/** * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. * * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. */ // Copyright 2004-present Facebook. All Rights Reserved. // -*- c++ -*- #include "Index_c.h" #include #include "macros_impl.h" extern "C" { DEFINE_DESTRUCTOR(Index) DEFINE_GETTER(Index, int, d) DEFINE_GETTER(Index, int, is_trained) DEFINE_GETTER(Index, idx_t, ntotal) DEFINE_GETTER(Index, FaissMetricType, metric_type) DEFINE_GETTER(Index, int, verbose); DEFINE_SETTER(Index, int, verbose); int faiss_Index_train(FaissIndex* index, idx_t n, const float* x) { try { reinterpret_cast(index)->train(n, x); } CATCH_AND_HANDLE } int faiss_Index_add(FaissIndex* index, idx_t n, const float* x) { try { reinterpret_cast(index)->add(n, x); } CATCH_AND_HANDLE } int faiss_Index_add_with_ids( FaissIndex* index, idx_t n, const float* x, const idx_t* xids) { try { reinterpret_cast(index)->add_with_ids(n, x, xids); } CATCH_AND_HANDLE } int faiss_Index_search( const FaissIndex* index, idx_t n, const float* x, idx_t k, float* distances, idx_t* labels) { try { reinterpret_cast(index)->search( n, x, k, distances, labels); } CATCH_AND_HANDLE } int faiss_Index_range_search( const FaissIndex* index, idx_t n, const float* x, float radius, FaissRangeSearchResult* result) { try { reinterpret_cast(index)->range_search( n, x, radius, reinterpret_cast(result)); } CATCH_AND_HANDLE } int faiss_Index_assign( FaissIndex* index, idx_t n, const float* x, idx_t* labels, idx_t k) { try { reinterpret_cast(index)->assign(n, x, labels, k); } CATCH_AND_HANDLE } int faiss_Index_reset(FaissIndex* index) { try { reinterpret_cast(index)->reset(); } CATCH_AND_HANDLE } int faiss_Index_remove_ids( FaissIndex* index, const FaissIDSelector* sel, size_t* n_removed) { try { size_t n{reinterpret_cast(index)->remove_ids( *reinterpret_cast(sel))}; if (n_removed) { *n_removed = n; } } CATCH_AND_HANDLE } int faiss_Index_reconstruct(const FaissIndex* index, idx_t key, float* recons) { try { reinterpret_cast(index)->reconstruct(key, recons); } CATCH_AND_HANDLE } int faiss_Index_reconstruct_n( const FaissIndex* index, idx_t i0, idx_t ni, float* recons) { try { reinterpret_cast(index)->reconstruct_n( i0, ni, recons); } CATCH_AND_HANDLE } int faiss_Index_compute_residual( const FaissIndex* index, const float* x, float* residual, idx_t key) { try { reinterpret_cast(index)->compute_residual( x, residual, key); } CATCH_AND_HANDLE } int faiss_Index_compute_residual_n( const FaissIndex* index, idx_t n, const float* x, float* residuals, const idx_t* keys) { try { reinterpret_cast(index)->compute_residual_n( n, x, residuals, keys); } CATCH_AND_HANDLE } }