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Fastlin takes as input the path of the directory containing FASTQ, BAM and/or FASTA files. The directory can contain a mix of FASTA geome assemblies, BAM alignment files, paired-end and single-end FASTQ files. FASTQ and FASTA files should be gzipped, with the following extensions:
- **.fastq.gz** or **.fq.gz** for FASTQ read data. The names of paired-end files should be in the form name_1.fq.gz and name_2.fq.gz (or equivalent with fastq.gz) - **.bam**, or **.BAM** for BAM files. Here the maximum kmer coverage is ignored since BAM files can be sorted. - **.fas.gz**, **.fasta.gz** or **.fna.gz** for FASTA genome assemblies. Here, minimum occurence is set to 1 and the maximum kmer coverage is ignored.Please note that BAM files are analyzed in the same way as FASTQ files, by scanning reads without considering quality scores. You may find faster scripts or programs that focus solely on specific genomic positions.
The MTBC barcode file can be downloaded from https://www.github.com/rderelle/barcodes-fastlin. Alternatively, you can build and test your own kmer barcodes using the Python scripts available in that directory.
### Manual A full description of fastlin parameters can be found [here](https://github.com/rderelle/fastlin/blob/main/parameters.md). ### Output file Fastlin output consists of a tab-delimited file with the following fields: + sample: sample name + data type: 'assembly', 'BAM', 'single' (reads) or 'paired' (-end reads) + k_cov: theoretical kmer coverage of the fastq files(s) based on the number of extracted kmers + mixture: pure ('no') or mixed ('yes') sample + lineages: detected lineages (median kmer occurences within paratheses) + log_barcodes: kmer barcodes passing the minimum occurence threshold, indicated by their kmer occurence and grouped by lineages Here is a simple example: > #sample data type k_cov mixture lineages log_barcodes log_errors ERRxxxxx paired 118 no 2 (45) 2 (42, 48, 39, 43, 54, 47, 45), 4.1 (4) The sample ERRxxxxx contains a single strain belonging to lineage 2. This typing is supported by 7 kmer barcodes, with a median number of occurences of 45. Since the abundance of the strain is far below the theoretical kmer coverage (equal here to 118), we can conclude that the sample is likely to contain high level of contaminations or sequencing errors. ### Multi-threadingBy default, fastlin runs on 1 thread. The number of threads can be increased using the '-t' parameter, which will split the sample set among all threads (for a single sample, increasing the number of threads will have no impact on runtime).
Here are some examples of runtimes (in seconds) using real-world Mtb genomic data on a M2 Macbook Air:
When fastlin cannot read a fastq file (e.g., faulty record within the fastq file, corrupt gzip file), it stops scanning it, re-initialises all values to 0 and reports the error message in the last column of the output file. Here is an example of output with 3 different errors:
> #sample data type k_cov mixture lineages log_barcodes log_errors dummy1 single 0 no Error in file "reads/dummy1.fastq.gz": FASTQ parse error: sequence length is 150, but quality length is 50 (record 'ERR551806.5' at line 17). dummy2 single 0 no Error in file "reads/dummy2.fastq.gz": invalid gzip header dummy3 single 0 no Error in file "reads/dummy3.fastq.gz": corrupt deflate stream