# Contributing to Feeds to Pocket Any significant code contributions that you submit must be made available under the terms of the [project's license][license]. By submitting a pull request, I assume that you agree to license your code in accordance with the project's license terms, without any additional terms or conditions. If you would like to contribute a new feature, please [file an issue][new-issue] to discuss the feature (unless there's already an issue for that feature). I will consider if the feature makes sense for the application, and I may reject the feature. By filing an issue first, you can avoid wasting time on a feature that I end up rejecting. If you would like to submit changes that fix a bug or implement an accepted feature, please [submit a pull request][create-pull-request]. [license]: README.md#license [new-issue]: https://github.com/FraGag/feeds-to-pocket/issues/new [create-pull-request]: https://help.github.com/articles/creating-a-pull-request/