use std::{ collections::HashMap, io::Cursor, path::{Path, PathBuf}, process::Child, time::Duration, }; use atom_syndication as atom; use form_urlencoded as form; use feedlynx::base62::base62; use minreq::Request; use tinyjson::{JsonParser, JsonValue}; const PRIVATE_TOKEN: &str = "TestTestTestTestTestTestTest1234"; const FEED_TOKEN: &str = "FeedFeedFeedFeedFeedFeedFeedFeed"; const PORT: &str = "8003"; // Use a different port so it doesn't hit the dev server accidentely const ADDRESS: &str = ""; struct RmOnDrop(PathBuf); struct StopOnDrop(Child); impl RmOnDrop { fn new(path: PathBuf) -> Self { RmOnDrop(path) } fn path(&self) -> &Path { &self.0 } } impl Drop for RmOnDrop { fn drop(&mut self) { let _ = std::fs::remove_file(&self.0); } } impl Drop for StopOnDrop { fn drop(&mut self) { if let Err(err) = self.0.kill() { panic!("failed to stop server: {err}"); } } } #[test] fn server() { let rand = base62::<8>(); let feed_path = std::env::temp_dir().join(format!("feed.{rand}.xml",)); assert!(!feed_path.exists()); let feed_path = RmOnDrop::new(feed_path); let mut binary = test_bin::get_test_bin("feedlynx"); binary .envs([ ("FEEDLYNX_PRIVATE_TOKEN", PRIVATE_TOKEN), ("FEEDLYNX_FEED_TOKEN", FEED_TOKEN), ("FEEDLYNX_PORT", PORT), ("FEEDLYNX_LOG", "debug"), ]) .arg(feed_path.path()); let mut child = binary .spawn() .map(StopOnDrop) .expect("failed to spawn server"); std::thread::sleep(Duration::from_millis(250)); let status = child.0.try_wait().expect("unable to get status"); if let Some(code) = status { panic!("server failed to start ({})", code) } // Ensure the server is up and accepting requests let mut attempt = 0; loop { match minreq::get(format!("http://{}/", ADDRESS)).send() { Ok(res) => { assert_eq!(res.status_code, 200); let content_type = res .headers .get("content-type") .expect("Content-Type header is set"); assert_eq!(content_type, "text/html; charset=utf-8"); let body = res.as_str().unwrap(); assert!(body.contains("Feed available at")); break; } Err(err) => { attempt += 1; if attempt > 2 { panic!("GET / failed: {err}"); } std::thread::sleep(Duration::from_secs(1)); } } } // Fetch the feed let (feed, _) = fetch_feed(); assert_eq!(feed.entries().len(), 0); // Fetch info from the server let info = get_info(None); assert!(info.is_object()); let obj: &HashMap<_, _> = info.get().unwrap(); assert_eq!(obj["status"].get::().unwrap(), "ok"); assert_eq!( obj["version"].get::().unwrap(), env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION") ); // Fetch info from the server with charset let info = get_info(Some("utf-8")); assert!(info.is_object()); let obj: &HashMap<_, _> = info.get().unwrap(); assert_eq!(obj["status"].get::().unwrap(), "ok"); assert_eq!( obj["version"].get::().unwrap(), env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION") ); // Fetch info from the server without token let info = get_info_no_token(); assert!(info.is_object()); let obj: &HashMap<_, _> = info.get().unwrap(); assert_eq!(obj["status"].get::().unwrap(), "error"); assert_eq!(obj["message"].get::().unwrap(), "Missing token"); // Fetch info from the server with wrong token let info = get_info_wrong_token(); assert!(info.is_object()); let obj: &HashMap<_, _> = info.get().unwrap(); assert_eq!(obj["status"].get::().unwrap(), "error"); assert_eq!(obj["message"].get::().unwrap(), "Invalid token"); // Add a link to the feed and check again let url = ""; add_link(url); let (feed, last_modified) = fetch_feed(); assert_eq!(feed.entries().len(), 1); assert_eq!( feed.entries() .last() .unwrap() .links() .first() .unwrap() .href(), url ); // Check 304 assert_eq!(fetch_feed_conditional(&last_modified), 304); // Check missing content type in POST is rejected let res = prepare_add_link(url, PRIVATE_TOKEN) .send() .expect("POST /add without content type failed"); assert_eq!(res.status_code, 400); assert!(res.as_str().unwrap().contains("Missing Content-Type")); // Check wrong content type in POST is rejected let res = prepare_add_link(url, PRIVATE_TOKEN) .with_header("Content-Type", "application/json") .send() .expect("POST /add with wrong content type failed"); assert_eq!(res.status_code, 415); assert!(res.as_str().unwrap().contains("Unsupported media type")); // Check unsupported charset in POST is rejected let res = prepare_add_link(url, PRIVATE_TOKEN) .with_header( "Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-16", ) .send() .expect("POST /add with wrong charset failed"); assert_eq!(res.status_code, 415); assert!(res.as_str().unwrap().contains("Unsupported character set")); // Check that token is required to add link add_link_wrong_token(url); // Check that token is required to fetch feed let res = minreq::get(format!("http://{}/feed/{}", ADDRESS, "invalid-token")) .send() .expect("GET /feed with invalid token failed"); assert_eq!(res.status_code, 404); } fn fetch_feed() -> (atom::Feed, String) { let res = minreq::get(format!("http://{}/feed/{}", ADDRESS, FEED_TOKEN)) .send() .expect("GET /feed failed"); assert_eq!(res.status_code, 200); // Get the Content-Type let content_type = res .headers .get("content-type") .expect("Content-Type header is set"); assert_eq!(content_type, "application/atom+xml"); // Get the Last-Modified header let last_modified = res .headers .get("last-modified") .expect("Last-Modified header is set"); let xml = res.as_str().unwrap(); let feed = atom::Feed::read_from(Cursor::new(xml)).expect("failed to parse feed"); (feed, last_modified.to_owned()) } fn fetch_feed_conditional(last_modified: &str) -> i32 { dbg!(last_modified); let res = minreq::get(format!("http://{}/feed/{}", ADDRESS, FEED_TOKEN)) .with_header("If-Modified-Since", last_modified) .send() .expect("GET /feed failed"); res.status_code } fn prepare_add_link(url: &str, token: &str) -> Request { let body = form::Serializer::new(String::new()) .append_pair("url", url) .append_pair("token", token) .finish(); minreq::post(format!("http://{}/add", ADDRESS)).with_body(body) } fn add_link(url: &str) { let res = prepare_add_link(url, PRIVATE_TOKEN) .with_header("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded") .send() .expect("POST /add failed"); assert_eq!(res.status_code, 201); } fn add_link_wrong_token(url: &str) { let res = prepare_add_link(url, "nope-token") .with_header("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded") .send() .expect("POST /add with wrong token failed"); assert_eq!(res.status_code, 401); } fn prepare_get_info(token: &str) -> Request { let body = form::Serializer::new(String::new()) .append_pair("token", token) .finish(); minreq::post(format!("http://{}/info", ADDRESS)).with_body(body) } fn get_info(charset: Option<&str>) -> JsonValue { let mut content_type = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded".to_string(); if let Some(charset) = charset { content_type.push_str("; charset="); content_type.push_str(charset); } let res = prepare_get_info(PRIVATE_TOKEN) .with_header("Content-Type", content_type) .send() .expect("POST /info failed"); assert_eq!(res.status_code, 200); // Get the Content-Type let content_type = res .headers .get("content-type") .expect("Content-Type header is set"); assert_eq!(content_type, "application/json"); JsonParser::new(res.as_str().unwrap().chars()) .parse() .expect("unable to parse info") } fn get_info_wrong_token() -> JsonValue { let res = prepare_get_info("nope-token") .with_header("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded") .send() .expect("POST /info with wrong token failed"); assert_eq!(res.status_code, 401); // Get the Content-Type let content_type = res .headers .get("content-type") .expect("Content-Type header is set"); assert_eq!(content_type, "application/json"); JsonParser::new(res.as_str().unwrap().chars()) .parse() .expect("unable to parse info") } fn get_info_no_token() -> JsonValue { let res = minreq::post(format!("http://{}/info", ADDRESS)) .with_body("") .with_header("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded") .send() .expect("POST /info with no token failed"); assert_eq!(res.status_code, 400); // Get the Content-Type let content_type = res .headers .get("content-type") .expect("Content-Type header is set"); assert_eq!(content_type, "application/json"); JsonParser::new(res.as_str().unwrap().chars()) .parse() .expect("unable to parse info") } // mod test_bin { //! A module for getting the crate binary in an integration test. //! //! If you are writing a command-line interface app then it is useful to write //! an integration test that uses the binary. You most likely want to launch the //! binary and inspect the output. This module lets you get the binary so it can //! be tested. //! //! # Examples //! //! basic usage: //! //! ```no_run //! let output = test_bin::get_test_bin("my_cli_app") //! .output() //! .expect("Failed to start my_binary"); //! assert_eq!( //! String::from_utf8_lossy(&output.stdout), //! "Output from my CLI app!\n" //! ); //! ``` //! //! Refer to the [`std::process::Command` documentation]( //! for how to pass arguments, check exit status and more. /// Returns the crate's binary as a `Command` that can be used for integration /// tests. /// /// # Arguments /// /// * `bin_name` - The name of the binary you want to test. /// /// # Remarks /// /// It panics on error. This is by design so the test that uses it fails. pub fn get_test_bin(bin_name: &str) -> std::process::Command { // Create full path to binary let mut path = get_test_bin_dir(); path.push(bin_name); path.set_extension(std::env::consts::EXE_EXTENSION); assert!(path.exists()); // Create command std::process::Command::new(path.into_os_string()) } /// Returns the directory of the crate's binary. /// /// # Remarks /// /// It panics on error. This is by design so the test that uses it fails. fn get_test_bin_dir() -> std::path::PathBuf { // Cargo puts the integration test binary in target/debug/deps let current_exe = std::env::current_exe().expect("Failed to get the path of the integration test binary"); let current_dir = current_exe .parent() .expect("Failed to get the directory of the integration test binary"); let test_bin_dir = current_dir .parent() .expect("Failed to get the binary folder"); test_bin_dir.to_owned() } }