use faktory::native_tls::TlsStream; use faktory::{Client, Job, Worker, WorkerId}; use serde_json::Value; use std::{env, sync}; use tokio::io::BufStream; use url::Url; #[tokio::test(flavor = "multi_thread")] async fn roundtrip_tls() { use tokio_native_tls::native_tls::TlsConnector; // We are utilizing the fact that the "FAKTORY_URL_SECURE" environment variable is set // as an indicator that the integration test can and should be performed. // // In case the variable is not set we are returning early. This will show `test ... ok` // in the test run output, which is admittedly confusing. Ideally, we would like to be able to decorate // a test with a macro and to see something like `test ... skipped due to `, in case // the test has been skipped, but it is currently not "natively" supported. // // See: if env::var_os("FAKTORY_URL_SECURE").is_none() { return; } let local = "roundtrip_tls"; let (tx, rx) = sync::mpsc::channel(); let tls = || async { let connector = TlsConnector::builder() .danger_accept_invalid_certs(true) .build() .unwrap(); let stream = TlsStream::with_connector(connector, Some(&env::var("FAKTORY_URL_SECURE").unwrap())) .await .unwrap(); BufStream::new(stream) }; let password = Url::parse(&env::var("FAKTORY_URL_SECURE").expect("faktory url to be set...")) .expect("...and be valid") .password() .map(|p| p.to_string()); let mut worker = Worker::builder() .hostname("tester".to_string()) .wid(WorkerId::new(local)) .register(local, fixtures::JobHandler::new(tx)) .connect_with(tls().await, password.clone()) .await .unwrap(); // "one-shot" client Client::connect_with(tls().await, password) .await .unwrap() .enqueue(Job::new(local, vec!["z"]).on_queue(local)) .await .unwrap(); worker.run_one(0, &[local]).await.unwrap(); let job = rx.recv().unwrap(); assert_eq!(job.queue, local); assert_eq!(job.kind(), local); assert_eq!(job.args(), &[Value::from("z")]); } mod fixtures { pub use handler::JobHandler; mod handler { use async_trait::async_trait; use faktory::{Job, JobRunner}; use std::{ io, sync::{mpsc::Sender, Arc, Mutex}, time::Duration, }; use tokio::time; pub struct JobHandler { chan: Arc>>, } impl JobHandler { pub fn new(chan: Sender) -> Self { Self { chan: Arc::new(Mutex::new(chan)), } } async fn process_one(&self, job: Job) -> io::Result<()> { time::sleep(Duration::from_millis(100)).await; eprintln!("{:?}", job); self.chan.lock().unwrap().send(job).unwrap(); Ok(()) } } #[async_trait] impl JobRunner for JobHandler { type Error = io::Error; async fn run(&self, job: Job) -> Result<(), Self::Error> { self.process_one(job).await.unwrap(); Ok(()) } } } }