mod utils; use assert_cmd::Command; use httpmock::Method::GET; use httpmock::{MockServer, Regex}; use predicates::prelude::*; use std::fs::{read_dir, read_to_string}; use utils::{setup_tmp_directory, teardown_tmp_directory}; #[test] /// send the function a file to which we dont have permission in order to execute error branch fn main_use_root_owned_file_as_wordlist() { let srv = MockServer::start(); let mock = srv.mock(|when, then| { when.method(GET).path("/"); then.status(200).body("this is a test"); }); Command::cargo_bin("feroxbuster") .unwrap() .arg("--url") .arg(srv.url("/")) .arg("--wordlist") .arg("/etc/shadow") .arg("-vvvv") .assert() .success() .stderr(predicate::str::contains("Could not open /etc/shadow")); assert_eq!(mock.hits(), 0); } #[test] /// send the function an empty file fn main_use_empty_wordlist() -> Result<(), Box> { let srv = MockServer::start(); let (tmp_dir, file) = setup_tmp_directory(&[], "wordlist")?; let mock = srv.mock(|when, then| { when.method(GET).path("/"); then.status(200).body("this is a test"); }); Command::cargo_bin("feroxbuster") .unwrap() .arg("--url") .arg(srv.url("/")) .arg("--wordlist") .arg(file.as_os_str()) .arg("-vvvv") .assert() .success() .stderr(predicate::str::contains("Did not find any words in")); assert_eq!(mock.hits(), 0); teardown_tmp_directory(tmp_dir); Ok(()) } #[test] /// send nothing over stdin, expect heuristics to be upset during connectivity test fn main_use_empty_stdin_targets() -> Result<(), Box> { let (tmp_dir, file) = setup_tmp_directory(&[], "wordlist")?; // get_targets is called before scan, so the empty wordlist shouldn't trigger // the 'Did not find any words' error Command::cargo_bin("feroxbuster") .unwrap() .arg("--stdin") .arg("--wordlist") .arg(file.as_os_str()) .arg("-vvv") .pipe_stdin(file) .unwrap() .assert() .success() .stderr( predicate::str::contains("Could not connect to any target provided") .and(predicate::str::contains("Target Url")) .not(), // no target url found ); teardown_tmp_directory(tmp_dir); Ok(()) } #[test] /// send three targets over stdin, expect parallel to spawn children and each child config to show /// up in the output file fn main_parallel_spawns_children() -> Result<(), Box> { let t1 = MockServer::start(); let t2 = MockServer::start(); let t3 = MockServer::start(); let words = [ String::from("LICENSE"), String::from("stuff"), String::from("things"), String::from("mostuff"), String::from("mothings"), ]; let (word_tmp_dir, wordlist) = setup_tmp_directory(&words, "wordlist")?; let (output_dir, outfile) = setup_tmp_directory(&[], "output-file")?; let (tgt_tmp_dir, targets) = setup_tmp_directory(&[t1.url("/"), t2.url("/"), t3.url("/")], "targets")?; Command::cargo_bin("feroxbuster") .unwrap() .env("RUST_LOG", "trace") .arg("--stdin") .arg("--parallel") .arg("2") .arg("--quiet") .arg("--debug-log") .arg(outfile.as_os_str()) .arg("--wordlist") .arg(wordlist.as_os_str()) .pipe_stdin(targets) .unwrap() .assert() .success() .stderr( predicate::str::contains("Could not connect to any target provided") .and(predicate::str::contains("Target Url")) .not(), // no target url found ); let contents = read_to_string(outfile).unwrap(); println!("contents: {contents}"); assert!(contents.contains("parallel branch && wrapped main")); // exits parallel branch // DBG 0.007 feroxbuster parallel exec: target/debug/feroxbuster // --debug-log /tmp/.tmpAjRts6/output-file --wordlist /tmp/.tmpS4CKKq/wordlist // --silent -u let r1 = Regex::new(&format!("parallel exec:.*-u {}", t1.url("/"))).unwrap(); let r2 = Regex::new(&format!("parallel exec:.*-u {}", t2.url("/"))).unwrap(); let r3 = Regex::new(&format!("parallel exec:.*-u {}", t3.url("/"))).unwrap(); assert!(r1.is_match(&contents)); // all 3 were spawned assert!(r2.is_match(&contents)); assert!(r3.is_match(&contents)); teardown_tmp_directory(word_tmp_dir); teardown_tmp_directory(tgt_tmp_dir); teardown_tmp_directory(output_dir); Ok(()) } #[test] /// send three targets over stdin with --output enabled, expect parallel to create a new directory /// and the log files therein fn main_parallel_creates_output_directory() -> Result<(), Box> { let t1 = MockServer::start(); let t2 = MockServer::start(); let t3 = MockServer::start(); let words = [ String::from("LICENSE"), String::from("stuff"), String::from("things"), String::from("mostuff"), String::from("mothings"), ]; let (word_tmp_dir, wordlist) = setup_tmp_directory(&words, "wordlist")?; let (output_dir, outfile) = setup_tmp_directory(&[], "output-file")?; let (tgt_tmp_dir, targets) = setup_tmp_directory(&[t1.url("/"), t2.url("/"), t3.url("/")], "targets")?; Command::cargo_bin("feroxbuster") .unwrap() .arg("--stdin") .arg("--quiet") .arg("--parallel") .arg("2") .arg("--output") .arg(outfile.as_os_str()) .arg("--wordlist") .arg(wordlist.as_os_str()) .pipe_stdin(targets) .unwrap() .assert() .success() .stderr( predicate::str::contains("Could not connect to any target provided") .and(predicate::str::contains("Target Url")) .not(), // no target url found ); // output_dir should return something similar to output-file-1627845244.logs with the // line below. if it ever fails, can use the regex below to filter out the right directory let sub_dir = read_dir(&output_dir)?.next().unwrap()?.file_name(); let mut num_logs = 0; let file_regex = Regex::new("ferox-[a-zA-Z_:0-9]+-[0-9]+.log").unwrap(); let dir_regex = Regex::new("output-file-[0-9]+.logs").unwrap(); let sub_dir = output_dir.as_ref().join(sub_dir); // created directory like output-file-1627845741.logs/ assert!(dir_regex.is_match(&sub_dir.to_string_lossy())); for entry in sub_dir.read_dir()? { let entry = entry?; // created each file like ferox-https_localhost-1627845741.log println!("name: {:?}", entry.file_name().to_string_lossy()); assert!(file_regex.is_match(&entry.file_name().to_string_lossy())); num_logs += 1; } // should be 3 log files total assert_eq!(num_logs, 3); teardown_tmp_directory(word_tmp_dir); teardown_tmp_directory(tgt_tmp_dir); teardown_tmp_directory(output_dir); Ok(()) } #[test] /// download a wordlist from a url fn main_download_wordlist_from_url() -> Result<(), Box> { let srv = MockServer::start(); let (tmp_dir, _) = setup_tmp_directory(&["a".to_string()], "wordlist")?; let mock1 = srv.mock(|when, then| { when.method(GET).path("/derp"); then.status(200).body("stuff\nthings"); }); // serve endpoints stuff and things let mock2 = srv.mock(|when, then| { when.method(GET).path("/stuff"); then.status(200); }); let mock3 = srv.mock(|when, then| { when.method(GET).path("/things"); then.status(200); }); Command::cargo_bin("feroxbuster") .unwrap() .current_dir(&tmp_dir) .arg("--url") .arg(srv.url("/")) .arg("--wordlist") .arg(srv.url("/derp")) .assert() .success() .stderr(predicate::str::contains(srv.url("/derp"))); teardown_tmp_directory(tmp_dir); assert_eq!(mock1.hits(), 1); // downloaded wordlist assert_eq!(mock2.hits(), 1); // found stuff from wordlist assert_eq!(mock3.hits(), 1); // found things from wordlist Ok(()) }