallbackError { ref cause, .. }) => match cause.as_ref() { Error::CallbackDestructed => {} err => panic!("expected CallbackDestructed, got {:?}", err), }, r => panic!("improper return for destructed userdata: {:?}", r), }; let ud = lua.globals().get::<_, AnyUserData>("ud")?; match ud.borrow::() { Ok(_) => panic!("succesfull borrow for destructed userdata"), Err(Error::UserDataDestructed) => {} Err(err) => panic!("improper borrow error for destructed userdata: {:?}", err), } match ud.get_metatable() { Ok(_) => panic!("successful metatable retrieval of destructed userdata"), Err(Error::UserDataDestructed) => {} Err(err) => panic!( "improper metatable error for destructed userdata: {:?}", err ), } Ok(()) } #[test] fn test_scope_userdata_ref() -> Result<()> { let lua = Lua::new(); struct MyUserData(Cell); impl UserData for MyUserData { fn add_methods<'lua, M: UserDataMethods<'lua, Self>>(methods: &mut M) { methods.add_method("inc", |_, data, ()| { data.0.set(data.0.get() + 1); Ok(()) }); methods.add_method("dec", |_, data, ()| { data.0.set(data.0.get() - 1); Ok(()) }); } } let data = MyUserData(Cell::new(1)); lua.scope(|scope| { let ud = scope.create_userdata_ref(&data)?; modify_userdata(&lua, ud) })?; assert_eq!(data.0.get(), 2); Ok(()) } #[test] fn test_scope_userdata_ref_mut() -> Result<()> { let lua = Lua::new(); struct MyUserData(i64); impl UserData for MyUserData { fn add_methods<'lua, M: UserDataMethods<'lua, Self>>(methods: &mut M) { methods.add_method_mut("inc", |_, data, ()| { data.0 += 1; Ok(()) }); methods.add_method_mut("dec", |_, data, ()| { data.0 -= 1; Ok(()) }); } } let mut data = MyUserData(1); lua.scope(|scope| { let ud = scope.create_userdata_ref_mut(&mut data)?; modify_userdata(&lua, ud) })?; assert_eq!(data.0, 2); Ok(()) } #[test] fn test_scope_any_userdata_ref() -> Result<()> { let lua = Lua::new(); lua.register_userdata_type::>(|reg| { reg.add_method("inc", |_, data, ()| { data.set(data.get() + 1); Ok(()) }); reg.add_method("dec", |_, data, ()| { data.set(data.get() - 1); Ok(()) }); })?; let data = Cell::new(1i64); lua.scope(|scope| { let ud = scope.create_any_userdata_ref(&data)?; modify_userdata(&lua, ud) })?; assert_eq!(data.get(), 2); Ok(()) } fn modify_userdata(lua: &Lua, ud: AnyUserData) -> Result<()> { let f: Function = lua .load( r#" function(u) u:inc() u:dec() u:inc() end "#, ) .eval()?;; Ok(()) }