# Options / Config This section covers all user-configurable options for faucet. ## Host - CLI: `--host` - Environment: `FAUCET_HOST` - Default: `` The host and port to bind the faucet server to. If running in a container, this should be set to `` to allow external access. ## Workers - CLI: `--workers` or `-w` - Environment: `FAUCET_WORKERS` - Default: The number of CPUs available to the process The number of worker processes to spawn. On a CPU-bound workload, this should be set to the number of CPUs available to the process. On an IO-bound workload, this could be set to a higher number. ## Strategy - CLI: `--strategy` or `-s` - Environment: `FAUCET_STRATEGY` - Default: - Plumber: `round-robin` - Shiny: `ip-hash` - Posibble values: - `round-robin` - `ip-hash` The strategy to use for load balancing. Which strategy you choose depends on your workload. ### Round Robin Round robin is a very lightweight and simple load balancing strategy. It simply distributes requests to workers in a round robin fashion. This can be a good strategy for most workloads, it is very simple and has very little overhead. You should **NOT** use round robin if the server is stateful, as it will not guarantee that requests from the same client will be routed to the same worker. If you need persistent state, use IP Hash. If a worker dies, the requests that were routed will continue to be the next available worker that is alive. ### IP Hash IP Hash is a more complex strategy that guarantees that requests from the same client will be routed to the same worker. This is useful for stateful servers, such as Shiny apps. IP Hash is enforced on Shiny apps, as round robin simply will not work with them. If a worker dies, the requests will be held until the worker is back online. This means that latency may increase if a worker dies. ## Type (Type of server) - CLI: `--type` or `-t` - Environment: `FAUCET_TYPE` - Default: `auto` - Possible values: - `auto` - `plumber` - `shiny` The type of server to run. This is used to determine the correct strategy to use and how to spawn the workers. ### Auto Auto will attempt to determine the type of server based on the contents of the directory. If the directory contains a `plumber.R` or `entrypoint.R` file, it will be assumed to be a plumber server. If the directory contains a `app.R`, or a `server.R` and `ui.R`, it will be assumed to be a Shiny server. ### Shiny Shiny will run the server as a Shiny app. This will use the IP Hash strategy. ### Plumber Plumber will run the server as a Plumber server. This will use the Round Robin strategy unless the `--strategy` option is set to `ip-hash`. ## Directory (Working directory) - CLI: `--dir` or `-d` - Environment: `FAUCET_DIR` - Default: `.` The directory to run the server from. This should be the directory that contains the `plumber.R` or Shiny app contents. ## IP From (How to determine the client IP) - CLI: `--ip-from` - Environment: `FAUCET_IP_FROM` - Default: `client` - Possible values: - `client` - `x-forwarded-for` - `x-real-ip` How to determine the client IP. This is used to determine the IP for the IP Hash strategy and for logging of HTTP requests. If you are running faucet directly to end users, you should use `client`. If you are running faucet behind a reverse proxy like _nginx_, you should use `x-forwarded-for` or `x-real-ip`. > **Note:** If you are running faucet behind a reverse proxy, be sure to set the > `X-Forwarded-For` or `X-Real-IP` header correctly in your reverse proxy's > configuration. ## Logging - Environment: `FAUCET_LOG` - Default: `INFO` - Possible values: - `ERROR` - `WARN` - `INFO` - `DEBUG` - `TRACE` The logging level to use. Refer to the [logging](./logging.md) section for more information. ## Redirect logging to a file - CLI: `--log-file` - Environment: `FAUCET_LOG_FILE` - Default: `None` If you set this variable it will disable colors on `stderr` and save all output to the specified path. This will append, not overwrite previously existing files. ## Define a custom `Rscript` binary/executable - CLI: `--rscript` or `-r` - Environment: `FAUCET_RSCRIPT` - Default: `Rscript` The `Rscript` binary/executable to use. This is useful if you need to have multiple versions of R installed on your system. This should be the full path to the `Rscript` binary/executable or an alias that is available in your `$PATH`. This is also useful in platforms like _Windows_ where the `Rscript` binary/executable may not be available in the `$PATH`. ## Shutdown - CLI: `--shutdown` - Environment: `FAUCET_SHUTDOWN` - Default: `immediate` - Possible values: - `immediate` - `graceful` The strategy used for shutting down faucet. `immediate` kills every active connection and shutdown the process. `graceful` waits for all connections to close before shutting down.