use fastlem::core::parameters::TopographicalParameters; use fastlem::lem::generator::TerrainGenerator; use fastlem::models::surface::{builder::TerrainModel2DBulider, sites::Site2D}; extern crate fastlem; fn main() { // Number of sites let num = 30000; // Bounding box to generate random sites and render terrain data to image let bound_min = Site2D { x: 0.0, y: 0.0 }; let bound_max = Site2D { x: 100.0, y: 100.0 }; // `TerrainModel` is a set of fundamental data required for genreating terrain. // This includes a set of sites and graph (created by delaunay triangulation). // When `build` method is called, the model is validated and the graph is constructed. // When `relaxate_sites` method is called (after `set_bounding_box` method was called), the sites are relocated to apploximately evenly spaced positions using Lloyd's algorithm. let model = TerrainModel2DBulider::from_random_sites(num, bound_min, bound_max) .relaxate_sites(1) .unwrap() .build() .unwrap(); // `TerrainGenerator` generates a terrain from `TerrainModel`. // `TerrainGenerator` requires some paramaters to simulate landscape evolution for each site. let terrain = TerrainGenerator::default() .set_model(model) .set_parameters( (0..num) .map(|_| TopographicalParameters::default().set_erodibility(1.0)) .collect::<_>(), ) .generate() .unwrap(); // Render to image. // In this example, the terrain is represented by small rectangles, resulting in many voids between the rectangles. // The color of the rectangle is determined by the elevation of the site. let img_width = 500; let img_height = 500; let mut image_buf = image::RgbImage::new(img_width, img_height); let max_elevation = terrain .elevations() .iter() .fold(std::f64::MIN, |acc, &n| n.max(acc)); for imgx in 0..img_width { for imgy in 0..img_height { let x = bound_max.x * (imgx as f64 / img_width as f64); let y = bound_max.y * (imgy as f64 / img_height as f64); let site = Site2D { x, y }; let elevation = terrain.get_elevation(&site); if let Some(elevation) = elevation { let color = ((elevation / max_elevation) * 255.0) as u8; image_buf.put_pixel(imgx as u32, imgy as u32, image::Rgb([color, color, color])); } } }"image.png").unwrap(); }