set dotenv-load := false export RUSTFLAGS := "-Lbuild" bootstrap: cargo install checkexec cargo-criterion git submodule update --init --recursive help: @just --list --unsorted build: cargo build alias b := build run *args: cargo run {{args}} alias r := run release: cargo build --release install: cargo install --path . test *args: build-murmur3c cargo test {{args}} --features murmur3c check: cargo check alias c := check bench: cargo criterion --features murmur3c fix: cargo clippy --fix # Bump version. level=major,minor,patch version level: git diff-index --exit-code HEAD > /dev/null || ! echo You have untracked changes. Commit your changes before bumping the version. cargo set-version --bump {{level}} cargo update # This bumps Cargo.lock VERSION=$(rg "version = \"([0-9.]+)\"" -or '$1' Cargo.toml | head -n1) && \ git commit -am "Bump version {{level}} to $VERSION" && \ git tag v$VERSION && \ git push origin v$VERSION git push publish: cargo publish patch: test just version patch just publish build-murmur3c: checkexec -v build/ murmur3c/murmur3.c -- just _murmur3c _murmur3c: mkdir -p build/ cargo clean -p fastmurmur3 export DIR=$(pwd) && cd murmur3c && gcc -shared -O3 -Wall -fPIC -o $DIR/build/ -c murmur3.c