module type RepType = sig type t val mantissa : int val zero : t val min_int : t val max_int : t val pos_nan : t val neg_nan : t val bare_nan : t val bits_of_float : float -> t val float_of_bits : t -> float val of_string : string -> t val to_string : t -> string val to_hex_string : t -> string val lognot : t -> t val logand : t -> t -> t val logor : t -> t -> t val logxor : t -> t -> t end module type S = sig type t type bits val pos_nan : t val neg_nan : t val is_inf : t -> bool val is_nan : t -> bool val of_float : float -> t val to_float : t -> float val of_string : string -> t val to_string : t -> string val to_hex_string : t -> string val of_bits : bits -> t val to_bits : t -> bits val add : t -> t -> t val sub : t -> t -> t val mul : t -> t -> t val div : t -> t -> t val sqrt : t -> t val min : t -> t -> t val max : t -> t -> t val ceil : t -> t val floor : t -> t val trunc : t -> t val nearest : t -> t val abs : t -> t val neg : t -> t val copysign : t -> t -> t val eq : t -> t -> bool val ne : t -> t -> bool val lt : t -> t -> bool val le : t -> t -> bool val gt : t -> t -> bool val ge : t -> t -> bool val zero : t end module Make (Rep : RepType) : S with type bits = Rep.t = struct let _ = assert (Rep.mantissa <= 52) type t = Rep.t type bits = Rep.t let pos_inf = Rep.bits_of_float (1.0 /. 0.0) let neg_inf = Rep.bits_of_float (-. (1.0 /. 0.0)) let pos_nan = Rep.pos_nan let neg_nan = Rep.neg_nan let bare_nan = Rep.bare_nan let of_float = Rep.bits_of_float let to_float = Rep.float_of_bits let of_bits x = x let to_bits x = x let is_inf x = x = pos_inf || x = neg_inf let is_nan x = let xf = Rep.float_of_bits x in xf <> xf (* * When the result of an arithmetic operation is NaN, the most significant * bit of the significand field is set. *) let canonicalize_nan x = Rep.logor x Rep.pos_nan (* * When the result of a binary operation is NaN, the resulting NaN is computed * from one of the NaN inputs, if there is one. If both are NaN, one is * selected nondeterminstically. If neither, we use a default NaN value. *) let determine_binary_nan x y = (* * TODO: There are two nondeterministic things we could do here. When both * x and y are NaN, we can nondeterministically pick which to return. And * when neither is NaN, we can nondeterministically pick whether to return * pos_nan or neg_nan. *) let nan = if is_nan x then x else if is_nan y then y else Rep.pos_nan in canonicalize_nan nan (* * When the result of a unary operation is NaN, the resulting NaN is computed * from one of the NaN input, if there it is NaN. Otherwise, we use a default * NaN value. *) let determine_unary_nan x = (* * TODO: There is one nondeterministic thing we could do here. When the * operand is not NaN, we can nondeterministically pick whether to return * pos_nan or neg_nan. *) let nan = if is_nan x then x else Rep.pos_nan in canonicalize_nan nan let binary x op y = let xf = to_float x in let yf = to_float y in let t = op xf yf in if t = t then of_float t else determine_binary_nan x y let unary op x = let t = op (to_float x) in if t = t then of_float t else determine_unary_nan x let zero = of_float 0.0 let add x y = binary x (+.) y let sub x y = binary x (-.) y let mul x y = binary x ( *.) y let div x y = binary x (/.) y let sqrt x = unary Stdlib.sqrt x let ceil x = unary Stdlib.ceil x let floor x = unary Stdlib.floor x let trunc x = let xf = to_float x in (* preserve the sign of zero *) if xf = 0.0 then x else (* trunc is either ceil or floor depending on which one is toward zero *) let f = if xf < 0.0 then Stdlib.ceil xf else Stdlib.floor xf in let result = of_float f in if is_nan result then determine_unary_nan result else result let nearest x = let xf = to_float x in (* preserve the sign of zero *) if xf = 0.0 then x else (* nearest is either ceil or floor depending on which is nearest or even *) let u = Stdlib.ceil xf in let d = Stdlib.floor xf in let um = abs_float (xf -. u) in let dm = abs_float (xf -. d) in let u_or_d = um < dm || um = dm && let h = u /. 2. in Stdlib.floor h = h in let f = if u_or_d then u else d in let result = of_float f in if is_nan result then determine_unary_nan result else result let min x y = let xf = to_float x in let yf = to_float y in (* min -0 0 is -0 *) if xf = yf then Rep.logor x y else if xf < yf then x else if xf > yf then y else determine_binary_nan x y let max x y = let xf = to_float x in let yf = to_float y in (* max -0 0 is 0 *) if xf = yf then Rep.logand x y else if xf > yf then x else if xf < yf then y else determine_binary_nan x y (* abs, neg, copysign are purely bitwise operations, even on NaN values *) let abs x = Rep.logand x Rep.max_int let neg x = Rep.logxor x Rep.min_int let copysign x y = Rep.logor (abs x) (Rep.logand y Rep.min_int) let eq x y = (to_float x = to_float y) let ne x y = (to_float x <> to_float y) let lt x y = (to_float x < to_float y) let gt x y = (to_float x > to_float y) let le x y = (to_float x <= to_float y) let ge x y = (to_float x >= to_float y) (* * Compare mantissa of two floats in string representation (hex or dec). * This is a gross hack to detect rounding during parsing of floats. *) let is_hex c = ('0' <= c && c <= '9') || ('A' <= c && c <= 'F') let is_exp hex c = (c = if hex then 'P' else 'E') let at_end hex s i = (i = String.length s) || is_exp hex s.[i] let rec skip_non_hex s i = (* to skip sign, 'x', '.', '_', etc. *) if at_end true s i || is_hex s.[i] then i else skip_non_hex s (i + 1) let rec skip_zeroes s i = let i' = skip_non_hex s i in if at_end true s i' || s.[i'] <> '0' then i' else skip_zeroes s (i' + 1) let rec compare_mantissa_str' hex s1 i1 s2 i2 = let i1' = skip_non_hex s1 i1 in let i2' = skip_non_hex s2 i2 in match at_end hex s1 i1', at_end hex s2 i2' with | true, true -> 0 | true, false -> if at_end hex s2 (skip_zeroes s2 i2') then 0 else -1 | false, true -> if at_end hex s1 (skip_zeroes s1 i1') then 0 else +1 | false, false -> match compare s1.[i1'] s2.[i2'] with | 0 -> compare_mantissa_str' hex s1 (i1' + 1) s2 (i2' + 1) | n -> n let compare_mantissa_str hex s1 s2 = let s1' = String.uppercase_ascii s1 in let s2' = String.uppercase_ascii s2 in compare_mantissa_str' hex s1' (skip_zeroes s1' 0) s2' (skip_zeroes s2' 0) (* * Convert a string to a float in target precision by going through * OCaml's 64 bit floats. This may incur double rounding errors in edge * cases, i.e., when rounding to target precision involves a tie that * was created by earlier rounding during parsing to float. If both * end up rounding in the same direction, we would "over round". * This function tries to detect this case and correct accordingly. *) let float_of_string_prevent_double_rounding s = (* First parse to a 64 bit float. *) let z = float_of_string s in (* If value is already infinite we are done. *) if abs_float z = 1.0 /. 0.0 then z else (* Else, bit twiddling to see what rounding to target precision will do. *) let open Int64 in let bits = bits_of_float z in let lsb = shift_left 1L (52 - Rep.mantissa) in (* Check for tie, i.e. whether the bits right of target LSB are 10000... *) let tie = shift_right lsb 1 in let mask = lognot (shift_left (-1L) (52 - Rep.mantissa)) in (* If we have no tie, we are good. *) if logand bits mask <> tie then z else (* Else, define epsilon to be the value of the tie bit. *) let exp = float_of_bits (logand bits 0xfff0_0000_0000_0000L) in let eps = float_of_bits (logor tie (bits_of_float exp)) -. exp in (* Convert 64 bit float back to string to compare to input. *) let hex = String.contains s 'x' in let s' = if not hex then Printf.sprintf "%.*g" (String.length s) z else let m = logor (logand bits 0xf_ffff_ffff_ffffL) 0x10_0000_0000_0000L in (* Shift mantissa to match msb position in most significant hex digit *) let i = skip_zeroes (String.uppercase_ascii s) 0 in if i = String.length s then Printf.sprintf "%.*g" (String.length s) z else let sh = match s.[i] with '1' -> 0 | '2'..'3' -> 1 | '4'..'7' -> 2 | _ -> 3 in Printf.sprintf "%Lx" (shift_left m sh) in (* - If mantissa became larger, float was rounded up to tie already; * round-to-even might round up again: sub epsilon to round down. * - If mantissa became smaller, float was rounded down to tie already; * round-to-even migth round down again: add epsilon to round up. * - If tie is not the result of prior rounding, then we are good. *) match compare_mantissa_str hex s s' with | -1 -> z -. eps | +1 -> z +. eps | _ -> z let of_signless_string s = if s = "inf" then pos_inf else if s = "nan" then pos_nan else if String.length s > 6 && String.sub s 0 6 = "nan:0x" then let x = Rep.of_string (String.sub s 4 (String.length s - 4)) in if x = then raise (Failure "nan payload must not be zero") else if Rep.logand x bare_nan <> then raise (Failure "nan payload must not overlap with exponent bits") else if x < then raise (Failure "nan payload must not overlap with sign bit") else Rep.logor x bare_nan else let s' = String.concat "" (String.split_on_char '_' s) in let x = of_float (float_of_string_prevent_double_rounding s') in if is_inf x then failwith "of_string" else x let of_string s = if s = "" then failwith "of_string" else if s.[0] = '+' || s.[0] = '-' then let x = of_signless_string (String.sub s 1 (String.length s - 1)) in if s.[0] = '+' then x else neg x else of_signless_string s (* String conversion that groups digits for readability *) let is_digit c = '0' <= c && c <= '9' let is_hex_digit c = is_digit c || 'a' <= c && c <= 'f' let rec add_digits buf s i j k n = if i < j then begin if k = 0 then Buffer.add_char buf '_'; Buffer.add_char buf s.[i]; add_digits buf s (i + 1) j ((k + n - 1) mod n) n end let group_digits is_digit n s = let isnt_digit c = not (is_digit c) in let len = String.length s in let x = Lib.Option.get (Lib.String.find_from_opt ((=) 'x') s 0) 0 in let mant = Lib.Option.get (Lib.String.find_from_opt is_digit s x) len in let point = Lib.Option.get (Lib.String.find_from_opt isnt_digit s mant) len in let frac = Lib.Option.get (Lib.String.find_from_opt is_digit s point) len in let exp = Lib.Option.get (Lib.String.find_from_opt isnt_digit s frac) len in let buf = Buffer.create (len*(n+1)/n) in Buffer.add_substring buf s 0 mant; add_digits buf s mant point ((point - mant) mod n + n) n; Buffer.add_substring buf s point (frac - point); add_digits buf s frac exp n n; Buffer.add_substring buf s exp (len - exp); Buffer.contents buf let to_string' convert is_digit n x = (if x < then "-" else "") ^ if is_nan x then let payload = Rep.logand (abs x) (Rep.lognot bare_nan) in "nan:0x" ^ group_digits is_hex_digit 4 (Rep.to_hex_string payload) else let s = convert (to_float (abs x)) in group_digits is_digit n (if s.[String.length s - 1] = '.' then s ^ "0" else s) let to_string = to_string' (Printf.sprintf "%.17g") is_digit 3 let to_hex_string x = if is_inf x then to_string x else to_string' (Printf.sprintf "%h") is_hex_digit 4 x end