use itertools::Itertools; use std::io::prelude::*; use std::{fs::File, io::BufWriter}; use crate::kmer_maps::{self, KmerMap, WriteArray, WriteKmerValues}; use crate::kmeru8; use crate::seq_statsu8; use anyhow::Result; use bio::io::fasta; use indicatif::{ProgressBar, ProgressStyle}; use rayon::prelude::*; use std::sync::mpsc::channel; pub fn fasta_windows( matches: &clap::ArgMatches, mut window_file_0: BufWriter, mut window_file_1: BufWriter, mut window_file_2: BufWriter, mut window_file_3: BufWriter, mut window_file_4: BufWriter, ) -> Result<()> { // get matches let input_fasta = matches.value_of("fasta").unwrap(); let output = matches.value_of("output").unwrap(); let window_size: usize = matches.value_of_t("window_size").unwrap(); let masked = matches.is_present("masked"); let description = matches.is_present("description"); // compute the 2-4mer kmer maps once only // hard code with false until I decide how to deal with // canonical kmers let kmer_maps = kmer_maps::generate_kmer_maps(false); // channel for collecting output let (sender, receiver) = channel(); // iterate over fasta to get number of sequences // for the progress bar let mut nb_reads = 0; // read in the fasta from file let mut reader = fasta::Reader::from_file(input_fasta) .expect("[-]\tPath invalid.") .records(); while let Some(Ok(_record)) = { nb_reads += 1; } let progress_bar = ProgressBar::new(nb_reads); let pb_style = ProgressStyle::with_template( "[+]\tProcessing records: {bar:40.cyan/blue} {pos:>7}/{len:12}", )? .progress_chars(">>-"); progress_bar.set_style(pb_style); // second reader for the computation eprintln!("[+]\tReading fasta from file"); let reader = fasta::Reader::from_file(input_fasta).expect("[-]\tPath invalid."); reader .records() .par_bridge() .for_each_with(sender, |s, record| { let fasta_record = record.expect("[-]\tError during fasta record parsing."); // for the stats at the end. // initiate counters for the windows let mut start = 0; // // if the record length < window size, set end to the let mut end = match fasta_record.seq().len() < window_size { true => fasta_record.seq().len(), false => window_size, }; // begin sliding windows // consider changing this to chunks_exact? let windows = fasta_record.seq().chunks(window_size); for win in windows { let seq_stats = seq_statsu8::seq_stats(win, masked); // unpack values let kmer_stats = kmeru8::kmer_diversity(win, kmer_maps.clone()); // get description if present let desc = match fasta_record.desc() { Some(d) => d.to_string(), None => "No description.".to_string(), }; s.send(Entry { id:, desc, start, end, nuc_counts: seq_stats.nuc_counts, gc_proportion: seq_stats.gc_proportion, gc_skew: seq_stats.gc_skew, at_skew: seq_stats.at_skew, shannon_entropy: seq_stats.shannon_entropy, g_s: seq_stats.g_s, c_s: seq_stats.c_s, a_s: seq_stats.a_s, t_s: seq_stats.t_s, n_s: seq_stats.n_s, cpg_s: ((*kmer_stats.di_freq.get(6).unwrap_or(&0) as f32) / seq_stats.len), dinucleotides: kmer_stats.dinucleotides, trinucleotides: kmer_stats.trinucleotides, tetranucleotides: kmer_stats.tetranucleotides, divalues: kmer_stats.di_freq, trivalues: kmer_stats.tri_freq, tetravalues: kmer_stats.tetra_freq, }) .unwrap(); // re-set the counter if counter > length of current sequence if end < fasta_record.seq().len() { start += window_size; end += window_size; // now check if end overshoots the actual sequence length // issue #8 if end > fasta_record.seq().len() { end = fasta_record.seq().len() } } else { start = 0; end = window_size; } }; }); progress_bar.finish(); let mut entries: Vec = receiver.iter().collect(); // parallel iteration messes up the order of scaffold ID's, so we fix that here. // however, within ID's windows should be ordered. entries.sort_by_key(|x|; let mut entry_writer = Output(entries); eprintln!("[+]\tWriting output to files"); entry_writer.write_windows(&mut window_file_0, description)?; entry_writer.write_kmers( &mut window_file_1, &mut window_file_2, &mut window_file_3, &mut window_file_4, kmer_maps, description, )?; eprintln!("[+]\tOutput written to directory: ./fw_out/{}", output); Ok(()) } // the output struct pub struct Entry { pub id: String, pub desc: String, pub start: usize, pub end: usize, pub nuc_counts: Vec, pub gc_proportion: f32, pub gc_skew: f32, pub at_skew: f32, pub shannon_entropy: f64, pub g_s: f32, pub c_s: f32, pub a_s: f32, pub t_s: f32, pub n_s: f32, pub cpg_s: f32, pub dinucleotides: f64, pub trinucleotides: f64, pub tetranucleotides: f64, pub divalues: Vec, pub trivalues: Vec, pub tetravalues: Vec, } pub struct Output(Vec); impl Output { // write the windows file, optionally including a description pub fn write_windows(&mut self, file: &mut BufWriter, description: bool) -> Result<()> { let header; match description { true => header = "ID\tdescription\tstart\tend\tGC_prop\tGC_skew\tAT_skew\tShannon_entropy\tProp_Gs\tProp_Cs\tProp_As\tProp_Ts\tProp_Ns\tCpG_prop\tDinucleotide_Shannon\tTrinucleotide_Shannon\tTetranucleotide_Shannon".to_string(), false => header = "ID\tstart\tend\tGC_prop\tGC_skew\tAT_skew\tShannon_entropy\tProp_Gs\tProp_Cs\tProp_As\tProp_Ts\tProp_Ns\tCpG_prop\tDinucleotide_Shannon\tTrinucleotide_Shannon\tTetranucleotide_Shannon".to_string() } writeln!(file, "{}", header)?; for i in &self.0 { let desc = match description { true => format!("{}\t", i.desc), false => format!(""), }; writeln!( file, "{}\t{}{}\t{}\t{:.3}\t{:.3}\t{:.3}\t{:.3}\t{:.3}\t{:.3}\t{:.3}\t{:.3}\t{:.3}\t{:.3}\t{:.3}\t{:.3}\t{:.3}",, desc, i.start, i.end, i.gc_proportion, i.gc_skew, i.at_skew, i.shannon_entropy, i.g_s, i.c_s, i.a_s, i.t_s, i.n_s, i.cpg_s, i.dinucleotides, i.trinucleotides, i.tetranucleotides, )?; } file.flush()?; Ok(()) } pub fn write_kmers( &mut self, file1: &mut BufWriter, file2: &mut BufWriter, file3: &mut BufWriter, file4: &mut BufWriter, kmer_maps: Vec, description: bool, ) -> Result<()> { // these are the arrays, tab separated bed-like format. // unpack kmer_maps match kmer_maps.as_slice() { [two, three, four] => { // headers for all let header: String; match description { true => header = "ID\tdescription\tstart\tend\t".to_string(), false => header = "ID\tstart\tend\t".to_string(), } // headers for mononucs writeln!(file1, "{}A\tC\tG\tT\tN", header)?; // headers for dinucs let mut dinuc_headers = Vec::new(); for key in { dinuc_headers.push(key) } writeln!(file2, "{}{}", header, WriteKmerValues(dinuc_headers))?; // headers for trinucs let mut trinuc_headers = Vec::new(); for key in { trinuc_headers.push(key) } writeln!(file3, "{}{}", header, WriteKmerValues(trinuc_headers))?; // headers for tetranucs let mut tetranuc_headers = Vec::new(); for key in { tetranuc_headers.push(key) } writeln!(file4, "{}{}", header, WriteKmerValues(tetranuc_headers))?; for i in &self.0 { let desc = match description { true => format!("{}\t", i.desc), false => format!(""), }; writeln!( file1, "{}\t{}{}\t{}\t{}",, desc, i.start, i.end, WriteArray(i.nuc_counts.clone()) )?; writeln!( file2, "{}\t{}{}\t{}\t{}",, desc, i.start, i.end, WriteArray(i.divalues.clone()) )?; writeln!( file3, "{}\t{}{}\t{}\t{}",, desc, i.start, i.end, WriteArray(i.trivalues.clone()) )?; writeln!( file4, "{}\t{}{}\t{}\t{}",, desc, i.start, i.end, WriteArray(i.tetravalues.clone()) )?; } file1.flush()?; file2.flush()?; file3.flush()?; file4.flush()?; } [..] => {} // Make the patterns exhaustive } Ok(()) } }