use std::iter::Iterator; use crate::{ prelude::ContractLink, cosmwasm_std::{Addr, Binary, Response, Coin, Reply, SubMsg} }; #[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Debug)] #[non_exhaustive] pub enum ResponseVariants { Instantiate(InstantiateResponse), Execute(ExecuteResponse), Reply(ReplyResponse), Bank(BankResponse), #[cfg(feature = "ensemble-staking")] Staking(StakingResponse), #[cfg(feature = "ensemble-staking")] Distribution(DistributionResponse) } #[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Debug)] pub struct InstantiateResponse { /// The address that triggered the instantiation. pub sender: String, /// The address and code hash of the new instance. pub instance: ContractLink, /// Code ID of the instantiated contract. pub code_id: u64, /// The init message that was sent. pub msg: Binary, /// The init response returned by the contract. pub response: Response, /// The responses for any messages that the instantiated contract initiated. pub sent: Vec } #[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Debug)] pub struct ExecuteResponse { /// The address that triggered the execute. pub sender: String, /// The contract that was called. pub address: String, /// The execute message that was sent. pub msg: Binary, /// The execute response returned by the contract. pub response: Response, /// The responses for any messages that the executed contract initiated. pub sent: Vec } #[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Debug)] pub struct ReplyResponse { /// The contract that was called. pub address: String, /// The execute message that was sent. pub reply: Reply, /// The execute response returned by the contract. pub response: Response, /// The responses for any messages that the executed contract initiated. pub sent: Vec } #[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Debug)] pub struct BankResponse { /// The address that sent the funds. pub sender: String, /// The address that the funds were sent to. pub receiver: String, /// The funds that were sent. pub coins: Vec } #[cfg(feature = "ensemble-staking")] #[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Debug)] pub struct StakingResponse { /// The address that delegated the funds. pub sender: String, /// The funds that were sent. pub amount: Coin, /// The kind of staking operation that was performed. pub kind: StakingOp } #[cfg(feature = "ensemble-staking")] #[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Debug)] #[non_exhaustive] pub enum StakingOp { Delegate { /// The address of the validator where the funds were sent. validator: String }, Undelegate { /// The address of the validator where the funds were sent. validator: String }, Redelegate { /// The address of the validator that the funds were redelegated from. src_validator: String, /// The address of the validator that the funds were redelegated to. dst_validator: String } } #[cfg(feature = "ensemble-staking")] #[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Debug)] pub struct DistributionResponse { /// The address that delegated the funds. pub sender: String, /// The kind of staking operation that was performed. pub kind: DistributionOp } #[cfg(feature = "ensemble-staking")] #[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Debug)] #[non_exhaustive] pub enum DistributionOp { WithdrawDelegatorReward { /// The funds that were sent. reward: Coin, /// The address of the validator that the rewards where withdrawn from. validator: String }, SetWithdrawAddress { /// The that rewards will be withdrawn to. address: String } } /// Iterator that iterates over all responses returned by /// the various modules in **order of execution**. pub struct Iter<'a> { responses: &'a [ResponseVariants], index: usize, stack: Vec<&'a ResponseVariants> } impl InstantiateResponse { /// Returns an iterator that iterates over this instance's child responses. /// Iteration follows the message execution order. pub fn iter(&self) -> Iter<'_> { Iter::new(&self.sent) } } impl ExecuteResponse { /// Returns an iterator that iterates over this instance's child responses. /// Iteration follows the message execution order. pub fn iter(&self) -> Iter<'_> { Iter::new(&self.sent) } } impl ResponseVariants { #[inline] pub fn is_instantiate(&self) -> bool { matches!(&self, Self::Instantiate(_)) } #[inline] pub fn is_execute(&self) -> bool { matches!(&self, Self::Execute(_)) } #[inline] pub fn is_reply(&self) -> bool { matches!(&self, Self::Reply(_)) } #[inline] pub fn is_bank(&self) -> bool { matches!(&self, Self::Bank(_)) } #[inline] #[cfg(feature = "ensemble-staking")] pub fn is_staking(&self) -> bool { matches!(&self, Self::Staking(_)) } #[inline] #[cfg(feature = "ensemble-staking")] pub fn is_distribution(&self) -> bool { matches!(&self, Self::Distribution(_)) } /// Returns the messages that were created by this response. /// Only instantiate, execute and reply can return a non-empty slice. #[inline] pub fn messages(&self) -> &[SubMsg] { match self { Self::Instantiate(resp) => &resp.response.messages, Self::Execute(resp) => &resp.response.messages, Self::Reply(resp) => &resp.response.messages, Self::Bank(_) => &[], #[cfg(feature = "ensemble-staking")] Self::Staking(_) => &[], #[cfg(feature = "ensemble-staking")] Self::Distribution(_) => &[] } } #[inline] pub(crate) fn add_responses(&mut self, responses: Vec) { match self { Self::Instantiate(resp) => resp.sent.extend(responses), Self::Execute(resp) => resp.sent.extend(responses), Self::Reply(resp) => resp.sent.extend(responses), Self::Bank(_) => panic!("Trying to add a child response to a BankResponse."), #[cfg(feature = "ensemble-staking")] Self::Staking(_) => panic!("Trying to add a child response to a StakingResponse."), #[cfg(feature = "ensemble-staking")] Self::Distribution(_) => panic!("Trying to add a child response to a DistributionResponse."), } } pub(crate) fn response(&self) -> Option<&Response> { match self { Self::Instantiate(resp) => Some(&resp.response), Self::Execute(resp) => Some(&resp.response), Self::Reply(resp) => Some(&resp.response), _ => None } } } impl From for ResponseVariants { #[inline] fn from(value: InstantiateResponse) -> Self { Self::Instantiate(value) } } impl From for ResponseVariants { #[inline] fn from(value: ExecuteResponse) -> Self { Self::Execute(value) } } impl From for ResponseVariants { #[inline] fn from(value: ReplyResponse) -> Self { Self::Reply(value) } } impl From for ResponseVariants { #[inline] fn from(value: BankResponse) -> Self { Self::Bank(value) } } #[cfg(feature = "ensemble-staking")] impl From for ResponseVariants { #[inline] fn from(value: StakingResponse) -> Self { Self::Staking(value) } } #[cfg(feature = "ensemble-staking")] impl From for ResponseVariants { #[inline] fn from(value: DistributionResponse) -> Self { Self::Distribution(value) } } impl<'a> Iter<'a> { /// Yields all responses that were initiated by the given `sender`. Reply responses are not included. pub fn by_sender(self, sender: impl Into) -> impl Iterator { let sender = sender.into(); self.filter(move |x| match x { ResponseVariants::Instantiate(resp) => resp.sender == sender, ResponseVariants::Execute(resp) => resp.sender == sender, ResponseVariants::Reply(_) => false, ResponseVariants::Bank(resp) => resp.sender == sender, #[cfg(feature = "ensemble-staking")] ResponseVariants::Staking(resp) => resp.sender == sender, #[cfg(feature = "ensemble-staking")] ResponseVariants::Distribution(resp) => resp.sender == sender, }) } fn new(responses: &'a [ResponseVariants]) -> Self { Self { responses, index: 0, stack: vec![] } } fn enqueue_children(&mut self, node: &'a ResponseVariants) { match node { ResponseVariants::Execute(resp) => self.stack.extend(resp.sent.iter().rev()), ResponseVariants::Reply(resp) => self.stack.extend(resp.sent.iter().rev()), ResponseVariants::Instantiate(resp) => self.stack.extend(resp.sent.iter().rev()), ResponseVariants::Bank(_) => { }, #[cfg(feature = "ensemble-staking")] ResponseVariants::Staking(_) => { }, #[cfg(feature = "ensemble-staking")] ResponseVariants::Distribution(_) => { } } } } impl<'a> Iterator for Iter<'a> { type Item = &'a ResponseVariants; fn next(&mut self) -> Option { if self.stack.is_empty() { if self.index < self.responses.len() { let node = &self.responses[self.index]; self.enqueue_children(node); self.index += 1; return Some(node); } return None; } if let Some(node) = self.stack.pop() { self.enqueue_children(node); Some(node) } else { None } } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; use std::cell::RefCell; use crate::cosmwasm_std::Uint128; thread_local!(static MSG_INDEX: RefCell = RefCell::new(0)); #[test] fn iterate() { let resp = mock_response(); let mut iter = resp.iter(); assert_eq!(resp.sent.len(), 3); assert_eq!(, &resp.sent[0]); if let ResponseVariants::Instantiate(inst) = &resp.sent[0] { assert_eq!(inst.sent.len(), 3); assert_eq!(, &inst.sent[0]); if let ResponseVariants::Instantiate(inst_2) = &inst.sent[0] { assert_eq!(inst_2.sent.len(), 2); assert_eq!(, &inst_2.sent[0]); assert_eq!(, &inst_2.sent[1]); if let ResponseVariants::Execute(exec) = &inst_2.sent[0] { assert_eq!(exec.sender, "C"); assert_eq!(exec.address, "D"); assert_eq!(exec.sent.len(), 0); } else { panic!() } if let ResponseVariants::Execute(exec) = &inst_2.sent[1] { assert_eq!(exec.sender, "C"); assert_eq!(exec.address, "B"); assert_eq!(exec.sent.len(), 0); } else { panic!() } } else { panic!() } assert_eq!(, &inst.sent[1]); if let ResponseVariants::Execute(exec) = &inst.sent[1] { assert_eq!(exec.sender, "B"); assert_eq!(exec.address, "D"); assert_eq!(exec.sent.len(), 0); } else { panic!() } assert_eq!(, &inst.sent[2]); if let ResponseVariants::Execute(exec) = &inst.sent[2] { assert_eq!(exec.sender, "B"); assert_eq!(exec.address, "A"); assert_eq!(exec.sent.len(), 0); } else { panic!() } } else { panic!() } assert_eq!(, &resp.sent[1]); if let ResponseVariants::Execute(exec) = &resp.sent[1] { assert_eq!(exec.sent.len(), 1); assert_eq!(, &exec.sent[0]); if let ResponseVariants::Bank(bank) = &exec.sent[0] { assert_eq!(bank.sender, "C"); assert_eq!(bank.receiver, "B"); } else { panic!() } } else { panic!() } assert_eq!(, &resp.sent[2]); if let ResponseVariants::Bank(bank) = &resp.sent[2] { assert_eq!(bank.sender, "A"); assert_eq!(bank.receiver, "D"); } else { panic!() } assert_eq!(, None); } #[test] fn filter_by_sender() { let resp = mock_response(); let mut iter = resp.iter().by_sender("B"); if let ResponseVariants::Instantiate(inst) = &resp.sent[0] { assert_eq!(, &inst.sent[0]); assert_eq!(, &inst.sent[1]); assert_eq!(, &inst.sent[2]); assert_eq!(, None); } else { panic!() } let mut iter = resp.iter().by_sender("C"); if let ResponseVariants::Execute(exec) = { assert_eq!(exec.sender, "C"); assert_eq!(exec.address, "D"); assert_eq!(exec.msg, Binary::from(b"message_3")); assert_eq!(exec.sent.len(), 0); } else { panic!() } if let ResponseVariants::Execute(exec) = { assert_eq!(exec.sender, "C"); assert_eq!(exec.address, "B"); assert_eq!(exec.msg, Binary::from(b"message_4")); assert_eq!(exec.sent.len(), 0); } else { panic!() } if let ResponseVariants::Bank(bank) = { assert_eq!(bank.sender, "C"); assert_eq!(bank.receiver, "B"); assert_eq!(bank.coins[0].amount, Uint128::new(800)); } else { panic!() } assert_eq!(, None); } fn mock_response() -> ExecuteResponse { // sender exec A // A inst B // B inst C // C exec D // C exec B // B exec D // B exec A // A exec C // C send B // A send D let mut resp = execute_resp("sender", "A"); let mut instantiate = instantiate_resp("A"); let mut instantiate_2 = instantiate_resp("B"); instantiate_2.sent.push(execute_resp("C", "D").into()); instantiate_2.sent.push(execute_resp("C", "B").into()); instantiate.sent.push(instantiate_2.into()); instantiate.sent.push(execute_resp("B", "D").into()); instantiate.sent.push(execute_resp("B", "A").into()); resp.sent.push(instantiate.into()); let mut exec = execute_resp("A", "C"); exec.sent.push(bank_resp("C", "B").into()); resp.sent.push(exec.into()); resp.sent.push(bank_resp("A", "D").into()); MSG_INDEX.with(|x| { *x.borrow_mut() = 0; }); resp } fn execute_resp(sender: impl Into, address: impl Into) -> ExecuteResponse { let index = MSG_INDEX.with(|x| x.borrow().clone()); let resp = ExecuteResponse { sender: sender.into(), address: address.into(), msg: Binary::from(format!("message_{}", index).as_bytes()), response: Response::default(), sent: vec![] }; MSG_INDEX.with(|x| { *x.borrow_mut() += 1; }); resp } fn instantiate_resp(sender: impl Into) -> InstantiateResponse { let index = MSG_INDEX.with(|x| x.borrow().clone()); let resp = InstantiateResponse { sender: sender.into(), instance: ContractLink { address: Addr::unchecked(""), code_hash: String::new() }, code_id: 0, msg: Binary::from(format!("message_{}", index).as_bytes()), response: Response::default(), sent: vec![] }; MSG_INDEX.with(|x| { *x.borrow_mut() += 1; }); resp } fn bank_resp(sender: impl Into, to: impl Into) -> BankResponse { let index = MSG_INDEX.with(|x| x.borrow().clone()); BankResponse { sender: sender.into(), receiver: to.into(), coins: vec![Coin { denom: "uscrt".into(), amount: Uint128::new(100 * index as u128) }] } } }