// Copyright (c) 2016 DWANGO Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved. // See the LICENSE file at the top-level directory of this distribution. extern crate fibers; extern crate futures; use fibers::net::UdpSocket; use fibers::sync::oneshot; use fibers::{Executor, InPlaceExecutor, Spawn}; use futures::Future; fn main() { let mut executor = InPlaceExecutor::new().unwrap(); let (addr_tx, addr_rx) = oneshot::channel(); // Spawns receiver let mut monitor = executor.spawn_monitor( UdpSocket::bind("".parse().unwrap()) .and_then(|socket| { addr_tx.send(socket.local_addr().unwrap()).unwrap(); socket.recv_from(vec![0; 32]).map_err(|(_, _, e)| e) }) .and_then(|(_, mut buf, len, addr)| { println!("# Recv from: {}", addr); buf.truncate(len); assert_eq!(buf, b"hello world"); Ok(()) }), ); // Spawns sender executor.spawn( addr_rx .map_err(|e| panic!("{:?}", e)) .and_then(|receiver_addr| { UdpSocket::bind("".parse().unwrap()) .and_then(move |socket| { println!("# Send to: {}", receiver_addr); socket .send_to(b"hello world", receiver_addr) .map_err(|e| panic!("{:?}", e)) }) .map_err(|e| panic!("{:?}", e)) .map(|_| ()) }), ); // Runs until the receiver fiber exits. while monitor.poll().unwrap().is_not_ready() { executor.run_once().unwrap(); } println!("# Succeeded"); }