use falco_plugin::anyhow::Error; use falco_plugin::base::Plugin; use falco_plugin::source::{EventBatch, EventInput, SourcePlugin, SourcePluginInstance}; use falco_plugin::tables::TablesInput; use falco_plugin::{anyhow, FailureReason}; use std::ffi::{CStr, CString}; struct DummyPlugin; impl Plugin for DummyPlugin { const NAME: &'static CStr = c"dummy"; const PLUGIN_VERSION: &'static CStr = c"0.0.0"; const DESCRIPTION: &'static CStr = c"dummy no-op plugin"; const CONTACT: &'static CStr = c""; type ConfigType = String; fn new(_input: Option<&TablesInput>, config: Self::ConfigType) -> Result { log::set_max_level(log::LevelFilter::Trace); if config != "testing" { anyhow::bail!("I only accept \"testing\" as the config string"); } Ok(Self) } fn set_config(&mut self, config: Self::ConfigType) -> Result<(), Error> { if config != "testing" { anyhow::bail!("I only accept \"testing\" as the config string, even in an update"); } Ok(()) } } struct DummyPluginInstance; impl SourcePluginInstance for DummyPluginInstance { type Plugin = DummyPlugin; fn next_batch( &mut self, _plugin: &mut Self::Plugin, _batch: &mut EventBatch, ) -> Result<(), Error> { Err(anyhow::anyhow!("this plugin does nothing").context(FailureReason::Eof)) } } impl SourcePlugin for DummyPlugin { type Instance = DummyPluginInstance; const EVENT_SOURCE: &'static CStr = c"dummy"; const PLUGIN_ID: u32 = 1111; fn open(&mut self, _params: Option<&str>) -> Result { Ok(DummyPluginInstance) } fn event_to_string(&mut self, _event: &EventInput) -> Result { Ok(CString::from(c"what event?")) } } // static linking #[cfg(linkage = "static")] use falco_plugin::static_plugin; #[cfg(linkage = "static")] static_plugin!(MY_PLUGIN = DummyPlugin); // dynamic linking #[cfg(not(linkage = "static"))] use falco_plugin::{plugin, source_plugin}; #[cfg(not(linkage = "static"))] plugin!(DummyPlugin); #[cfg(not(linkage = "static"))] source_plugin!(DummyPlugin);