# systemd example units If you would like to use systemd as a scheduler for Feeds to Pocket, you can use the unit files in this directory as a basis. You will most likely want to set this up for your user instance, rather than for the system instance, so copy `feeds-to-pocket.service` and `feeds-to-pocket.timer` to `~/.config/systemd/user`. In `feeds-to-pocket.service`, edit the `ExecStart` option in the `[Service]` section to refer to your own configuration file. In `feeds-to-pocket.timer`, you may configure the frequency at which Feeds to Pocket will run. The provided timer will run 1 minute after login and every hour after that. Once you've configured the unit files to your liking, enable the timer with the following command: $ systemctl --user enable feeds-to-pocket.timer When the timer is enabled, it will be started automatically when you log in. You can start the timer without having to log out and log back in with the following command: $ systemctl --user start feeds-to-pocket.timer You can also run Feeds to Pocket at any time with the following command: $ systemctl --user start feeds-to-pocket.service systemd will capture Feeds To Pocket's output and save it in its journal. You can view the captured output with this command: $ journalctl --user-unit feeds-to-pocket.service