use std::borrow::Cow; use std::collections::HashMap; use std::env; use std::path::{Path, PathBuf}; use std::time::SystemTime; use itertools::Itertools; use serde::Deserialize; use walkdir::WalkDir; use super::get_arch_id_and_name; #[derive(Debug, Clone)] pub struct BenchResult { pub function_name: String, pub parameter: String, /// Estimate time in nanoseconds pub estimate: f64, } impl BenchResult { pub fn new(function_name: String, parameter: Option, path: &Path) -> Self { #[derive(Deserialize)] struct Mean { point_estimate: f64, } #[derive(Deserialize)] struct Estimates { mean: Mean, } let data = std::fs::read_to_string(path).expect("Unable to read file with benchmark results"); let estimates: Estimates = serde_json::from_str(&data).expect("Unable to parse JSON data with benchmark results"); Self { function_name, parameter: parameter.unwrap_or_default(), estimate: estimates.mean.point_estimate, } } } /// Find all "new/estimates.json" files inside of given directory. /// Get only files what were created after the given time. /// Read estimate time from this files and return vector of `BenchResult` instances. pub fn get_results(parent_dir: &PathBuf, modified_after: &SystemTime) -> Vec { let mut result = vec![]; if !parent_dir.is_dir() { println!("WARNING: Directory with bench results is absent"); return result; } let result_paths = WalkDir::new(parent_dir) .follow_links(true) .into_iter() .map(|e| e.expect("Invalid FS entry")) .filter(|e| e.path().ends_with("new/estimates.json")) .map(|e| (e.metadata().expect("Unable get metadata for FS entity"), e)) .filter(|(m, _)| m.is_file()) .map(|(m, e)| { ( m.modified() .expect("Unable to get last modification time of estimates.json file"), e, ) }) // Exclude old results .filter(|(modified, _)| modified >= modified_after) .sorted_by_key(|(modified, _)| modified.to_owned()) .map(|(_, e)| e.into_path()); for path in result_paths { let rel_path = path.strip_prefix(parent_dir).unwrap_or(&path).to_path_buf(); let path_components: Vec = rel_path .iter() .map(|os_str| { os_str .to_str() .expect("Unable to convert FS entry name into String") .to_string() }) .collect(); let (function_name, parameter_name) = match path_components.as_slice() { [f, p, _, _] => (f.to_string(), Some(p.to_string())), [f, _, _] => (f.to_string(), None), _ => panic!("Relative path to bench result is invalid"), }; result.push(BenchResult::new(function_name, parameter_name, &path)); } result } static COL_ORDER: [&str; 5] = ["Nearest", "Box", "Bilinear", "Bicubic", "Lanczos3"]; pub fn build_md_table(bench_results: &[BenchResult]) -> String { let mut row_names: Vec = Vec::new(); let mut row_indexes: HashMap = HashMap::new(); let mut col_names: Vec = Vec::new(); for result in bench_results { let row_name = result.function_name.clone(); if !row_names.contains(&row_name) { row_names.push(row_name.clone()); row_indexes.insert(row_name.clone(), row_names.len() - 1); } let col_name = result.parameter.clone(); if !col_names.contains(&col_name) { col_names.push(col_name.clone()); } } // Reorder columns let mut ordered_pos = 0; for name in COL_ORDER { if let Some((cur_pos, _)) = col_names.iter().find_position(|s| s.as_str() == name) { if cur_pos != ordered_pos { col_names.swap(cur_pos, ordered_pos); } ordered_pos += 1; } } let col_indexes: HashMap = col_names .iter() .enumerate() .map(|(i, v)| (v.clone(), i)) .collect(); let cols_count = col_names.len(); let mut values = vec![Cow::Borrowed("-"); row_names.len() * cols_count]; for result in bench_results { let row_index = row_indexes.get(&result.function_name).copied(); let col_index = col_indexes.get(&result.parameter).copied(); if let (Some(row_index), Some(col_index)) = (row_index, col_index) { let value = result.estimate / 1000000.; if value >= 0.10 { let value_index = row_index * cols_count + col_index; values[value_index] = Cow::Owned(format!("{:.2}", value)); } } } let first_column_width = row_names.iter().map(|s| s.len()).max().unwrap_or(0); let mut column_width: Vec = vec![first_column_width]; for (col_index, col_name) in col_names.iter().enumerate() { let width = (0..row_names.len()) .map(|row_index| { let value_index = row_index * cols_count + col_index; values.get(value_index).map(|v| v.len()).unwrap_or(0) }) .max() .unwrap_or(0); column_width.push(width.max(col_name.len())); } let mut first_row: Vec = vec!["".to_owned()]; col_names.iter().for_each(|s| first_row.push(s.to_owned())); let mut str_buffer: Vec = vec![]; table_row(&mut str_buffer, &column_width, &first_row); table_header_underline(&mut str_buffer, &column_width); for row_name in row_names.iter() { let mut row = vec![row_name.clone()]; for col_name in col_names.iter() { let row_index = row_indexes.get(row_name).copied(); let col_index = col_indexes.get(col_name).copied(); if let (Some(row_index), Some(col_index)) = (row_index, col_index) { let value_index = row_index * cols_count + col_index; let value = values .get(value_index) .map(|v| v.to_string()) .unwrap_or_default(); row.push(value); } } table_row(&mut str_buffer, &column_width, &row); } str_buffer.join("") } fn table_row(buffer: &mut Vec, widths: &[usize], values: &[String]) { for (i, (&width, value)) in widths.iter().zip(values).enumerate() { match i { 0 => buffer.push(format!("| {:width$} ", value, width = width)), _ => buffer.push(format!("| {:^width$} ", value, width = width)), } } buffer.push("|\n".to_string()); } fn table_header_underline(buffer: &mut Vec, widths: &[usize]) { for (i, &width) in widths.iter().enumerate() { match i { 0 => buffer.push(format!("|{:- buffer.push(format!("|:{:-\n", placeholder_name); let start = match content.find(&start_maker) { Some(s) => s, None => { println!( "WARNING: Can't find start marker for placeholder '{}' in file {:?}", placeholder_name, path ); return; } }; let end_maker = format!("", placeholder_name); let end = match content.find(&end_maker) { Some(s) => s, None => { println!( "WARNING: Can't find end marker for placeholder '{}' in file {:?}", placeholder_name, path ); return; } }; let replace_str = [start_maker.as_str(), string].join(""); content.replace_range(start..end, &replace_str); std::fs::write(path, content).expect("Unable to save string into file"); } #[cfg(not(target_arch = "wasm32"))] static TEMPLATES_PATH: &str = "benches/templates/*.tera"; // WASI doesn't support `std::fs::canonicalize` function #[cfg(target_arch = "wasm32")] static TEMPLATES_PATH: &str = "/benches/templates/*.tera"; fn write_bench_results_into_file(md_table: &str) { let (arch_id, arch_name) = get_arch_id_and_name(); let file_name = format!("benchmarks-{}.md", arch_id); let file_path_buf = PathBuf::from(file_name); if !file_path_buf.is_file() { panic!("Can't find file {:?} in current directory", file_path_buf); } let file_path = file_path_buf.as_path(); let tera_engine = match tera::Tera::new(TEMPLATES_PATH) { Ok(t) => t, Err(e) => { println!("Parsing error(s): {}", e); ::std::process::exit(1); } }; let mut context = tera::Context::new(); context.insert("arch_id", &arch_id); context.insert("arch_name", &arch_name); // Update introduction text let introduction = tera_engine .render("", &context) .unwrap(); insert_string_into_file(file_path, "introduction", &introduction); // Update benchmark results let crate_name = env!("CARGO_CRATE_NAME"); context.insert("compare_results", md_table); let tpl_file_name = format!("{}.md.tera", crate_name); let results_block = tera_engine.render(&tpl_file_name, &context).unwrap(); insert_string_into_file(file_path, crate_name, &results_block); if arch_id == "x86_64" { let file_path = PathBuf::from(""); if !file_path.is_file() { panic!("Can't find file {:?} in current directory", file_path); } insert_string_into_file(file_path.as_path(), crate_name, &results_block); } } pub fn print_and_write_compare_result(bench_results: &[BenchResult]) { if !bench_results.is_empty() { let md_table = build_md_table(bench_results); println!("{}", md_table); if env::var("WRITE_COMPARE_RESULT").unwrap_or_else(|_| "".to_owned()) == "1" { write_bench_results_into_file(&md_table); } } }