## Installation
- Create a folder and inside the folder run,
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Pradeep-selva/filx/master/filx
- Give the "filx" binary file executable permissions using,
chmod +x filx
- Add file to path. To add filx to your current shell run,
export PATH="$HOME/:$PATH"
- To add file to path permanently, add the above line to your `~/.bash_profile` or `~/.profile`
- Run the following command
curl -LSfs https://japaric.github.io/trust/install.sh | sh -s -- --git Pradeep-selva/filx
- Add the binary to your path.
- Install rust, rustup and cargo, using,
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf https://sh.rustup.rs | sh
- Using cargo, install the filx crate, using,
cargo install filx
## Usage
- The following is the list of available commands, options and flags --