name: 'Ferrous Actions' description: 'GitHub Rust actions written in Rust' inputs: command: description: 'The command to run' required: true toolchain: description: 'The toolchain to install e.g. nightly' required: false components: description: 'The components to install e.g. rustc' required: false profile: description: 'A profile that selects components (minimal, default, complete)' required: false target: description: 'Targets to install e.g. x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu' required: false default: description: 'Whether this toolchain should be set as the default' required: false args: description: 'Additional arguments to supply to the command' required: false annotations: description: 'Should GitHub annotations be generated for this command' required: false cache-only: description: 'Whitespace separated list of items to cache out of indices, crates, git-repos' required: false min-recache-indices: description: 'Minimum amount of time an index must be out of date before recaching it' required: false min-recache-crates: description: 'Minimum amount of time a collection of cached crates must be out of date before recaching' required: false min-recache-git-repos: description: 'Minimum amount of time cached Git repositories must be out of date before recaching' use-cross: description: 'Whether cross should be used in place of cargo' required: false internal-use-github-workflow: description: 'DO NOT SET THIS INPUT - used to detect the workflow name' default: ${{ toJSON(github.workflow) }} internal-use-github-job: description: 'DO NOT SET THIS INPUT - used to detect the job ID' default: ${{ toJSON(github.job) }} internal-use-matrix: description: 'DO NOT SET THIS INPUT - used to identify matrix properties' default: ${{ toJSON(matrix) }} runs: using: 'node16' main: 'dist/main.js' post: 'dist/post.js' post-if: 'success()'