# Fast Voxel Traversal This crate provies iterators for traversing a ray through both 2D and 3D voxel volumes. It is based on [this JS impl](https://github.com/fenomas/fast-voxel-raycast/blob/master/index.js) which is itself based on a [this paper by Amanatides and Woo](https://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi= See the `examples/` folder for usage. ```rust use fast_voxel_traversal::raycast_3d::*; use glam::{IVec3, Vec3}; fn main() { // Create a bounding volume. Volmes always start at (0, 0, 0) with a given size. This doesn't // actually allocate a volume, it just stores the size. If you need to query a voxel volume that // doesn't start a (0, 0, 0), simply subtract the offset from the ray's origin, then add the // offset back in during each traversal iteration. let volume = BoundingVolume3 { size: IVec3::ONE * 8, }; // Create a ray that we will intersect with our voxels. let ray = Ray3 { origin: -Vec3::ONE * 10.0, direction: Vec3::ONE, length: 100.0, }; // Traverse the ray through the volume. for hit in volume.traverse_ray(ray) { // The position of the voxel that was traversed. This will always be a voxel within the // bounding volume. let _position = hit.voxel; // The normal of the face that was 'entered' when the ray traversed the voxel. This can be // `None` for the first voxel if the ray started within a voxel. let _normal = hit.normal; // The distance from the ray origin this hit occured. let _distance = hit.distance; // The world space hit point is easy to compute from this, if you need it: let _world_space_hit_point = ray.origin + (ray.direction * hit.distance); println!("{:?}", hit); } let ray_doesnt_intersect = Ray3 { origin: -Vec3::ONE, direction: Vec3::X, length: f32::INFINITY, }; // Casting an infinite ray, or one that never hits a volume won't infinite-loop (although it may // be slightly slower in such degerate cases). for _hit in volume.traverse_ray(ray_doesnt_intersect) { // No hits will be found here. } println!("Done!"); } ```