use crate::{ instance::{Instance, NodeIdx}, lower_bound::{self, PackingBound}, reductions::{self, ReductionResult}, report::{ReductionStats, Report, RootBounds, RuntimeStats, Settings, UpperBoundImprovement}, small_indices::{IdxHashSet, SmallIdx}, }; use anyhow::{ensure, Result}; use log::{debug, info, trace, warn}; use std::time::Instant; const ITERATION_LOG_INTERVAL_SECS: u64 = 60; #[derive(Debug, Clone)] pub struct State { pub partial_hs: Vec, pub minimum_hs: Vec, pub solve_start_time: Instant, pub last_log_time: Instant, } #[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)] enum Status { /// Continue solving to search for smaller hitting sets Continue, /// A hitting set smaller or equal to the stopping size has been found Stop, } fn branch_on( node: NodeIdx, instance: &mut Instance, state: &mut State, report: &mut Report, ) -> Status { trace!("Branching on {}", node); report.branching_steps += 1; instance.delete_node(node); instance.delete_incident_edges(node); state.partial_hs.push(node); let status_without = solve_recursive(instance, state, report); debug_assert_eq!(state.partial_hs.last().copied(), Some(node)); state.partial_hs.pop(); instance.restore_incident_edges(node); if status_without == Status::Stop { instance.restore_node(node); return Status::Stop; } let status_with = solve_recursive(instance, state, report); instance.restore_node(node); status_with } fn solve_recursive(instance: &mut Instance, state: &mut State, report: &mut Report) -> Status { let now = Instant::now(); if (now - state.last_log_time).as_secs() >= ITERATION_LOG_INTERVAL_SECS { info!( "Running on {} for {} branching steps", &report.file_name, report.branching_steps ); state.last_log_time = now; } let (reduction_result, reduction) = reductions::reduce(instance, state, report); let status = match reduction_result { ReductionResult::Solved => { if state.partial_hs.len() < state.minimum_hs.len() { info!("Found HS of size {} by branching", state.partial_hs.len()); state.minimum_hs.clear(); state.minimum_hs.extend(state.partial_hs.iter().copied()); report.upper_bound_improvements.push(UpperBoundImprovement { new_bound: state.minimum_hs.len(), branching_steps: report.branching_steps, runtime: state.solve_start_time.elapsed(), }); } else { warn!( "Found HS is not smaller than best known ({} vs. {}), should have been pruned", state.partial_hs.len(), state.minimum_hs.len(), ); } if state.minimum_hs.len() <= report.settings.stop_at { Status::Stop } else { Status::Continue } } ReductionResult::Unsolvable => Status::Continue, ReductionResult::Stop => Status::Stop, ReductionResult::Finished => { let node = instance .nodes() .iter() .copied() .max_by_key(|&node| instance.node_degree(node)) .expect("Branching on an empty instance"); branch_on(node, instance, state, report) } }; reduction.restore(instance, &mut state.partial_hs); status } fn is_hitting_set(hs: &[NodeIdx], instance: &Instance) -> bool { let hs_set: IdxHashSet<_> = hs.iter().copied().collect(); instance .edges() .iter() .all(|&edge| instance.edge(edge).any(|node| hs_set.contains(&node))) } fn get_initial_hitting_set(instance: &Instance, settings: &Settings) -> Result> { if let Some(initial_hs) = &settings.initial_hitting_set { info!("Using initial hitting set from settings"); debug!("Validating initial hitting set from settings"); for &node in initial_hs { ensure!( node.idx() < instance.num_nodes_total(), "node index {} out of bounds in initial hitting set", node ); } ensure!( is_hitting_set(initial_hs, instance), "initial hitting set is not valid" ); Ok(initial_hs.clone()) } else { Ok(instance.nodes().to_vec()) } } fn calculate_root_bounds(instance: &Instance, settings: &Settings) -> RootBounds { let num_nodes = instance.num_nodes_total(); let root_packing = PackingBound::new(instance, settings); RootBounds { max_degree: lower_bound::calc_max_degree_bound(instance).unwrap_or(num_nodes), sum_degree: lower_bound::calc_sum_degree_bound(instance), efficiency: lower_bound::calc_efficiency_bound(instance) .0 .round() .unwrap_or(num_nodes), packing: root_packing.bound(), sum_over_packing: root_packing.calc_sum_over_packing_bound(instance), greedy_upper: reductions::calc_greedy_approximation(instance).len(), } } pub fn solve( mut instance: Instance, file_name: String, settings: Settings, ) -> Result<(Vec, Report)> { let initial_hs = get_initial_hitting_set(&instance, &settings)?; let root_bounds = calculate_root_bounds(&instance, &settings); let packing_from_scratch_limit = settings.packing_from_scratch_limit; let mut report = Report { file_name, opt: initial_hs.len(), branching_steps: 0, settings, root_bounds, runtimes: RuntimeStats::default(), reductions: ReductionStats::new(packing_from_scratch_limit), upper_bound_improvements: Vec::new(), }; let mut state = State { partial_hs: Vec::new(), minimum_hs: initial_hs, last_log_time: Instant::now(), solve_start_time: Instant::now(), }; let status = solve_recursive(&mut instance, &mut state, &mut report); = state.solve_start_time.elapsed(); report.opt = state.minimum_hs.len(); info!("Validating found hitting set"); assert_eq!(instance.num_nodes_total(), instance.nodes().len()); assert_eq!(instance.num_edges_total(), instance.edges().len()); assert!(is_hitting_set(&state.minimum_hs, &instance)); if status == Status::Continue { info!( "Found minimum hitting set in {:.2?} and {} branching steps",, report.branching_steps ); } else { info!( "Found hitting set <= {} in {:.2?} and {} branching steps", report.settings.stop_at,, report.branching_steps ); } debug!("Final HS (size {}): {:?}", report.opt, &state.minimum_hs); Ok((state.minimum_hs, report)) }