use core::time; use crossbeam::{sync, thread}; use num_cpus; use parking_lot::Mutex; use std::sync::{ atomic::{AtomicBool, AtomicI32, Ordering}, Arc, }; mod syncish; #[test] fn non_threaded() { let sync = syncish::Foo::new(); assert!(!sync.has_foo(), "foo is not initialized yet"); assert_eq!(*, "Foo with bar=42".to_string(), "built foo"); assert!(sync.has_foo(), "foo has been built"); assert!(sync.has_bar(), "bar has been built"); assert_eq!(sync.clear_bar(), Some(42), "cleared bar"); assert!(!sync.has_bar(), "bar has been cleared"); assert_eq!( *, "Foo with bar=42".to_string(), "foo is unchanged after clearng bar" ); assert!(!sync.has_bar(), "reading uncleared foo does not trigger bar building"); assert_eq!(sync.set_bar(12), None, "set bar"); assert!(sync.has_bar(), "bar now has a value"); assert_eq!(sync.clear_foo(), Some(String::from("Foo with bar=42")), "cleared foo"); assert!(!sync.has_foo(), "foo has been cleared"); assert_eq!( *, String::from("Foo with bar=12"), "manually set bar is used to rebuild foo" ); { let mut wrbar = sync.write_bar();; sync.clear_foo(); } assert_eq!( *, String::from("Foo with bar=666"), "manually set bar using write lock" ); assert_eq!( *sync.fubar(), String::from("fufubarik!"), "fubar initial values is the default" ); assert_eq!(sync.clear_fubar(), Some(String::from("fufubarik!")), "cleared fubar"); assert_eq!(*sync.fubar(), String::from("аби було"), "built fubar"); } #[test] fn non_lazy() { let sync = syncish::Foo::new(); assert_eq!( *sync.read_baz(), Some(String::from("bazzification")), "initially set to a default" ); assert_eq!(sync.clear_baz(), Some(String::from("bazzification")), "cleared"); assert!(!sync.has_baz(), "empty after clear"); { let mut wrg = sync.write_baz(); *wrg = Some("bazzish".to_string()); } assert_eq!(*sync.read_baz(), Some(String::from("bazzish")), "set to a new value"); assert_eq!( sync.set_baz("bazzuka".to_string()), Some("bazzish".to_string()), "setter returns old value" ); assert_eq!(*sync.read_baz(), Some(String::from("bazzuka")), "set with a setter"); } #[test] fn threaded() { thread::scope(|s| { let thread_count = num_cpus::get() * 2; let sync = Arc::new(syncish::Foo::new()); let wg = sync::WaitGroup::new(); let stop = Arc::new(AtomicBool::new(false)); let next_bar = Arc::new(Mutex::new(100)); let cleared = Arc::new(AtomicI32::new(0)); let expected_foo = Arc::new(Mutex::new(String::from("Foo with bar=42"))); let mut thandles: Vec> = vec![]; for thread_id in 0..thread_count { let scopy = Arc::clone(&sync); let twg = wg.clone(); let tstop = stop.clone(); let texpect = expected_foo.clone(); let tcleared = cleared.clone(); let tnext_bar = next_bar.clone(); thandles.push(s.spawn(move |_| { twg.wait(); let mut i = 0; while !tstop.load(Ordering::Relaxed) { i += 1; eprintln!("[{:>4}] {:?}", thread_id,; assert_eq!(*, (*texpect.lock().clone()), "foo value"); if (i % 13) == 0 { eprintln!("Time to clear for {} since {} % 13 == {}", thread_id, i, i % 13); // Prevent other threads from accessing foo untils we're done updating bar let lock_foo = scopy.write_foo(); let mut wnext = tnext_bar.lock(); *wnext += 1; scopy.set_next_bar(*wnext); scopy.clear_bar(); assert!(!scopy.has_bar(), "bar is cleared and stays so until foo is unlocked"); tcleared.fetch_add(1, Ordering::SeqCst); *texpect.lock() = format!("Foo with bar={}", *wnext).to_string(); lock_foo.clear(); eprintln!("Now should expect for '{}' // {}", *texpect.lock(), scopy.has_foo()); } } eprintln!("[{:>4}] done", thread_id); })); } wg.wait(); std::thread::sleep(time::Duration::from_millis(100));, Ordering::Relaxed); for thandle in thandles { thandle.join().expect("thread join failed"); } // There is a chance for two or more consecutive clears to take place before a build is invoked. let clear_count = cleared.load(Ordering::SeqCst); let build_count = sync.bar_builds(); assert!( clear_count >= build_count, "there were no more builds than clears ({} vs. {})", clear_count, build_count ); }) .unwrap(); }