#### Finance Rust finance-rust is a simple common finance mathematics in rust.Its cloning form [http://financejs.org/](http://financejs.org/). The create includes some finance mathematics theory & formula (eg: CAGR,CI,LR,PI,AM etc.). #### Supported Functions * [x] Amortization(AM) * [x] Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) * [x] Compound Interest(CI) * [x] Discount Factor (DF) * [x] Future Value (FV) * [x] Internal Rate of Return (IRR) * [x] Leverage Ratio (LR) * [x] Net Present Value (NPV) * [x] Payback Period (PP) * [x] Present Value (PV) * [x] Profitability Index (PI) * [x] Return on Investment (ROI) * [x] Rule of 72 (R72) * [x] Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC) #### Documention [http://blog.pownm.com/finance-rust/finance/](http://blog.pownm.com/finance-rust/finance/). #### Todo * [] More Functions * [] Generic numbers support.