#+TITLE: FF * Goal of this Project The main goal of this project is to make it easy to find files in a directory. Rather than listing the files of the directory and either searching the file through them by using grep or your eyes can be a pain. ff reduces that pain by accomplishing the task using a single command making it really easy * Features Blazingly fast Easiness of searching files throughout your filesystem * Installtion and usage ** Compiling from source Clone the repo using #+begin_src bash git clone https://github.com/Gokul2406/ff #+end_src Then run #+begin_src bash cargo install --path . #+end_src You are ready to go ** Binary Installation You can download the binary from crates.io using the command #+begin_src cargo install ff-util #+end_src Also you can install it from the release page of the repository ** Usage Run #+begin_src bash ff [PATH] [FILE/FILE-EXTENSION] #+end_src