# fedimint-clientd: A Fedimint Client for Server Side Applications fedimint-clientd runs a fedimint client with Ecash, Lightning, and Onchain modules to let a server side application hold and use Bitcoin with Fedimint. It exposes a REST API & provides wrappers in typescript, python, golang, and elixir. It uses the `multimint` crate to manage clients connected to multiple Federations from a single `fedimint-clientd` instance. This project is intended to be an easy-to-use starting point for those interested in adding Fedimint client support to their applications. Fedimint-clientd only exposes Fedimint's default modules, and any more complex Fedimint integration will require custom implementation using [Fedimint's rust crates](https://github.com/fedimint/fedimint). ## Getting Started You can install the cli app with `cargo install fedimint-clientd` or by cloning the repo and running `cargo build --release` in the root directory. `fedimint-clientd` runs from the command line and takes a few arguments, which are also available as environment variables. Fedimint uses rocksDB, an embedded key-value store, to store its state. The `--fm_db_path` argument is required and should be an absolute path to a directory where the database will be stored. ``` CLI USAGE: fedimint-clientd \ --db-path=/absolute/path/to/dir/to/store/database \ --password="some-secure-password-that-becomes-the-bearer-token" \ --addr="" --mode="rest" --invite-code="fed1-fedimint-invite-code" ENV USAGE: FEDIMINT_CLIENTD_DB_PATH=/absolute/path/to/dir/to/store/database FEDIMINT_CLIENTD_PASSWORD="some-secure-password-that-becomes-the-bearer-token" FEDIMINT_CLIENTD_ADDR="" FEDIMINT_CLIENTD_MODE="rest" FEDIMINT_CLIENTD_INVITE_CODE="fed1-fedimint-invite-code" ``` ## Fedimint Clientd Endpoints `fedimint-clientd` supports the following endpoints (and has naive websocket support at `/fedimint/v2/ws`, see code for details until I improve the interface. PRs welcome!). All the endpoints are authed with a Bearer token from the password (from CLI or env). You can hit the endpoints as such with curl, or use the python/typescript/golang wrappers: ``` curl http://localhost:3333/fedimint/v2/admin/info -H 'Authorization: Bearer some-secure-password-that-becomes-the-bearer-token' ``` ### Admin related commands: - `/fedimint/v2/admin/info`: Display wallet info (holdings, tiers). - `/fedimint/v2/admin/backup`: Upload the (encrypted) snapshot of mint notes to federation. - `/fedimint/v2/admin/discover-version`: Discover the common api version to use to communicate with the federation. - `/fedimint/v2/admin/restore`: Restore the previously created backup of mint notes (with `backup` command). - `/fedimint/v2/admin/list-operations`: List operations. - `/fedimint/v2/admin/module`: Call a module subcommand. - `/fedimint/v2/admin/config`: Returns the client config. ### Mint related commands: - `/fedimint/v2/mint/reissue`: Reissue notes received from a third party to avoid double spends. - `/fedimint/v2/mint/spend`: Prepare notes to send to a third party as a payment. - `/fedimint/v2/mint/validate`: Verifies the signatures of e-cash notes, but _not_ if they have been spent already. - `/fedimint/v2/mint/split`: Splits a string containing multiple e-cash notes (e.g. from the `spend` command) into ones that contain exactly one. - `/fedimint/v2/mint/combine`: Combines two or more serialized e-cash notes strings. ### Lightning network related commands: - `/fedimint/v2/ln/invoice`: Create a lightning invoice to receive payment via gateway. - `/fedimint/v2/ln/await-invoice`: Wait for incoming invoice to be paid. - `/fedimint/v2/ln/pay`: Pay a lightning invoice or lnurl via a gateway. - `/fedimint/v2/ln/await-pay`: Wait for a lightning payment to complete. - `/fedimint/v2/ln/list-gateways`: List registered gateways. - `/fedimint/v2/ln/switch-gateway`: Switch active gateway. ### Onchain related commands: - `/fedimint/v2/onchain/deposit-address`: Generate a new deposit address, funds sent to it can later be claimed. - `/fedimint/v2/onchain/await-deposit`: Wait for deposit on previously generated address. - `/fedimint/v2/onchain/withdraw`: Withdraw funds from the federation. ### Extra endpoints: - `/health`: health check endpoint. - `/metrics`: exports API metrics using opentelemetry with prometheus exporter (num requests, latency, high-level metrics only)