# Falcon CLI Easily and efficiently develop high quality and fully featured CLI apps. Supports the following: * Excellent and easily accessible functions to send wordwrapped text, send a header, get user input, get password, get new password (ie. enter twice to confirm), get y/n confirmation, display table layout ala mySQL prompt, display two column borderless table, and more. * Easily add routes to new CLI commands. Simply define the impl of the CLI command, the command alias, shortcuts, and any flags that will contain values. * Built-in help screens for every CLI command * Utilizes the levenshtein algorithm to automatically identify and correct typos within command names. * Categorize commands to one or more levels for better organization. For full usage details including code example, please visit the [Usage page](https://github.com/mdizak/rust-falcon-cli/blob/main/usage.md) on Github. ## Contact If you need any assistance or software development, contact me anytime via e-mail at matt@apexpl.io.