fakeyou ======= [![crates.io](https://img.shields.io/crates/v/fakeyou)](https://crates.io/crates/fakeyou) [![fakeyou documentation](https://docs.rs/fakeyou/badge.svg)](https://docs.rs/fakeyou) An easy, synchronous Rust library to access FakeYou's AI TTS services
***This library is a personal project and has no association with storyteller.ai*** # Usage The first step in using this API is to authenticate.
In these examples, we are using a model token which is already known to us.
**These will take some time to finish, due to the API's queue** ``` use fakeyou; fn main() { let fake_you = fakeyou::authenticate("user_name", "password").unwrap(); fake_you.generate_file_from_token("Hello!", "TM:mc2kebvfwr1p", "hello.wav").unwrap(); } ``` You may also stream the resulting audio directly to an audio playback library, such as `rodio`: ``` use std::io::Cursor; use rodio::{Decoder, OutputStream, source::Source, Sink}; use fakeyou; fn main() { // rodio setup let (_stream, stream_handle) = OutputStream::try_default().unwrap(); let sink = Sink::try_new(&stream_handle).unwrap(); // actual API use let fake_you = fakeyou::authenticate("user_name", "password").unwrap(); let bytes = fake_you.generate_bytes_from_token("Hello!", "TM:mc2kebvfwr1p").unwrap(); // play resulting audio let cursor = Cursor::new(bytes); let decoder = Decoder::new(cursor).unwrap(); sink.append(decoder); sink.sleep_until_end(); } ``` ### License CC0 1.0 Universal