use fancy_regex::{Captures, CompileError, Error, Expander, Match, Result}; use std::borrow::Cow; use std::ops::Index; mod common; #[test] fn capture_names() { let regex = common::regex("(?)()(?P)"); let capture_names = regex.capture_names().collect::>(); assert_eq!(capture_names, vec![None, Some("foo"), None, Some("bar")]); } #[test] fn captures_fancy() { let captures = captures(r"\s*(\w+)(?=\.)", "foo bar."); assert_eq!(captures.len(), 2); assert_match(captures.get(0), " bar", 3, 7); assert_match(captures.get(1), "bar", 4, 7); assert!(captures.get(2).is_none()); } #[test] fn captures_fancy_named() { let captures = captures(r"\s*(?\w+)(?=\.)", "foo bar."); assert_eq!(captures.len(), 2); assert_match(captures.get(0), " bar", 3, 7); assert_match("name"), "bar", 4, 7); assert_eq!(captures.index(0), " bar"); assert_eq!(captures.index("name"), "bar"); assert!(captures.get(2).is_none()); } #[test] fn captures_fancy_unmatched_group() { let captures = captures(r"(\w+)(?=\.)|(\w+)(?=!)", "foo! bar."); assert_eq!(captures.len(), 3); assert_match(captures.get(0), "foo", 0, 3); assert!(captures.get(1).is_none()); assert_match(captures.get(2), "foo", 0, 3); } #[test] fn captures_after_lookbehind() { let captures = captures( r"\s*(?<=[() ])(@\w+)(\([^)]*\))?\s*", " @another(foo bar) ", ); assert_match(captures.get(1), "@another", 1, 9); assert_match(captures.get(2), "(foo bar)", 9, 18); } #[test] fn captures_with_keepout_inside_at_end() { let captures = captures(r"\s*(\w+\K)(?=\.)", "foo bar."); assert_eq!(captures.len(), 2); assert_match(captures.get(0), "", 7, 7); assert_match(captures.get(1), "bar", 4, 7); assert!(captures.get(2).is_none()); } #[test] fn captures_with_keepout_inside_in_middle() { let captures = captures(r"\s*(b\Kar)(?=\.)", "foo bar."); assert_eq!(captures.len(), 2); assert_match(captures.get(0), "ar", 5, 7); assert_match(captures.get(1), "bar", 4, 7); assert!(captures.get(2).is_none()); } #[test] fn captures_with_keepout_between() { let captures = captures(r"(\w+)\K\s*(\w+)(?=\.)", "foo bar."); assert_eq!(captures.len(), 3); assert_match(captures.get(0), " bar", 3, 7); assert_match(captures.get(1), "foo", 0, 3); assert_match(captures.get(2), "bar", 4, 7); assert!(captures.get(3).is_none()); } #[test] fn captures_with_nested_keepout() { let captures = captures(r"(\w\K)+\s*(\w+)(?=\.)", "foo bar."); assert_eq!(captures.len(), 3); assert_match(captures.get(0), " bar", 3, 7); assert_match(captures.get(1), "o", 2, 3); assert_match(captures.get(2), "bar", 4, 7); assert!(captures.get(3).is_none()); } #[test] fn captures_with_conditional() { let captures = captures(r"^(?((ab))c|d)$", "abc"); assert_eq!(captures.len(), 2); assert_match(captures.get(0), "abc", 0, 3); assert_match(captures.get(1), "ab", 0, 2); assert!(captures.get(2).is_none()); } #[test] fn captures_iter() { let text = "11 21 33"; for (i, captures) in common::regex(r"(?P\d)\d") .captures_iter(text) .enumerate() { let captures = captures.unwrap(); match i { 0 => { assert_eq!(captures.len(), 2); assert_match(captures.get(0), "11", 0, 2); assert_match("num"), "1", 0, 1); } 1 => { assert_eq!(captures.len(), 2); assert_match(captures.get(0), "21", 3, 5); assert_match("num"), "2", 3, 4); } 2 => { assert_eq!(captures.len(), 2); assert_match(captures.get(0), "33", 6, 8); assert_match("num"), "3", 6, 7); } i => panic!("Expected 3 captures, got {}", i + 1), } } } #[test] fn captures_iter_attributes() { let text = "11 21 33"; let regex = common::regex(r"(?P\d)\d"); let all_captures = regex.captures_iter(text); assert_eq!(all_captures.text(), text); assert_eq!(regex.as_str(), all_captures.regex().as_str()); } #[test] fn captures_from_pos() { let text = "11 21 33"; let regex = common::regex(r"(\d)\d"); let captures = assert_captures(regex.captures_from_pos(text, 3)); assert_eq!(captures.len(), 2); assert_match(captures.get(0), "21", 3, 5); assert_match(captures.get(1), "2", 3, 4); let matches: Vec<_> = captures.iter().collect(); assert_eq!(matches.len(), 2); assert_match(matches[0], "21", 3, 5); assert_match(matches[1], "2", 3, 4); let regex = common::regex(r"(\d+)\1"); let captures = assert_captures(regex.captures_from_pos(text, 3)); assert_eq!(captures.len(), 2); assert_match(captures.get(0), "33", 6, 8); assert_match(captures.get(1), "3", 6, 7); let matches: Vec<_> = captures.iter().collect(); assert_eq!(matches.len(), 2); assert_match(matches[0], "33", 6, 8); assert_match(matches[1], "3", 6, 7); let regex = common::regex(r"(?P\d+)\k"); let captures = assert_captures(regex.captures_from_pos(text, 3)); assert_eq!(captures.len(), 2); assert_match(captures.get(0), "33", 6, 8); assert_match("foo"), "3", 6, 7); let matches: Vec<_> = captures.iter().collect(); assert_eq!(matches.len(), 2); assert_match(matches[0], "33", 6, 8); assert_match(matches[1], "3", 6, 7); let regex = common::regex(r"(?P\d+)(?P=foo)"); let captures = assert_captures(regex.captures_from_pos(text, 3)); assert_eq!(captures.len(), 2); assert_match(captures.get(0), "33", 6, 8); assert_match("foo"), "3", 6, 7); let matches: Vec<_> = captures.iter().collect(); assert_eq!(matches.len(), 2); assert_match(matches[0], "33", 6, 8); assert_match(matches[1], "3", 6, 7); } #[test] fn captures_from_pos_looking_left() { let regex = common::regex(r"\b(\w)"); // This should *not* match because `\b` doesn't match between a and x let result = regex.captures_from_pos("ax", 1).unwrap(); assert!(result.is_none()); let captures = assert_captures(regex.captures_from_pos(".x", 1)); assert_eq!(captures.len(), 2); assert_match(captures.get(0), "x", 1, 2); assert_match(captures.get(1), "x", 1, 2); } #[cfg_attr(feature = "track_caller", track_caller)] fn captures<'a>(re: &str, text: &'a str) -> Captures<'a> { let regex = common::regex(re); let result = regex.captures(text); assert_captures(result) } #[cfg_attr(feature = "track_caller", track_caller)] fn assert_captures(result: Result>>) -> Captures<'_> { assert!( result.is_ok(), "Expected captures to succeed, but was {:?}", result ); let captures = result.unwrap(); assert!( captures.is_some(), "Expected captures, but was {:?}", captures ); captures.unwrap() } #[cfg_attr(feature = "track_caller", track_caller)] fn assert_match(m: Option>, expected_text: &str, start: usize, end: usize) { assert!(m.is_some(), "Expected match, but was {:?}", m); let m = m.unwrap(); assert_eq!(m.as_str(), expected_text); assert_eq!(m.start(), start); assert_eq!(m.end(), end); } #[test] fn expand() { let regex = common::regex("(a)(b)(?<π>c)(?Pd)"); let cap = regex.captures("abcd").unwrap().expect("matched"); assert_expansion(&cap, "$0", "abcd"); assert_expansion(&cap, "$1", "a"); assert_expansion(&cap, "$2", "b"); assert_expansion(&cap, "$3", "c"); assert_expansion(&cap, "$4", "d"); assert_expansion(&cap, "$π", "c"); assert_expansion(&cap, "$x", "d"); assert_expansion(&cap, "$0π", ""); assert_expansion(&cap, "$1π", ""); assert_expansion(&cap, "$2π", ""); assert_expansion(&cap, "$3π", ""); assert_expansion(&cap, "$4π", ""); assert_expansion(&cap, "$ππ", ""); assert_expansion(&cap, "$xπ", ""); assert_expansion(&cap, "${0}π", "abcdπ"); assert_expansion(&cap, "${1}π", "aπ"); assert_expansion(&cap, "${2}π", "bπ"); assert_expansion(&cap, "${3}π", "cπ"); assert_expansion(&cap, "${4}π", "dπ"); assert_expansion(&cap, "${π}π", "cπ"); assert_expansion(&cap, "${x}π", "dπ"); assert_expansion(&cap, "$", "$"); assert_expansion(&cap, "$π√", "c√"); assert_expansion(&cap, "$x√", "d√"); assert_expansion(&cap, "$$π", "$π"); assert_expansion(&cap, "${π", "${π"); assert_python_expansion(&cap, "\\0", "abcd"); assert_python_expansion(&cap, "\\1", "a"); assert_python_expansion(&cap, "\\2", "b"); assert_python_expansion(&cap, "\\3", "c"); assert_python_expansion(&cap, "\\4", "d"); assert_python_expansion(&cap, "\\π", "\\π"); assert_python_expansion(&cap, "\\x", "\\x"); assert_python_expansion(&cap, "\\0π", "abcdπ"); assert_python_expansion(&cap, "\\1π", "aπ"); assert_python_expansion(&cap, "\\2π", "bπ"); assert_python_expansion(&cap, "\\3π", "cπ"); assert_python_expansion(&cap, "\\4π", "dπ"); assert_python_expansion(&cap, "\\ππ", "\\ππ"); assert_python_expansion(&cap, "\\xπ", "\\xπ"); assert_python_expansion(&cap, "\\g<0>π", "abcdπ"); assert_python_expansion(&cap, "\\g<1>π", "aπ"); assert_python_expansion(&cap, "\\g<2>π", "bπ"); assert_python_expansion(&cap, "\\g<3>π", "cπ"); assert_python_expansion(&cap, "\\g<4>π", "dπ"); assert_python_expansion(&cap, "\\g<π>π", "cπ"); assert_python_expansion(&cap, "\\gπ", "dπ"); assert_python_expansion(&cap, "\\", "\\"); assert_python_expansion(&cap, "\\\\π", "\\π"); assert_python_expansion(&cap, "\\g<π", "\\g<π"); } #[cfg_attr(feature = "track_caller", track_caller)] fn assert_expansion(cap: &Captures, replacement: &str, text: &str) { let mut buf = "before".to_string(); cap.expand(replacement, &mut buf); assert_eq!(buf, format!("before{}", text)); } #[cfg_attr(feature = "track_caller", track_caller)] fn assert_python_expansion(cap: &Captures, replacement: &str, text: &str) { assert_eq!(Expander::python().expansion(replacement, cap), text); } #[test] fn expander_escape() { match Expander::default().escape("hello") { Cow::Borrowed(s) => assert_eq!(s, "hello"), _ => panic!("string should be borrowed"), } assert_eq!(Expander::default().escape("a$b\\c"), "a$$b\\c"); assert_eq!(Expander::python().escape("a$b\\c"), "a$b\\\\c"); } #[test] fn expander_errors() { let with_names = common::regex("(?a)"); let without_names = common::regex("(a)"); let exp = Expander::default(); macro_rules! assert_err { ($expr:expr, $err:pat) => { match $expr { Err($err) => {} x => panic!("wrong result: {:?}", x), } }; } // Substitution char at end of template. assert_err!(exp.check("$", &with_names), Error::ParseError(_, _)); // Substitution char not followed by a name or number. assert_err!(exp.check("$.", &with_names), Error::ParseError(_, _)); // Empty delimiter pair. assert_err!(exp.check("${}", &with_names), Error::ParseError(_, _)); // Unterminated delimiter pair. assert_err!(exp.check("${", &with_names), Error::ParseError(_, _)); // Group 0 is always OK. assert!(exp.check("$0", &with_names).is_ok()); assert!(exp.check("$0", &without_names).is_ok()); // Can't use numbers with named groups. assert_err!( exp.check("$1", &with_names), Error::CompileError(CompileError::NamedBackrefOnly) ); assert_err!( exp.check("${1}", &with_names), Error::CompileError(CompileError::NamedBackrefOnly) ); // Unmatched group number. assert_err!( exp.check("$2", &without_names), Error::CompileError(CompileError::InvalidBackref) ); assert_err!( exp.check("${2}", &without_names), Error::CompileError(CompileError::InvalidBackref) ); // Unmatched group name. assert_err!( exp.check("$xx", &with_names), Error::CompileError(CompileError::InvalidBackref) ); assert_err!( exp.check("${xx}", &with_names), Error::CompileError(CompileError::InvalidBackref) ); }