# Seeds for failure cases proptest has generated in the past. It is # automatically read and these particular cases re-run before any # novel cases are generated. # # It is recommended to check this file in to source control so that # everyone who runs the test benefits from these saved cases. cc 826aeaca83adc2968004e367dc157bd744301867816a90b3fe1add030e390877 # shrinks to triplets = [(s+BUn/dkrRKXBVX8NBG6WgoClLusSPzA6nZsBvvuAlWmqYRFyRqaJR7SKSz/NLYbGOe4dgeJdB1l9RNU1B4YBrvNunQKJ7EpwlNFoDvtwHOpwelamCH44jhP4f1Pi2MI, [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], BLS12381Signature { sig: Signature { point: blst_p1_affine { x: blst_fp { l: [18125434228391121280, 14815627389436917288, 17321789701156268262, 14561026292261772609, 15579114996637576586, 954098291569918951] }, y: blst_fp { l: [5807429545163307054, 1869151280837375566, 28652057820067995, 13890315667197675412, 1689740165239319326, 1608735655369928401] } } }, bytes: OnceCell(Uninit) }), (lNeawZUee6G1oz/FKp4zdlF3xmAS7i4GldMNirdzutA7gLXMBQr2mdt6zfQJKuZkBxj5H0D2eHu8zaEX+0WppIZx/k2PwMpI7pAwopwZ0SYmms2E7lT8xcUggrqb8Kus, [149, 23, 191, 165, 16, 240, 89, 57, 99, 155, 164, 20, 82, 206, 227, 217, 14, 167, 149, 137, 63, 222, 189, 80, 115, 245, 208, 255, 44, 103, 97, 16], BLS12381Signature { sig: Signature { point: blst_p1_affine { x: blst_fp { l: [8940787640612413585, 15018404126855233229, 10968120411335186854, 11345610965609445802, 286166986723146037, 398382152108335005] }, y: blst_fp { l: [14653533436415102111, 194253138243388828, 17176117857873810631, 6503084492684583368, 5329409233526031068, 376138747985028977] } } }, bytes: OnceCell(Uninit) }), (i6Hc9Zt7WK0X00pIqKQTGRrQumEtXMe81g82+CM4jtwnos2iHCjumhex/3v53GwoBzFJNU8JJ2AXfaVRMOYb3UmmcjgjA0J1F5JsSdilvUEAV7Bqx7HeK7RurfUSySk7, [60, 183, 155, 90, 72, 106, 210, 21, 84, 38, 194, 27, 44, 203, 0, 133, 176, 17, 63, 166, 243, 123, 167, 54, 186, 65, 75, 52, 89, 62, 38, 113], BLS12381Signature { sig: Signature { point: blst_p1_affine { x: blst_fp { l: [6205345769988812035, 17379931050280296923, 6747360577559513754, 701632831116347639, 11570741416438045726, 1118298881428115798] }, y: blst_fp { l: [3100525045063224336, 537526919993887616, 10605819741696879825, 13718050236057932245, 3400227117061578290, 1708634835503353329] } } }, bytes: OnceCell(Uninit) }), (gJb0KOdZXEZW+bDICP7/9UYM7rDQhdFiIQEmegv5EcFkr+ffYvfVNSpap1NeryYCBbpfu7l7J+9R3oiDQ5yvoqEawKGhBs05yd+H8gdjxXv1FVO6+8AZvLFNo68q6wCK, [30, 183, 73, 36, 165, 99, 110, 91, 21, 185, 49, 221, 23, 156, 118, 112, 99, 140, 249, 168, 67, 254, 232, 85, 95, 220, 137, 120, 254, 93, 247, 74], BLS12381Signature { sig: Signature { point: blst_p1_affine { x: blst_fp { l: [9507384614923626691, 11461201613222950082, 17059996582105552094, 12513700148833826344, 11172500687026654336, 892015333563818696] }, y: blst_fp { l: [10974881853862723103, 17052698872138877571, 5682657454479074740, 6977926994473353737, 7053676449406290085, 924353175640200697] } } }, bytes: OnceCell(Uninit) }), (mNfrJLN3qBDT3MCzzzfhym1gyYyBsBmRsCJQ+PdzuPWwW7je6q7k9/eYqDknABnFBOombtqs3VkT+KIpeSqhpW9Gt0wzAsjwQ1nmvZrewDuo3UHhjasmtqwdBAIVEBF3, [194, 201, 221, 93, 191, 51, 115, 245, 61, 157, 37, 39, 19, 66, 120, 15, 215, 170, 136, 77, 172, 30, 232, 134, 94, 94, 108, 216, 93, 3, 132, 196], BLS12381Signature { sig: Signature { point: blst_p1_affine { x: blst_fp { l: [17867166075257073152, 16096346302812423889, 11270171430379073263, 8738249933129657828, 12385964865470239861, 1372482720159979710] }, y: blst_fp { l: [11405946141625647676, 15253877646107099854, 6509847232640568676, 2594948056945187777, 16773094648137617588, 1543302845285159408] } } }, bytes: OnceCell(Uninit) })]