# find_latest_nav_site A web site to find latest nav for the given ISIN code or Scheme code; in fact, it fetches entire list of latest NAV from https://www.amfiindia.com/; store it into a SQLite database; thereafter, for each request, shows only rows that are relevant to the given ISIN codes or Scheme Codes. # Goals Developed with following goals in mind: 1. Learn Rust language 2. Learn Web App in Rust language 3. NAV list for a given ISIN codes rather than entire list found in amfiindia website; this in turn can slightly improve performance while opening along with mutual fund's tracking sheet; with this app, it loads only 10 to 20 rows, rather than entire list of approximately 5000 rows. # How to use it (in a browser) 1. Clone or download this app 2. Edit **Settings.toml** for folder names, database name (yearly database), ip address, ip port, etc 3. Build the executable file using: **$Cargo build --release** 4. Copy following files/folder into a separate folder say "~/projects" - target/release/find_latest_nav_site - templates folder - Settings.toml file 5. Edit **find_latest_nav_site.service** for folder names and follow instructions in it to run this app as a service in linux 6. Assuming entries in Settings.toml file for ip address and port as and 4000, open the web browser and enter url as Browser then shows a text field to enter ISIN codes. Enter ISIN codes such as INF109KC1TX2 INF173K01MT0 and click on search icon. The result will appear under NAV Details. 7. Alternately, ISIN codes can be entered in the URL itself as,INF173K01MT0. This shows a list similar to AMFI website list. This list can be saved into a local folder using shell script as: > In a file name, such as nav.sh, enter following row > **curl,INF173K01MT0 --output NAV.csv** > Please note that .csv extension in NAV.csv; so as to use it as a spreadsheet or to link it with another spread sheet. # How to use it (in command line) Please refer: _https://github.com/mohankumaranna/find_latest_nav_ # Example A working web applications can be found at the following link; running in a digital ocean's droplet: [find latest NAV site](http://nav.eastgate.in) # Tools In case of running multiple web applications on different ports, a traffic router can be used. Please refer: _https://github.com/mohankumaranna/traffic_router_ # License MIT