# Feed Finder
A Rust crate for auto-discovering RSS, Atom, JSON feeds.
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[![Docs on docs.rs](https://docs.rs/feedfinder/badge.svg)][documentation]
**Minimum Supported Rust Version:** 1.46.0
## Documentation
[Documentation][documentation] is available on docs.rs.
## Features
`feedfinder` can find feeds:
* Linked via the `` tag in the HTML
* Linked via `` tag in the HTML
* By guessing from the software used to generate the page:
* Tumblr
* WordPress
* Hugo
* Jekyll
* Ghost
* From YouTube:
* channels
* playlists
* users
## Examples
See the [documentation] for an example as well as the [examples] directory in
the source. Examples are runnable with `cargo run --example example-name`.
## Credits
Some logic derived from [FeedFinder] in [Feedbin].
[FeedFinder]: https://github.com/feedbin/feedbin/blob/a748eb250ef1d02ecd5ee596bd5a94dac775fbd1/app/models/feed_finder.rb
[Feedbin]: https://feedbin.com/
[documentation]: https://docs.rs/feedfinder/
[examples]: https://github.com/wezm/feedfinder/tree/master/examples