(* * Simple collection of functions useful for writing test cases. *) open Types open Values open Instance let global (GlobalType (t, _) as gt) = let v = match t with | NumType I32Type -> Num (I32 666l) | NumType I64Type -> Num (I64 666L) | NumType F32Type -> Num (F32 (F32.of_float 666.6)) | NumType F64Type -> Num (F64 (F64.of_float 666.6)) | VecType V128Type -> Vec (V128 (V128.I32x4.of_lanes [666l; 666l; 666l; 666l])) | RefType t -> Ref (NullRef t) in Global.alloc gt v let table = Table.alloc (TableType ({min = 10l; max = Some 20l}, FuncRefType)) (NullRef FuncRefType) let memory = Memory.alloc (MemoryType {min = 1l; max = Some 2l}) let func f t = Func.alloc_host t (f t) let print_value v = Printf.printf "%s : %s\n" (Values.string_of_value v) (Types.string_of_value_type (Values.type_of_value v)) let print (FuncType (_, out)) vs = List.iter print_value vs; flush_all (); List.map default_value out let lookup name t = match Utf8.encode name, t with | "finite_wasm_gas", _ -> ExternFunc Func.GasIntrinsic | "finite_wasm_stack", _ -> ExternFunc Func.StackIntrinsic | "finite_wasm_unstack", _ -> ExternFunc Func.UnstackIntrinsic | "print", _ -> ExternFunc (func print (FuncType ([], []))) | "print_i32", _ -> ExternFunc (func print (FuncType ([NumType I32Type], []))) | "print_i64", _ -> ExternFunc (func print (FuncType ([NumType I64Type], []))) | "print_f32", _ -> ExternFunc (func print (FuncType ([NumType F32Type], []))) | "print_f64", _ -> ExternFunc (func print (FuncType ([NumType F64Type], []))) | "print_i32_f32", _ -> ExternFunc (func print (FuncType ([NumType I32Type; NumType F32Type], []))) | "print_f64_f64", _ -> ExternFunc (func print (FuncType ([NumType F64Type; NumType F64Type], []))) | "global_i32", _ -> ExternGlobal (global (GlobalType (NumType I32Type, Immutable))) | "global_i64", _ -> ExternGlobal (global (GlobalType (NumType I64Type, Immutable))) | "global_f32", _ -> ExternGlobal (global (GlobalType (NumType F32Type, Immutable))) | "global_f64", _ -> ExternGlobal (global (GlobalType (NumType F64Type, Immutable))) | "table", _ -> ExternTable table | "memory", _ -> ExternMemory memory | _ -> raise Not_found