# [fdcanusb-rs](https://github.com/omelia-iliffe/fdcanusb-rs) ### For interfacing with the [fdcanusb](https://mjbots.com/products/fdcanusb) from [MJBots](https://mjbots.com/) This crate is a work in progress but most features are implemented. I am eager to receive feedback! This is the first crate I have published. ### Features - `default = ["serial2"]` - `serial2` Enables re-exporting of the serial2 crate and the `FdCanUsb::open` fn. ### TODO: - [x] Implement basic functionality - [ ] Restructure internals to use less allocations - [ ] Implement support for the filter_id flag - [x] Move serial2 re-export to a feature - [ ] Move log to a feature - [ ] Add support for `classic_id` and `extended_id`. Currently `arbitration_id`'s are `u16`s - [ ] Add more documentation