# fbtoggl ![https://crates.io/crates/fbtoggl](https://img.shields.io/crates/v/fbtoggl) ![https://github.com/icepuma/fbtoggl/actions/workflows/ci.yaml](https://github.com/icepuma/fbtoggl/actions/workflows/ci.yaml/badge.svg) Interact with track.toggl.com via terminal. [Installation](#installation) • [Usage](#usage)
## Installation * cargo ```bash cargo install fbtoggl ``` * Precompiled binary ## Shell completions WIP ## Usage ### Init 1. Get API token from [profile page](https://track.toggl.com/profile). 2. Call `fbtoggl init` which prompts an input for the API token ### Workspaces ```bash fbtoggl workspaces list ``` ### Projects ```bash fbtoggl projects list ``` ### Clients ```bash fbtoggl clients list ``` ```bash fbtoggl clients create --name "" ``` ### Time entries #### List ```bash fbtoggl time-entries list [--range "today"] ``` #### Details You can find the `