require 'test_helper' require 'minitest/benchmark' class Pbench # < Minitest::Benchmark def initialize(_) # if for whatever reason we inherit from Minitest::Benchmark - they take 1 parameter end def # :nodoc: @io = $stdout end def io # :nodoc: end def self.bench_range # Looking for a consistent result # which seems to require more of the same [10_000] * 5 end def performance(baseline, new_impl) range = self.class.bench_range times_a = [] range.each do |x| GC.start t0 = Minitest.clock_time t = Minitest.clock_time - t0 times_a << t end # This seems to stabalize the results a bit sleep 0.02; GC.start times_b = [] range.each do |x| GC.start t0 = Minitest.clock_time t = Minitest.clock_time - t0 times_b << t end increase(average(times_a), average(times_b)).round(1) end # run(hash) # the key is the name of the method # value :old will be a proc to execute original method behavior # value :new will be a proc to execute newer method behavior def run(hsh) io.send :puts, "Pinch-bench (Pbench) by Daniel P. Clark" io.send :puts, "-"*80 io.send :puts, os_lang_specs io.send :puts, "-"*80 hsh.keys.each do |k| h = hsh[k] result = performance(h[:old], h[:new]) io.send :puts, "Performance change for #{k} is %.1f%" % result end end def os_lang_specs "#{FasterPath.ruby_arch_bits}-bit #{`ruby -v`.chomp}\n" + "#{FasterPath.rust_arch_bits}-bit #{`rustc -V`.chomp}" end def increase(old_num, new_num) (old_num-new_num)*100/old_num end def average(t) end end