use fastlem::core::{parameters::TopographicalParameters, traits::Model}; use fastlem::lem::generator::TerrainGenerator; use fastlem::models::surface::{builder::TerrainModel2DBulider, sites::Site2D}; use noise::{NoiseFn, Perlin}; use terrain_graph::edge_attributed_undirected::EdgeAttributedUndirectedGraph; extern crate fastlem; // An example for generating more complex (and wonderful) terrains. // The result is shown in `images/out/terrain_generation_advanced.png`. fn main() { // The bound_min and bound_max are the minimum and maximum coordinates of the terrain. // You can expand the terrain by changing these values. let bound_min = Site2D { x: 0.0, y: 0.0 }; let bound_max = Site2D { x: 100.0, y: 100.0 }; // Seed of the noise generator. // You can generate various terrains by changing the seed. let seed = 0; // Noise generator let perlin = Perlin::new(seed); // The value of N per 1.0x1.0. // N will be (bound_max.x - bound_min.x) * (bound_max.y - bound_min.y) * num_per_square let num_per_square = 8.0; let num = ((bound_max.x - bound_min.x) * (bound_max.y - bound_min.y) * num_per_square) as usize; let bound_range = Site2D { x: bound_max.x - bound_min.x, y: bound_max.y - bound_min.y, }; println!("creating a model..."); let model = TerrainModel2DBulider::from_random_sites(num, bound_min, bound_max) .relaxate_sites(1) .unwrap() .add_edge_sites(None, None) .unwrap() .build() .unwrap(); println!("distributing params..."); let sites = model.sites().to_vec(); // fault let max_fault_radius = 35.0; let get_fault = |site: &Site2D| -> (f64, f64) { let scale = 100.0; let modulus = octaved_perlin(&perlin, site.x / scale, site.y / scale, 3, 0.5, 2.0).abs() * 2.0 * max_fault_radius; let direction_x = octaved_perlin( &perlin, (site.x + bound_range.x) / scale, (site.y + bound_range.y) / scale, 4, 0.6, 2.2, ) * 2.0; let direction_y = octaved_perlin( &perlin, (site.x - bound_range.x) / scale, (site.y - bound_range.y) / scale, 4, 0.6, 2.2, ) * 2.0; (direction_x * modulus, direction_y * modulus) }; // reef let max_reef_radius = 5.0; let get_reef = |site: &Site2D| -> (f64, f64) { let scale_scale = 800.0; let min_scale = 7.5; let max_scale = 20.0; let scale = octaved_perlin( &perlin, site.x / scale_scale, site.y / scale_scale, 2, 0.5, 2.0, ) .abs() * 2.0 * (max_scale - min_scale) + min_scale; let modulus_rt = octaved_perlin(&perlin, site.x / scale, site.y / scale, 3, 0.5, 2.0).abs() * 2.0; let modulus = modulus_rt.powf(3.5) * max_reef_radius; let direction_x = octaved_perlin( &perlin, (site.x + bound_range.x) / scale, (site.y + bound_range.y) / scale, 4, 0.6, 2.2, ); let direction_y = octaved_perlin( &perlin, (site.x - bound_range.x) / scale, (site.y - bound_range.y) / scale, 4, 0.6, 2.2, ); (direction_x * modulus, direction_y * modulus) }; let apply_fault = |site: &Site2D| -> Site2D { let fault = get_fault(site); let fault_x = site.x + fault.0; let fault_y = site.y + fault.1; Site2D { x: fault_x, y: fault_y, } }; let apply_reef = |site: &Site2D| -> Site2D { let reef = get_reef(site); let reef_x = site.x + reef.0; let reef_y = site.y + reef.1; Site2D { x: reef_x, y: reef_y, } }; let base_is_outlet = { sites .iter() .map(|site| { let site = apply_reef(&apply_fault(site)); let persistence_scale = 50.; let plate_scale = 50.; let noise_persistence = octaved_perlin( &perlin, site.x / persistence_scale, site.y / persistence_scale, 2, 0.5, 2.0, ) .abs() * 0.7 + 0.3; let noise_plate = octaved_perlin( &perlin, site.x / plate_scale, site.y / plate_scale, 8, noise_persistence, 2.4, ) * 0.5 + 0.5; let continent_scale = 200.; let noise_continent = octaved_perlin( &perlin, site.x / continent_scale, site.y / continent_scale, 3, 0.5, 1.8, ) * 0.7 + 0.5; let ocean_bias = 0.035; noise_plate > noise_continent - ocean_bias }) .collect::>() }; let start_index = (num + 1..sites.len()).collect::>(); let graph = model.graph(); let is_outlet = determine_outlets(&sites, base_is_outlet, start_index, graph).unwrap(); println!("generating..."); let parameters = { sites .iter() .enumerate() .map(|(i, site)| { let site = apply_reef(&apply_fault(site)); let erodibility_scale = 75.0; let noise_erodibility = octaved_perlin( &perlin, site.x / erodibility_scale, site.y / erodibility_scale, 5, 0.7, 2.2, ) .abs() * 4.0 + 0.1; TopographicalParameters::default() .set_erodibility(noise_erodibility) .set_is_outlet(is_outlet[i]) }) .collect::>() }; let terrain = TerrainGenerator::default() .set_model(model) .set_parameters(parameters) .generate() .unwrap(); println!("rendering..."); let colormap_warm: (Vec<[u8; 3]>, Vec) = ( vec![ [50, 110, 150], [200, 200, 180], [100, 150, 70], [90, 120, 65], [210, 210, 210], ], vec![0.0, 0.2, 0.6, 25.0, 35.0], ); let colormap_dry: (Vec<[u8; 3]>, Vec) = ( vec![ [50, 110, 150], [200, 200, 180], [200, 190, 140], [140, 110, 80], [60, 60, 30], [210, 210, 210], ], vec![0.0, 0.2, 0.6, 10.0, 25.0, 35.0], ); let colormap_table = (vec![colormap_warm, colormap_dry], vec![0.35, 0.55]); // get color from elevation let get_color = |site: Site2D, elevation: f64| -> [u8; 3] { let climate_scale = 75.0; let site = apply_fault(&site); let noise_climate = octaved_perlin( &perlin, site.x / climate_scale, site.y / climate_scale, 7, 0.6, 2.4, ) + 0.5; let (colormap_a, colormap_b) = get_surounding_index(&colormap_table.1, noise_climate); if colormap_a == colormap_b { return get_interporated_color( &colormap_table.0[colormap_a].0, &colormap_table.0[colormap_a].1, elevation, ); } else { let (color_a, color_b) = ( get_interporated_color( &colormap_table.0[colormap_a].0, &colormap_table.0[colormap_a].1, elevation, ), get_interporated_color( &colormap_table.0[colormap_b].0, &colormap_table.0[colormap_b].1, elevation, ), ); let prop = (noise_climate - colormap_table.1[colormap_a]) / (colormap_table.1[colormap_b] - colormap_table.1[colormap_a]); lerp_color(color_a, color_b, prop) } }; // resolution of the image let img_width = 500; let img_height = (img_width as f64 * bound_range.y / bound_range.x) as u32; let shadow_dist = 0.3; let shadow_angle: f64 = 3.14 * 0.25; let shadow_dist_x = shadow_dist * shadow_angle.cos(); let shadow_dist_y = shadow_dist * shadow_angle.sin(); let shadow_elevation = 50.0; let mut image_buf = image::RgbImage::new(img_width, img_height); for imgx in 0..img_width { for imgy in 0..img_height { let x = (bound_range.x - shadow_dist_x) * ((imgx as f64 + 0.5) / img_width as f64) + bound_min.x; let y = (bound_range.y - shadow_dist_y) * ((imgy as f64 + 0.5) / img_height as f64) + bound_min.y; let site = Site2D { x, y }; let site2 = Site2D { x: x + shadow_dist_x, y: y + shadow_dist_y, }; let elevation = terrain.get_elevation(&site); let elevation2 = terrain.get_elevation(&site2); if let (Some(elevation), Some(elevation2)) = (elevation, elevation2) { let brightness = 1.0 - ((elevation - elevation2) / shadow_elevation).atan().sin(); let color = apply_brightness(get_color(site, elevation), brightness); image_buf.put_pixel(imgx as u32, imgy as u32, image::Rgb(color)); } } }"image.png").unwrap(); } fn octaved_perlin( perlin: &Perlin, x: f64, y: f64, octaves: usize, persistence: f64, lacunarity: f64, ) -> f64 { let mut value = 0.0; let mut amplitude = 1.0; let mut frequency = 1.0; let mut max_value = 0.0; for _ in 0..octaves { value += perlin.get([x * frequency, y * frequency, 0.0]) * amplitude; max_value += amplitude; amplitude *= persistence; frequency *= lacunarity; } value / max_value } fn determine_outlets( sites: &Vec, base_is_outlet: Vec, start_index: Vec, graph: &EdgeAttributedUndirectedGraph, ) -> Option> { let mut queue = start_index .into_iter() .filter(|i| base_is_outlet[*i]) .collect::>(); if queue.is_empty() { return None; } let mut outlets = vec![false; sites.len()]; while let Some(i) = queue.pop() { if outlets[i] { continue; } outlets[i] = true; graph.neighbors_of(i).iter().for_each(|(j, _)| { if !outlets[*j] && base_is_outlet[*j] { queue.push(*j); } }); } let is_outlet = outlets.iter().map(|&b| b).collect::>(); Some(is_outlet) } fn lerp_color(c1: [u8; 3], c2: [u8; 3], prop: f64) -> [u8; 3] { [ (c1[0] as f64 + (c2[0] as f64 - c1[0] as f64) * prop) as u8, (c1[1] as f64 + (c2[1] as f64 - c1[1] as f64) * prop) as u8, (c1[2] as f64 + (c2[2] as f64 - c1[2] as f64) * prop) as u8, ] } fn apply_brightness(color: [u8; 3], brightness: f64) -> [u8; 3] { [ (color[0] as f64 * brightness) as u8, (color[1] as f64 * brightness) as u8, (color[2] as f64 * brightness) as u8, ] } fn get_surounding_index(props: &Vec, target: f64) -> (usize, usize) { if target <= props[0] { (0, 0) } else if target >= props[props.len() - 1] { (props.len() - 1, props.len() - 1) } else { let mut index = 1; for i in 1..props.len() { if target < props[i] { index = i; break; } } (index - 1, index) } } fn get_interporated_color(colors: &Vec<[u8; 3]>, elevations: &Vec, elevation: f64) -> [u8; 3] { let (index_a, index_b) = get_surounding_index(elevations, elevation); let color_a = colors[index_a]; let color_b = colors[index_b]; let prop = (elevation - elevations[index_a]) / (elevations[index_b] - elevations[index_a]); lerp_color(color_a, color_b, prop.min(1.0).max(0.0)) }