import b from 'benny' import format from 'benny/lib/internal/format' import type { CaseResultWithDiff, Summary } from 'benny/lib/internal/common-types' import kleur from 'kleur' import { readFileSync } from 'node:fs' import { join } from 'node:path' import { cpus } from 'node:os' import { compileScript, compileTemplate, parse } from '@vue/compiler-sfc' import { Compiler, FervidCompileOptions } from '../index' // Increase libuv thread pool for a better async result. // 4 threads is a default thread pool size. const CPUS = cpus().length - 1 process.env.UV_THREADPOOL_SIZE = CPUS.toString() const input = readFileSync(join(__dirname, '../../fervid/benches/fixtures/input.vue'), { encoding: 'utf-8', }) const options: FervidCompileOptions = { filename: 'input.vue', id: '' } async function run() { const compiler = new Compiler() await b.suite( 'compile sfc', b.add('@vue/compiler-sfc', () => { const descriptor = parse(input, { filename: 'input.vue' }) if (descriptor.descriptor.script || descriptor.descriptor.scriptSetup) { compileScript(descriptor.descriptor, { id: 'abc', isProd: true, inlineTemplate: true, }) } else { compileTemplate({ source: descriptor.descriptor.source, filename: 'input.vue', id: 'abc', }) } }), b.add('@fervid/napi sync', () => { compiler.compileSync(input, options) }), // The code below makes sure that async framework is not flawed. // On my PC `sync promise` benches produce results close to a `sync` bench, // which is expected, because `compileSync` is blocking. // The `async` benches are properly multithreaded, thus they achieve much higher ops/sec. // BEGIN b.add('@fervid/napi sync promise (4 threads)', () => { return Promise.allSettled( Array.from({ length: 4 }, (_) => new Promise((resolve) => (compiler.compileSync(input, options), resolve()))), ) }), b.add(`@fervid/napi sync promise (${CPUS} threads)`, () => { return Promise.allSettled( Array.from({ length: CPUS }, (_) => new Promise((resolve) => (compiler.compileSync(input, options), resolve()))), ) }), // END b.add('@fervid/napi async (4 threads)', () => { return Promise.allSettled(Array.from({ length: 4 }, (_) => compiler.compileAsync(input, options))) }), b.add(`@fervid/napi async CPUS (${CPUS} threads)`, () => { return Promise.allSettled(Array.from({ length: CPUS }, (_) => compiler.compileAsync(input, options))) }), // Custom cycle function to account for the async nature // Copied from `benny` and adjusted b.cycle((_, summary) => { const allCompleted = summary.results.every((item) => item.samples > 0) const fastestOps = format(summary.results[summary.fastest.index].ops) const progress = Math.round( (summary.results.filter((result) => result.samples !== 0).length / summary.results.length) * 100, ) const progressInfo = `Progress: ${progress}%` // Compensate for async if (progress === 100) { for (const result of summary.results) { const match =\((\d+) threads\)/) if (!match || !match[1] || isNaN(+match[1])) continue result.ops *= +match[1] } } // Re-map fastest/slowest const fastest = summary.results.reduce( (prev, next, index) => { return next.ops > prev.ops ? { ops: next.ops, index, name: } : prev }, { ops: 0, index: 0, name: '' }, ) const slowest = summary.results.reduce( (prev, next, index) => { return next.ops < prev.ops ? { ops: next.ops, index, name: } : prev }, { ops: Infinity, index: 0, name: '' }, ) summary.fastest = fastest summary.slowest = slowest summary.results.forEach((result, index) => { result.percentSlower = index === fastest.index ? 0 : Number(((1 - result.ops / fastest.ops) * 100).toFixed(2)) }) const output = summary.results .map((item, index) => { const ops = format(item.ops) const margin = item.margin.toFixed(2) return item.samples ? kleur.cyan(`\n ${}:\n`) + ` ${ops} ops/s, ±${margin}% ${allCompleted ? getStatus(item, index, summary, ops, fastestOps) : ''}` : null }) .filter((item) => item != null) .join('\n') return `${progressInfo}\n${output}` }), b.complete(), ) } run().catch((e) => { console.error(e) }) function getStatus(item: CaseResultWithDiff, index: number, summary: Summary, ops: string, fastestOps: string) { const isFastest = index === summary.fastest.index const isSlowest = index === summary.slowest.index const statusShift = fastestOps.length - ops.length + 2 return ( ' '.repeat(statusShift) + (isFastest ?'| fastest') : isSlowest ?`| slowest, ${item.percentSlower}% slower`) : kleur.yellow(`| ${item.percentSlower}% slower`)) ) }