# Example configuration for feroxbuster # # If you wish to provide persistent settings to feroxbuster, rename this file to ferox-config.toml and make sure # it resides in the same directory as the feroxbuster binary. # # After that, uncomment any line to override the default value provided by the binary itself. # # Any setting used here can be overridden by the corresponding command line option/argument # # wordlist = "/wordlists/seclists/Discovery/Web-Content/raft-medium-directories.txt" # status_codes = [200, 500] # filter_status = [301] # threads = 1 # timeout = 5 # proxy = "" # replay_proxy = "" # replay_codes = [200, 302] # verbosity = 1 # parallel = 8 # scan_limit = 6 # rate_limit = 250 # quiet = true # silent = true # auto_tune = true # auto_bail = true # json = true # output = "/targets/ellingson_mineral_company/gibson.txt" # debug_log = "/var/log/find-the-derp.log" # user_agent = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64; rv:47.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/47.0" # random_agent = false # redirects = true # insecure = true # collect_words = true # collect_backups = true # collect_extensions = true # extensions = ["php", "html"] # dont_collect = ["png", "gif", "jpg", "jpeg"] # methods = ["GET", "POST"] # data = [11, 12, 13, 14, 15] # url_denylist = ["http://dont-scan.me", "https://also-not.me"] # regex_denylist = ["/deny.*"] # no_recursion = true # add_slash = true # stdin = true # dont_filter = true # extract_links = true # depth = 1 # limit_bars = 3 # force_recursion = true # filter_size = [5174] # filter_regex = ["^ignore me$"] # filter_similar = ["https://somesite.com/soft404"] # filter_word_count = [993] # filter_line_count = [35, 36] # queries = [["name","value"], ["rick", "astley"]] # save_state = false # time_limit = "10m" # server_certs = ["/some/cert.pem", "/some/other/cert.pem"] # client_cert = "/some/client/cert.pem" # client_key = "/some/client/key.pem" # request_file = "/some/raw/request/file" # protocol = "http" # scan_dir_listings = true # headers can be specified on multiple lines or as an inline table # # inline example # headers = {"stuff" = "things"} # # multi-line example # note: if multi-line is used, all key/value pairs under it belong to the headers table until the next table # is found or the end of the file is reached # # If you want to use [headers], UNCOMMENT the line below # [headers] # stuff = "things" # more = "headers"